This video is a part of Supersoul Connection's screen projection. We used footage from two movies: Nilachale Mahaprabhu and Neemai of Nadia, both made in 1959 in Bengal, India. This isn't an official video of a band.
A very nice documentary on the installation of the Panca-Tattva Deities at ISKCON Mayapur.
to help the children in Vrindavan from Belgium
Himalayan Pilgrimage Trailer. Your are invited on a journey to a place where time stands still at the rooftop of the world.
Rare video of the abishek ceremony for the Deities of Sri Sri Radha Raman in Vrindavan, India.
This video was inspired by Mangalananda and his wonderful Beyond Illusion CD. A beautiful song with video and words to sing along to.
BBC documentary investigating some of the amazing inventions from ancient India.
Incredable film documentary of the Ratha Yatra cart festival in Jagannatha Puri, Orissa, India.
A reel of film mistakenly released by NASA shows the Apollo astronauts faking a shot of the earth, making it appear they were half way to the moon when, in reality, they were only a couple of hundred miles up, in earth orbit. This is obvio
Narasimha arathi sung by Veda, Narasimha temple, Bangalore. Concluding kirtan after the day long girls'camp.
A promo of the play Parama Karuna by FOLK Theatre which was performed during Brahmotsava on April 1, 2010 in ISKCON, Bangalore. We will be coming up with the video DVDs soon.
Nakula Prabhu plays the new Tilak Mrdanga. This is the new fiberglass mrdanga based on the design of the original ISKCON Balaram Mridanga but the Tilak Mrdanga is now a much improved and more reasonably priced mrdanga.
Bollywood is demoniac. Most Bollywood movies are filled with lusty, materialistic scenes. These lusty and demoniac scenes do not actually represent India, her culture, or her religion. The aim of Bollywood is simply to destroy morality and
Bollywood is demoniac. For eight million births you will have to wander from one species of life to another before once again becoming a human being. Thus only a complete fool would waste this rare human birth by watching Bollywood movies..
This song is dedicated to George Harrison, expressing my appreciation for his music./nLYRICS: Yeah I was just a kid in a surfer band The first time I ever heard I Wanna Hold Your Hand I had to buy the record that day It was something we jus
Devotees of ISKCON Perambur Perform During Janmashtami 2010. Although this is their first stage show, which contains lots of errors and corrections to be made, they have made a good attempt...........................
Beautiful old black and white film made in India about the life and teachings of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
Devala Prabhu's film on the installation of Sri Sri Panca Tattva at Mayapur
A somewhat scholarly presentation that scientifically establishes the true ancient roots of the Vedas, defeating the English Indologists like Max Muler and others Arian Invasion Theory. It discovers the links between the Vedas, the ancient
Merciful Nrsimha is a beautiful film displaying the ferocious beauty of Sri Sri Prahlada Nrsimha at ISKCON Mayapur
A short film about a plan to save the Fisher Mansion in Detroit Michigan. Actually the Fisher Mansion was saved by Srila Prabhuapda when he purchased the whole thing for only $60,000 using a donation from his disciple Alfred Ford the grands
Asia is home to the Himalayas, the highest mountain range on earth. Covering a distance of 2,700 kilometers, the Himalayas overlook the landscapes of six Countries: India, Nepal, Pakistan, China, Bhutan and Tibet. For thousands of years the
I lost (broke) My Hear in Vrindavan. The sad story of India's many widows who are rejected from their families and many take shelter of Vrindavan
Although King Nrga was very charitably disposed and had given away so many cows that he said the number was equal to the amount of dust on the earth, the stars in the sky and the rainfall, he was forced to become a lizard because of these a
One night of the Polish Woodstock Festival on the main stage in front of 100's of thousands of young people the Lakshmi Narasimha Traveling festival of Poland presents their show of up-beat mantra music...
The story of Krishna's childhood friend Sudama Vipra. When Sudama Vipra grew up he was a very poor brahmana and his wife knew that in his childhood he was friends with Krishna. At that time Krishna was the king of Dwarka and very opulent an
More than a thousand years ago deep in the jungles of Cambodia a civilization existed that built the largest and most beautiful temples the world has ever seen then mysteriously they vanished, smothered by the tropical forests. How did they
Some gurukul students make a video of the monkeys in Vrindavan.
Krishna conscious puppet show on the story of King Citraketu put on by the Gita Nagari Puppet Theater
Indian kids dancing and singing Bollywood style to Jaya Govinda Jaya Gopal. Perhaps it is a promotional video for the first Indian 3D animated Krishna film? Strange... In Hindi & Sanskrit...
A heartful bhajan dedicated to Sri Radhe .
This is part of a drama performed by the devotees at ISKCON Chowpatti temple which describes Lord Caitanya taking sannyasa
Presented by the Gita-Nagari Puppet Theater, a Krishna conscious puppet show depicting the story of the deliverance of Lord Shiva
Animated Feature Film describing the ten incarnations of Krishna / Visnu who are described in the Dasavatara strotra.
A very nicely presented tour of Vrindvan. In this section we visit Seva Kunj and Kisori Kunj. These are very special places where Krishna and Radharani played and danced together.
An very well produced animated film from the Dasavatar series depicting the story of Mohini Murti who is Lord Krishna incarnated as a beautiful woman who tricked the demons by giving the nectar to the demigods and not leaving any for them.
Krishna Kirtan and Nityananda Prana teach us how to play the mrdanga drum for bahjans and kirtans in classic Bengali style.