#Meditation mantra hare krishna iskcon etno croatia prabhupada world music india

Brisbane Temple Opening - Bhavananda Visit - Chanel Seven News 01:04

Brisbane Temple Opening - Bhavananda Visit - Chanel Seven News

Channel Seven News covers Bhavananda visiting Brisbane to open the new temple.

Moomba Kirtan Melbourne Camera Original Unedited 23:18

Moomba Kirtan Melbourne Camera Original Unedited

ISKCON Melbourne's 1985 Moomba float

New Zealand Padayatra -- Manah-Siksha - Prananatha 09:32

New Zealand Padayatra -- Manah-Siksha - Prananatha

A short video summarizing the New Zealand Padayatra with music Manah Siksha produced by Prananatha. Dedicated to all the sankirtan devotees who are spreading the message of Sri Caitanya to every town and village. All glories to Sri Sri Guru

Ramayana Play in French New Maypur 1985.m4v 57:45

Ramayana Play in French New Maypur 1985.m4v

ISKCON Devotees at New Mayapur, France, present The Ramayana as a stage play. Very nice production in French.

Lord Nrsimhadeva Play New Govardhana, Australia May 1991 1:06:37

Lord Nrsimhadeva Play New Govardhana, Australia May 1991

Fantastic play put on by the Australian New Govardhan ISKCON farm devotees. The appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva. Features many of the New Govardhan devotees including the gurukul students.

Appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva Play New Mayapur France 1985 Indradyumuna Swami.m4v 1:37:14

Appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva Play New Mayapur France 1985 Indradyumu

The French ISKCON devotees present the drama of the appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva on stage. A nicely presented show, but not as good as the Australian devotees production of this play, in my opinion.

First ITV Film Festival in Mayapur 1:15:55

First ITV Film Festival in Mayapur

Nrsimhananda Prabhu presents the first ITV Film Festival in Mayapur. Very nice, well produced, entertaining program.

Sadhus The Holy Men Risikesh and Prayag Kumba-Mela 1989 49:01

Sadhus The Holy Men Risikesh and Prayag Kumba-Mela 1989

Sadhus The Holy Men Risikesh and Prayag Kumba-Mela 1989

Kaunas Russian Rathayatra 1989 1:16:40

Kaunas Russian Rathayatra 1989

Rathayatra Festival in Russia, Kaunas, 1989

Vrindavan -- Animals of--Squirrels of Vrindavan 02:36

Vrindavan -- Animals of--Squirrels of Vrindavan

ISKCON Gurukulis make films of the animals of Vrindavan, this one is on the Squirrels of Vrindavan.

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  • 7 years ago