Faith and Fear -- Child Abuse in ISKCONs Hare Krishan Gurukul Schools 1977-2000

  • Uploaded 8 years ago in the category Hare Krishna Youth & Gurukul

    A factual documentary on the massive child abuse in the ISKCON Hare Krishna children's gurukul schools between 1977 and 2000.

    Produced by KCTS Seattle and broad


    A factual documentary on the massive child abuse in the ISKCON Hare Krishna children's gurukul schools between 1977 and 2000.

    Produced by KCTS Seattle and broadcast on national television in the USA.

    Five victims of ISKCON child abuse tell there stories intermingled with historical footage from ISKCON's gurukuls and statements by scholars and experts on the field of child abuse.

    This documentary was produced at the time when around 125 ISKCON gurukul students were suing ISKCON through the attorney Windle Turley.

    This documentary is not anti-ISKCON but presents a very fair and reasonable view of the situation faced by children in ISKCON's gurukuls.

    Some of the people in this video blame Srila Prabhupada for the massive child abuse perpetrated on the children of Krishna by his so-called disciples.

    It is not Srila Prabhupada or his teachings that caused this abuse, the actual cause is the rejection of the teachings of Srila Prabhupada by his so-called followers.

    In every way ISKCON has turned the teachings of Srila Prabhupada upside down.

    The treatment of children in ISKCON gurukuls is one of the most tragic examples of this.

  • ISKCON gurukul school child abuse Vrindavan Mayapur
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