World Tour and 1976 Mayapur Gaura Purnima Festival - Following Srila Prabhupada Part 10 - 1080p HD

  • Uploaded 3 years ago in the category Srila Prabhupada

    Part 10 of Following Srila Prabhupada covers the year July 1975 to July 1976.

    Prabhupada visits temples in the United States then goes to Maritius, South Africa


    Part 10 of Following Srila Prabhupada covers the year July 1975 to July 1976.

    Prabhupada visits temples in the United States then goes to Maritius, South Africa, Africa then to Mayapur for the 1976 Gaura Purnima Festval then on to other cities in India then to Australia and finally he returns to the United States.

  • Prabhupada tour travel darshan 1974 1975
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