Australia's Traveling temple song which is a plea to the leaders of the Soviet Union to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Gaura Gopal. 1985.
Very nice documentary produced by Good Morning Australia detailing the Australian Traveling Temple program in 1985 collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union.
This video shows a press conference with Kulapriya, a female devotee who was kidnapped by deprogrammers. During the 1970s many Hare Krishna devotees, particularly in the United States were kidnapped from the ISKCON temples by deprogrammers
Mukunda Goswami, the Public Relations person for the Hare Krishna Movement, holds a press conference on the issue of deprogrammers kidnapping ISKCON devotees.
Travel through ten countries to Europe's Hare Krishna temples in 1987. Narrated by Suhotra Swami. The activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, or ISKCON as it is commonly known, in ten European lands beginning with
The Russian Hare Krishna devotees distribute prasadam, food that has be cooked by devotees with love and devotion and offered to Krishna. This video was recorded in 1992.
The ISCKON Foundation was launched by the GBC in 1992 when they saw the Western devotees were loosing interest. So it was an attempt by the GBC to convert Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON, which is supposed to be spreading Krishna consciousness al
In this rare color film Srila Prabhupada gives an introduction and summary to the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. As It Is is significant. Perhaps there is no other edition of Bhagavad-gita where it is written As It Is. Prabhupada appreciates
Lord Sri Krishna pastime killing of the demon Agasura. Created by ISKCON BANGALORE.
Interview with the Sydney ISKCON temple president in mid 1980s on the Kings Cross Food for Life program. Very favorable.
Australia's 60 Minutes 'Children of Krishna' from 1980. Classic television program documenting the Gurukul at ISKCON's Australian farm community, New Govardhan.
In his effort to get the Russian Hare Krishna devotees freed from prisons and mental hospitals Prahlada, after the success of his song aimed at Mikhail Gorbachev, the President of Russia, produced this song aimed at Ronald Regan, the Presid
A nicely produced documentary covering the campaign of Prahlad and the Krishna Kids which ultimately led to the Communist Russian government freeing the Hare Krishna devotees they had imprisoned in mental hospitals. Produced by Majestic Fil
Australian National Televison (ABC) covers Visnupada (Bhavananda) opening the Kings Cross Temple in Sydney in 1983.
An Australian religious television program covers one of Bhavananda's visits to Australia.
Australian national morning television show crosses live to the ISKCON temple to cover the morning program and Bhavananda's visit.
Channel Seven News covers Bhavananda visiting Brisbane to open the new temple.
Hare Krishnas Drum Up Support for Freedom Campaign. Australia's traveling temple Television coverage.
Documentary on the Prabhupada Centennial Maha Abhiseka performed in Calcutta on September 6 and 7, 1996. Produced by ITV Australia's Guru Daksine.
Srila Prabhupada arriving in Melbourne in 1974. Includes kirtan at airport plus press conference at airport.
Srila Prabhupada gives an inspirational talk to the general public assembled in the Melbourne Town Hall in Australia in 1974.
Rtvik system of initiations established by Srila Prabhupada.
Srila Prabhupada gives a class on the verse 1.14.44 from the First Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.
In 1993 a Television station declared that the real winners from Australia's 1993 budget were the Hare Krishnas.
At the beginning of the 1983 Sydney Rathayatra festival an Indian lady fell in front of Lord Jagannatha's cart and the wheel ran over her head and killed her. This is one of the many television news reports of the sad incident.
Prahlada interviewed by State Affair in Brisbane, Australia in 1985.
Gaura Gopal sings 'In Every Town and Village', the theme song of the Australian Traveling Temple. 1985.
Television news coverage of Gaura Gopal recording the two songs, 'In Every Town and Village' and 'Leaders of the USSR'.
In the early days in Ukraine devotees would just set up a table and display Srila Prabhupada's books and people would line up. And sometimes it got a little unruly and the devotees had to try to get everybody orderly, to get them to stand i
Part four of the Prabhupada book distribution seminar is: The Four Ironclad Laws of Book Distribution. These four ironclad laws are: (1) Your sadhana must be strong. (2) You must get books. (3) The more you show, the more you sell. (4) You
An interview with the new world leader of the Hare Krishna movement, Bhavanananda. The world leader of the Hare Krishna movement is touring Australia. This afternoon David Allen visited the Krishna Temple at Kings Cross to speak with the le
Documentary covering the food distribution program, Hare Krishna Food for Life, organized by the ISKCON devotees in the Amsterdam, Holland temple in 1987.
Songs by Alachua ISKCON devotees performed by Kalakantha das and Braj Bihari das. You can get anything you need at the Alachua community. It's a Vaisnava smorgasboard, everything from poverty to Alfred Ford, 39 nationalities, 54 former mem
During the 1980s in America vegetarianism became very popular. In most families at least someone was becoming a vegetarian. In their quest for physical and psychological wellbeing hundreds of millions of Americans changed their diets and in
Srila Prabhupada came to America in 1966 as an ambassador of good will. He did not come to make money. Most people on the airplanes today, they're going somewhere and they're making money, most business people, they want to make money but P
Tribhuvanatha Prabhu, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, refutes the fanatic remarks of some of the born again Christians during the Hare Krishna Lecture at the largest university of Uganda, in Kampala called Makerere University. This was in 1
In a history lesson devotee children discover Russia has put many Hare Krishnas in prison and a Krishna baby has just died in prison. This inspired this class of 12 year old Krishna devotees to try and do something to raise awareness of t
In the 1980s Russia, under communist rule, punished its citizens who chose to practice religion and they were particularly brutal with Hare Krishna devotees. The Russians locked many Hare Krishna devotees, including children, in prisons and
Australian television program 'Simon Townsends Wonder World' covers food kitchens in Sydney and features Hare Krishna Food for Life.
In 1985 ISKCON Melbourne opened the first Hare Krishna Fast Food Restaurant. They were unfortunately only able to keep it open for a few months. But it was an idea that caught the attention of the Australian media. This is the coverage of t