Children of Krishna -- Australian Gurukul

  • Uploaded 16 years ago in the category Hare Krishna Youth & Gurukul

    Children of Krishna is a Sixty Minutes national television special from the early 80's on the gurukul at New Goverdhan, the Australian Hare Krishna farm communi


    Children of Krishna is a Sixty Minutes national television special from the early 80's on the gurukul at New Goverdhan, the Australian Hare Krishna farm community.

    A very favourable documentary covering some controversial points like women's liberation.

    "Stars" a very small "Sri Prahlad" who went on to become a big preacher in ISKCON travelling in Polland with Indradumnya Swami.

    Also includes Hari Sauri Prabhu as a sannyasi.

  • iskcon farm community gurukul new goverdhan women children schools education sri prahlad
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