In a history lesson devotee children discover Russia has put many Hare Krishnas in prison and a Krishna baby has just died in prison. This inspired this class of 12 year old Krishna devotees to try and do something to raise awareness of t
Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Darwin. 1985.
]There are many theories about an afterlife. Millions believe in reincarnation, that what you come back as depends on your actions in this life -- if you've lead a good life, you'll come back in an elevated state. This film examines reinca
It’s surprising how long we can live without food, but without water, survival is impossible, that’s why it’s the most precious of our natural resources. Now though, only 1% of the world reserves are safely drinkable. Yet, we consistently f
News coverage of devotees with some history of the Adelaide Australia Hare Krishna chanting ban in the 1980s. Also includes coverage of the New Gaudadesh farm which was between Adelaide and Melbourne.