Vani devi dasi (age ~13) sings a beautiful Hare Krishna Mantra tune at New Raman Reti's Sunday Love Feast. ISKCON has a free vegetarian love feast every Sunday. These were the instructions of Founder/Acharya A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Pr
Gopala Krishna (Short Edited Mix). An unreleased song from the ATMP sessions. To download the full length mp3 of the song: Om Hare
Sri Prahlad dasa, famous for his transcendental renditions of the Hare Krishna mahamantra and other Vaisnava songs, shares over 50 of his favorite tunes in an over-the-shoulder demonstration of the melodies. You can easily learn how to play
Kartal lessons by Bengali devotee Krishna Kirtan dasa. Although it may seem that playing kartals is a simple thing, like everything in Krishna consciousness, there is a way that kartals should be played and we have to learn the correct way,
Sri Prahlad dasa, famous for his transcendental renditions of the Hare Krishna mahamantra and other Vaisnava songs, shares over 50 of his favorite tunes in an over-the-shoulder demonstration of the melodies. You can easily learn how to play
In 1992, when the Hare Krishna devotees in Russia were free to practice their religion they held a huge festival in Moscow and the singer Boy George appeared and performed his song 'Bow Down Mister Hare Krishna Hare Rama' to the live audien