#Western kirtan iskcon hare krsna rama vrindavana bhajan spiritual prabhupada hari

Australian Television Station anouncing Gaura Purnima 00:25

Australian Television Station anouncing Gaura Purnima

In the 1980s the Hare Krishna movement was so prominent and newsworthy that Television stations were announcing the Gaura Purnima Festival.

Children of Krishna 60 Minutes 1980 15:23

Children of Krishna 60 Minutes 1980

Australia's 60 Minutes 'Children of Krishna' from 1980. Classic television program documenting the Gurukul at ISKCON's Australian farm community, New Govardhan.

Kings Cross Food For Life  News Emergency Aid Cut Off 01:19

Kings Cross Food For Life News Emergency Aid Cut Off

During October of 1985 the Australian government cut off the funding for many services providing emergency food assistance to homeless people in Sydney. This caused a massive increase in the number of people using the ISKCON Food For Life S

Kings Cross Food For Life Early News Clip Citahari Interview 01:31

Kings Cross Food For Life Early News Clip Citahari Interview

Television news interviews Citahari Prabhu, Temple President of ISKCON Sydney, in mid-1980s about the Kings Cross Food For Life prasadam distribution program.

ABC Television Test Pattern 01:27

ABC Television Test Pattern

Even the television test patterns in Australia in the 1980s were accompanied with the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. In those days TV was not broadcast 24 hours a day, so when there was no program they would broadcast a test pattern,

Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s 05:26

Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s

Television program 'State Affair' on Chanel 7 covers the Adelaide City Council's ban on chanting Hare Krishna in the city.

Russian Devotees are Free! - Good Morning Australia 03:31

Russian Devotees are Free! - Good Morning Australia

The biggest Australian breakfast television show, 'Good Morning Australia' celebrates the freedom of the Russian Hare Krishna devotees who had be put into psychiatric hospitals and tortured by the Russian communist government.

We Want to See 21st Centuray Film Clip -- Prahlad and the Krishna Kids 05:17

We Want to See 21st Centuray Film Clip -- Prahlad and the Krishna Kids

In his effort to get the Russian Hare Krishna devotees freed from prisons and mental hospitals Prahlada, after the success of his song aimed at Mikhail Gorbachev, the President of Russia, produced this song aimed at Ronald Regan, the Presid

The Beginning of The Golden Age - Prahlad and the Krishna Kids 21:49

The Beginning of The Golden Age - Prahlad and the Krishna Kids

A nicely produced documentary covering the campaign of Prahlad and the Krishna Kids which ultimately led to the Communist Russian government freeing the Hare Krishna devotees they had imprisoned in mental hospitals. Produced by Majestic Fil

Prahlada Interviewed by Ten News (Sydney) 01:04

Prahlada Interviewed by Ten News (Sydney)

Prahlada interviewed by Ten News in Sydney on freeing the Russian Hare Krishna devotees in Soviet Union.

New Govardhana Expansion Plans Good Morning Australia 02:49

New Govardhana Expansion Plans Good Morning Australia

Good Morning Australia interviews the devotees at the ISKCON New Govardhan Farm about their proposed expansion and the problems getting the local council to approve their plans. This is part of a national public relations program which forc

New Govardhana - A Fair Dinkum Aussie Farm 07:10

New Govardhana - A Fair Dinkum Aussie Farm

Television coverage of the Hare Krishna farm in Australia, New Govardhan, A Fair-Dinkum Aussie Farm.

Opening of Kings Cross Temple Sydney 1983 ABC News 00:53

Opening of Kings Cross Temple Sydney 1983 ABC News

Australian National Televison (ABC) covers Visnupada (Bhavananda) opening the Kings Cross Temple in Sydney in 1983.

Bhavananda Visits New Govardhan and Cancels the weddings in 1983 00:56

Bhavananda Visits New Govardhan and Cancels the weddings in 1983

Bhavananda visits ISKCON's New Govardhan farm community in Northern New South Wales Australia to perform some marriages of his disciples but he decides to cancel the weddings. This is television news coverage.

Bhavananda Visits New Govardhana Australia on Eyewitness News 02:36

Bhavananda Visits New Govardhana Australia on Eyewitness News

Eyewitness news covers Bhavananda's visit to New Govardhan, ISKCON's farm community in Northern New South Wales, Australia.

Australian Religion TV Program on Krishna Leader Bhavananda 08:24

Australian Religion TV Program on Krishna Leader Bhavananda

An Australian religious television program covers one of Bhavananda's visits to Australia.

Opening of Kings Cross Temple Sydney 1983 Live on Channel Nine Morning Show 05:57

Opening of Kings Cross Temple Sydney 1983 Live on Channel Nine Morning

Australian national morning television show crosses live to the ISKCON temple to cover the morning program and Bhavananda's visit.

Bhavananda in Brisbane Australia on Today Tonight 06:04

Bhavananda in Brisbane Australia on Today Tonight

Queensland's Today Tonight televison news covers Bhavananda's visit to Brisbane.

Brisbane Temple Opening - Bhavananda Visit - Chanel Seven News 01:04

Brisbane Temple Opening - Bhavananda Visit - Chanel Seven News

Channel Seven News covers Bhavananda visiting Brisbane to open the new temple.

Travelling Temple Video Clip 'In Every Town and Village' -- Gaura Gopal 03:42

Travelling Temple Video Clip 'In Every Town and Village' -- Gaura Gopa

Gaura Gopal sings 'In Every Town and Village', the theme song of the Australian Traveling Temple. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Recording Travelling Temple and Leaders of USSR 01:11

Traveling Temple Australia -- Recording Travelling Temple and Leaders

Television news coverage of Gaura Gopal recording the two songs, 'In Every Town and Village' and 'Leaders of the USSR'.