Incredable film documentary of the Ratha Yatra cart festival in Jagannatha Puri, Orissa, India.
A very well produced discovery channel documentary on the world-famous chariot festival or Ratha Yatra festival held annually in June in Jagannatha Puru, India.
An first class film documenting the second ISKCON Ratha-yatra festival in San Francisco 1968. Features the famous Jayananda Prabhu and includes building the carts and the actual festival--pulling Lord Jagannath to the beach. Also includes a
Pulling Krishna Home (Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Cart Festival) Part 1
Documentary film showing how the Hare Krishna's organize dozens of Ratha-yatra festivals all over North America every summer. There is a traveling festival party who set up the festivals in every city. They travel to every major US and Cana
This video shows the festival after the Rathayatra in Melbourne, Australia in 1974. Srila Prabhuapda is present and gives a very nice address to the guests. There is nice kirtan, sumptuous prasadam and chanting and dancing.
A wonderful film showing the Australian Hare Krishna devotees in Melbourne building the Jagannatha Rathayatra carts for the 1975 Rathayatra festival. It is a very beautiful film and shows the carts come from nothing to the glorious finished
The entire 1975 Philadelphia Ratha-Yatra festival from beginning to end. A unique combination of color film and videotape now for the first time in HD 1080p. Stunningly restored with state of the art AI technology. Philadelphia Ratha Yatra
A short but amazing film of Visnujana Swami leading the kirtan party at the ISKCON 1974 San Francisco Rathayatara festival. The ecstatic kirtan is followed by a short section of Srila Prabhupada's Rathayatra address. Unfortunately there a
Watch this & You will never take birth again !!! YES. A short introduction to the North American Hare Krishna Festival of India. Festival of India is a very exciting Hare Krishna preaching program that travels to all the major North American cities every summer.
Festival of India travels all over North America. To check the dates of a Festival near you please visit
ISKCON Avadi Bhakti vriksha devotees lead this ecstatic kirtan to everyone's joy. Hari bol...........................
New York Ratha Yatra -- Krishna Youth Bus Tour
Video of the ISKCON Festival of India in Denmark
A short promotional video for the Polish Hare Krishna Festival Tour.
Documentary on the ISKCON Polish Festival of India tour of the beaches of Poland in Summer. The Polish devotees lead by Indradyumna Swami and Sri Prahlada hold festivals every day for two months during summer and this video documents thei
A documentary showing the Radhastami Festival at Radha Vallabha temple which is situated in the Seva Kunj area of Vrindavan. Produced by Brahmananda Prabhu and Gargamuni Prabhu
Ratha Yatra, Gudur - 13 July 2013
A nice short news story on the Sydney Rathayatra Festival mid-1980s
A video advertisement for the 1980s ISKCON traveling festival in Europe.
Documentary film of the 1986 Mayapur Festival that celebrated the 500th Anniversary of the birth of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Includes the addresses by all the big ISKCON gurus of the time.
Srila Prabhuapda returned to India to reestablish Krishna consciousness there. Although he was still traveling the world and preaching visiting many countries including the United States, England and Australia, he was spending most of his t
Short documentary on the history of Lord Jagannatha's Ratha-Yatra Festival which originated in Jagannatha Puri, Orissa, India but now due to the Preaching of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the Festival of the Chariots
The final part in Srila Prabhupada's world tour covering the period of July 1976 to his passing in November 1977. This section starts in July 1976 with Srila Prabhupada taking a ride on one of the many Radha-Damodar Traveling Sankirtan Par
A very ecstatic Rathayatra festival in Melbourne, Australia. Srila Prabhupada is dancing in front of the carts and everyone is having a great time!
In Following Srila Prabhupada Part 7 we see Prabhupada's visit Chicago, Illinois where he arrives at the airport greeted by hundreds of ecstatic devotees. Then he proceeds to San Francisco for the 1974 Rathayatra festival. We see Srila Pr
Video from the UK Rathayatra website. Footage of Jagannatha Puri Rathayatra, Srila Prabhupada at London Rathayatra in 1973 and at other USA Rathayatras.
Short program showcasing the North American Festival of India. A Hare Krishna festival that travels all over North America every summer.
Film of 1967 Rathayatra Festival in San Fransisco. This is only the 2nd Rathayatra festival held by ISKCON in the western world. It is the first time a full scale Chariot was pulled on the streets anywhere outside of Jagannatha Puri. Shows
Perhaps the best ever film of a Rathayatra festival. This film features Srila Prabhuapda chanting and dancing in ecstasy in front of Lord Jagannatha. It is a huge scale Rathayatra festival with three big carts that have an arrangement so th
This is an amazing video documenting the Festival of India summer tour along the Baltic Sea Coast. With Indradumunya Swami and Sri Prahlada. Includes the history of how the preaching of Krishna consciousness was started in Poland. Filmed Every year in North America Festival of India engages hundreds of young Hare Krishna devotees to put on perhaps the largest regular traveling festival in North America. Festival of India runs all summer long
The Multicultural Indian food festival is organized every year during Newyear's time by famous IskconBangalore
Prabhupada and his disciples take a morning walk at Victoria Memorial in Calcutta. Prabhupada travels from Calcutta to Mayapur by car and he stops with his disciples at a Mango grove where the devotees take prasadam under the trees. Then
Part ten of the chronological series Prabhupada Darshan following Srila Prabhupada in his travels around the world. This part covers Srila Prabhupada's travels in the months of March and April of 1974. Prabhupada is in India at Mayapur for
We start at the 1976 Mayapur Festival where Srila Prabhupada is giving sannyasa initiation to a number of his young American disciples. After the Mayapur Festival Prabhupada and some of his disciples continue on to New Delhi where they have
The famous kirtan leader Aindra Prabhu leads kirtan at the Krishna Balaram temple in Vrindavan, India. This is just before Aindra passed away during a gas explosion accident in his room at the Krishna Balaram Temple.
Krishna Balaram Temple Vrindavan Boat Festival. An amazing annual festival held every year towards the end of the Kartik month at ISKCON's Krishna Balarama temple in Raman-Reti, Vrindavan, India.
Various television news clips covering ISKCON's Rathayatra festival in Sydney Australia in mid 1980's. Includes interviews with Bhavananda.