• Uploaded 15 years ago in the category Krishna Music and Bands

    This song is dedicated to George Harrison, expressing my appreciation for his music./nLYRICS:
    Yeah I was just a kid in a surfer band
    The first time I ever hea


    This song is dedicated to George Harrison, expressing my appreciation for his music./nLYRICS:
    Yeah I was just a kid in a surfer band
    The first time I ever heard
    I Wanna Hold Your Hand
    I had to buy the record that day
    It was something we just had to play /nThen I heard She Was Just 17
    And the lead guitar
    was sounding sharp and clean
    I’ve been showered with your gifts
    in the form of countless riffs
    George, I know this is way overdue
    But for all you’ve given me, thank you /nLike an astronaut walking on the Moon
    I swear I was floating on air
    when I played those tunes
    Strumming notes through a big sound hole
    Singing songs from Rubber Soul/nWe heard you were the quiet one in the band
    The dark horse, I understand
    When you played, your guitar cried
    and took us to the other side
    You showed what a poor boy could do
    And for all you’ve given me, thank you/nYou were the brother I never met
    A friend of a friend I never will forget
    When you played All Things Must Pass
    I heard wisdom for the working class/nYou sang about the truth
    And it got me through the troubles of my youth
    But the greatest gift was Who
    you introduced me to:
    The Lord of All that be; and I’ll say repeatedly
    Thank you, thank you, thank you/nwords & music: Michael Cassidy
    (c) 2010 Mangalananda Publishing, ASCAP
    (p) Let The Cows Moo Music

  • song english george harrison michael cassidy mangalananda
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    Comments (1)
  • Cash MB THANK YOU! For my most beloved Lad of the Fab 4!!!