#Iskcon russia harekrishna shrila prabhupada jaya radha madhava rama temple music bhajan kirtan

Introduction to Bhagavad-gita As It Is -- A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada -- Color 1080p HD 26:29

Introduction to Bhagavad-gita As It Is -- A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Pra

In this rare color film Srila Prabhupada gives an introduction and summary to the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. As It Is is significant. Perhaps there is no other edition of Bhagavad-gita where it is written As It Is. Prabhupada appreciates

The Yoga System from Bhagavad-gita As It Is -- A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada -- Color 1080p HD 10:12

The Yoga System from Bhagavad-gita As It Is -- A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swam

This yoga system, bhakti-yoga, how to increase attachment for Krishna, is being taught by our Krishna consciousness movement. One has to learn this yogic system from Krishna directly or from His representative. At present it is not possibl

govinda jaya jaya gopala jaya jaya video song 03:46

govinda jaya jaya gopala jaya jaya video song

govinda jaya jaya gopala jaya jaya video song by kulashekar govinda

Rtvik system established by Srila Prabhupada 00:19

Rtvik system established by Srila Prabhupada

Rtvik system of initiations established by Srila Prabhupada.

Sydney ISKCON Rathayatra - Indian Ladies Head Run Over by Chariot - News 00:42

Sydney ISKCON Rathayatra - Indian Ladies Head Run Over by Chariot - Ne

At the beginning of the 1983 Sydney Rathayatra festival an Indian lady fell in front of Lord Jagannatha's cart and the wheel ran over her head and killed her. This is one of the many television news reports of the sad incident.

Harmonium Lessons Visnujana Melodies with Sunanda das 25:55

Harmonium Lessons Visnujana Melodies with Sunanda das

Learn the famous ISKCON harmonium melodies popularized by Visnujana Swami. This harmonium lesson is presented by Sunanda das and he is presenting original, genuine Visnujana Swami Harmonium melodies.

Lou Grant Show   Hare Krishna Cult Episode - 1978 48:21

Lou Grant Show Hare Krishna Cult Episode - 1978

The son of a newspaper editor joins the Hare Krishna movement in 1978. At the time there was huge propaganda against the Hare Krishna movement, claiming it was brainwashing, and parents of devotees had started hiring deprogrammers who wou

Devotees Banned From Chanting - North Queensland Television 01:20

Devotees Banned From Chanting - North Queensland Television

Australian Traveling Temple Kirtan party banned from chanting Hare Krishna in North Queensland 1985.

Hare Krishnas Drum Up Support for Freedom Campaign WIN TV 01:47

Hare Krishnas Drum Up Support for Freedom Campaign WIN TV

Hare Krishnas Drum Up Support for Freedom Campaign. Australia's traveling temple Television coverage.

Hare Krishna Transcendence Band Show -- Bhajans Unpluged Rock 25:08

Hare Krishna Transcendence Band Show -- Bhajans Unpluged Rock

Hare Krishna Transcendence Band show in Europe.

Songs of Alachua. Comedy Performed at New Vrindavan in 2003 28:46

Songs of Alachua. Comedy Performed at New Vrindavan in 2003

Songs by Alachua ISKCON devotees performed by Kalakantha das and Braj Bihari das. You can get anything you need at the Alachua community. It's a Vaisnava smorgasboard, everything from poverty to Alfred Ford, 39 nationalities, 54 former mem

Uncovering Srila Prabhupadas Pastimes in Calcutta 1996 56:08

Uncovering Srila Prabhupadas Pastimes in Calcutta 1996

Guru Daksine attempts to uncover the pastimes of Srila Prabhupada in Calcutta in 1996. He goes to all the places of Prabhupada's pastimes like the Radha-Krishna temple Srila Prabhupada worshiped in as a child and the Scottish Churches Colle

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? -- SBS Australian National Television 1994 (Full Version) 48:10

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? -- SBS Australian National Televis

In wealthy Western countries the Hare Krishnas austere monastic life appears strange and unappealing but some wonder if they're really seeking a better life or hiding from reality. Australian television reporters have been trying to unders

Art of Book Distribution Seminar --  Introduction -- Vaishasheka das -- Dallas 2006 -- 1080p HD 03:09

Art of Book Distribution Seminar -- Introduction -- Vaishasheka das -

Become empowered to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books! This is a very short introduction to the Art of Book Distribution Seminar presented by H.G. Vaishasheka das at ISKCON Dallas in 2006. The seminar is in about 8 parts and we will pos

Art of Book Distribution Seminar --  Part 1: Ambassador of Good Will -- Vaishasheka das -- Dallas 2006 38:11

Art of Book Distribution Seminar -- Part 1: Ambassador of Good Will -

Srila Prabhupada came to America in 1966 as an ambassador of good will. He did not come to make money. Most people on the airplanes today, they're going somewhere and they're making money, most business people, they want to make money but P

Art of Book Distribution -- Part 2: Six Easy Methods -- Dramatically Increase Your Book Distribution 24:18

Art of Book Distribution -- Part 2: Six Easy Methods -- Dramatically I

Vaishasheka Prabhu discusses methods of book distribution apart from the traditional method of standing on the street and stopping the people and selling them books. He describes Smart Boxes and Smart Tables , which are unattended displ

Four Ironclad Laws of Book Distribution - Seminar Part 4 - Vaishasheka Dallas 2006 10:41

Four Ironclad Laws of Book Distribution - Seminar Part 4 - Vaishasheka

Part four of the Prabhupada book distribution seminar is: The Four Ironclad Laws of Book Distribution. These four ironclad laws are: (1) Your sadhana must be strong. (2) You must get books. (3) The more you show, the more you sell. (4) You

Kings Cross Food For Life Early News Clip Citahari Interview 01:31

Kings Cross Food For Life Early News Clip Citahari Interview

Television news interviews Citahari Prabhu, Temple President of ISKCON Sydney, in mid-1980s about the Kings Cross Food For Life prasadam distribution program.

Australia's Newsworld Covers Bhavananda's Visit in 1983 04:52

Australia's Newsworld Covers Bhavananda's Visit in 1983

An interview with the new world leader of the Hare Krishna movement, Bhavanananda. The world leader of the Hare Krishna movement is touring Australia. This afternoon David Allen visited the Krishna Temple at Kings Cross to speak with the le

PAMHO - Play Hare Krishna Devotees Making Fun of the Old Days 32:16

PAMHO - Play Hare Krishna Devotees Making Fun of the Old Days

A rather irreverent presentation of the 'old days' in ISKCON with enthusiastic devotees transforming into old blooped ISKCON devotees. Making fun of the mood of pure devotional service that permeated ISKCON when Srila Prabhupada was persona

Hare Krishna in Holland 1987 08:26

Hare Krishna in Holland 1987

Documentary covering the activities of the ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple in Amsterdam, Holland in 1987. This is just after the devotees moved into a very large new temple building, which they were only able to keep for a year or two, but in th

Food For Life in Holland 1987.m4v 11:27

Food For Life in Holland 1987.m4v

Documentary covering the food distribution program, Hare Krishna Food for Life, organized by the ISKCON devotees in the Amsterdam, Holland temple in 1987.

Nirantara Live at Pyramid House 1 (Video Problem - Only 1 Camera Available) 44:48

Nirantara Live at Pyramid House 1 (Video Problem - Only 1 Camera Avail

Nirantara Prabhu and band present a sankirtan festival and Pyramid House, Topanga Canyon, Los Angeles. This is Nirantara at his best with upbeat kirtans and devotional songs.

Hare Krishna Devotes of Ukraine 09:04

Hare Krishna Devotes of Ukraine

With thoughts and well wishes for the people of Ukraine and Russia we present this newly discovered footage of Hare Krishna devotees and temples in the Ukraine. This was taken around the year 2000.

Russians at the Beach -- Yuga Dharma Sri Harinama Yatra 2007 21:22

Russians at the Beach -- Yuga Dharma Sri Harinama Yatra 2007

Russian devotees chanting Hare Krishna in the streets of a summer beach resort town. This film was produced by the late Russian Krsnadas who drowned in the Ganges at Mayapur at a very young age, not very long after he made this film in 2007

Kaunas Russian Rathayatra 1989 1:16:40

Kaunas Russian Rathayatra 1989

Rathayatra Festival in Russia, Kaunas, 1989

Sridham Mayapur -- An Example to the World 17:02

Sridham Mayapur -- An Example to the World

An ISKCON promotional video describing the purpose and future plans of the ISKCON Mayapur Temple. Includes interviews with Jaypataka Swami and Harikesh Swami. From around 1986.

Mayapur Samadha Inaguration Feb 1995 1:32:56

Mayapur Samadha Inaguration Feb 1995

Documentary on the Inaguration of Srila Prabhupada's Samadhi at ISKCON Mayapur in February 1995. Produced by Guru Daksine Prabhu of ITV Australia.

Hallowed be Thy Name - Prabhuapda Hare Krishna Hall Program 13:58

Hallowed be Thy Name - Prabhuapda Hare Krishna Hall Program

An amazing hall preaching program by Srila Prabhupada in Melbourne, Australia in 1974. A very ecstatic class by Srila Prabhupada which he begins by quoting the Christian prayer, Hallowed be Thy Name... And then goes on to explain the name

gauravani rock in delhi 04:58

gauravani rock in delhi

its a video from the iskcon delhi temples devotees rock band named gauravani by the mercy of his holiness gopal krishna goswami maharaj.

Madhurastakam video song 11:21

Madhurastakam video song

Madhurastakam video song created in ISKCON BANGALORE

Madhurastakam video song 11:21

Madhurastakam video song

Madhurastakam video song created by ISKCON BANGALORE

Lord Krishna's Pastime Killing of the Demon Agasura 07:25

Lord Krishna's Pastime Killing of the Demon Agasura

Lord Sri Krishna pastime killing of the demon Agasura. Created by ISKCON BANGALORE.

New Hare Krishna World Part 1 48:31

New Hare Krishna World Part 1

A worldwide tour of ISKCON Hare Krishna Temples in the late 90's. Made by Nrsimhananda, Yadubara, Manu, Jalandhar, Vikram and others at ITV.

New Hare Krishna World Part 2 53:14

New Hare Krishna World Part 2

A worldwide tour of ISKCON Hare Krishna Temples in the late 90's. Made by Nrsimhananda, Yadubara, Manu, Jalandhar, Vikram and others at ITV.

Hare Krishna in the Movies -- Krishna Devotees Appeared in Many 1980s Hollywood Movies -- 1080p HD 34:34

Hare Krishna in the Movies -- Krishna Devotees Appeared in Many 1980s

Hollywood's take on the Krishna's. During the 1970s and 1980s Hare Krishnas were a very integral part of society. Devotees were daily in public performing Sankirtana, the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra and distributing S

Nirantara Dasa, Chile Bhajans #1, March 2012 31:43

Nirantara Dasa, Chile Bhajans #1, March 2012

Nirantara Hare Krishna Kirtan and Bhajans in Chile, March 2012

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu defeating Born Again Christians University Uganda

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, refutes the fanatic remarks of some of the born again Christians during the Hare Krishna Lecture at the largest university of Uganda, in Kampala called Makerere University. This was in 1

Food Kitchens -- Simon Townsends Wonder World.m4v 03:35

Food Kitchens -- Simon Townsends Wonder World.m4v

Australian television program 'Simon Townsends Wonder World' covers food kitchens in Sydney and features Hare Krishna Food for Life.

Rev Ted Noffs Food For Life Interview and Wild Vision Chanel 7 News May 1985 09:40

Rev Ted Noffs Food For Life Interview and Wild Vision Chanel 7 News Ma

ISKCON Sydney Food For Life full interview with Rev Ted Noffs, founder of the famous Wayside Chapel in Kings Cross, member of parliament, etc. Includes 'wild vision' filmed by television station.