Prabhupada Arriving in Australia -- Srila Prabhupada, Melbourne 1974

  • Uploaded 16 years ago in the category Srila Prabhupada

    A truly amazing film documenting Srila Prabhupada's arrival in Melbourne in 1974.

    Although there was one devotee cameraman there at the airport to film the arri


    A truly amazing film documenting Srila Prabhupada's arrival in Melbourne in 1974.

    Although there was one devotee cameraman there at the airport to film the arrival, there were also many televison news cameramen.

    So this film is a combination of all the available film from the televison news people and the devotee camerman of Prabhuapda's ecstatic arrival in Melbourne.

    It includes Srila Prabhupada giving a truly wonderful press conference to a room full of reporters who were quit startled and charmed by him.

  • Prabhupada Melbourne Australia press conference television news TV airport plane aeroplane
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