An ecstatic preaching program in the Town Hall, Melbourne, Australia in 1974 around the time of the Ratha Yatra Festival
Pancatattva Abhisekam Kirtans 2005 Lokanatha Swami chanting Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu Doya Koro More at the installation of Sri Sri Panca-tattva at Sridhama Mayapur
In the peak of summer 2005 deep within the Monongahela National Forest 20,000 people dance, celebrate and pray. Hare Krishna devotees join together to form Krishna Camp. Welcome Home! The Rainbow Gathering.
Part ten of the chronological series Prabhupada Darshan following Srila Prabhupada in his travels around the world. This part covers Srila Prabhupada's travels in the months of March and April of 1974. Prabhupada is in India at Mayapur for
Darshan of ISKCON Deities worldwide. This program shows the other deites. Not Radha-Krishna or Gaura-Nitai. So it includes many wonderful forms of the Lord Like Krishna Balaram, Krishna Kaliya, Jagannatha...
A nice short news story on the Sydney Rathayatra Festival mid-1980s
Devotees from all over Australia and the world come together to relive Prabhupada's ecstatic pastimes in Melbourne. This is one of the first Prabhupada disciple reunions held by ISKCON temples in the 1990s. It was an attempt to bring old de