Padayatra Promotional Video with Mukunda Goswami

  • Uploaded 16 years ago in the category Preaching

    Mukunda Goswami introduces Padyatra India.

    This is a video made in the very beginning of the Padayatra festival in 1984.

    This is when Pradayatra was just in Ind


    Mukunda Goswami introduces Padyatra India.

    This is a video made in the very beginning of the Padayatra festival in 1984.

    This is when Pradayatra was just in India.

    It was planned to trace the footsteps of Lord Caitanya who also travelled all over India from village to village by foot.

    It started in Dwarka down to South India then up to Sridhama Mayapur in 1986 to coincide with the appearance day celebrations of Lord Caityanya Mahaprabhu and the culmination of all the festivities for the celebration of the Srila Prabhuapda Centennial.

  • padayatra india ISKCON mukunda goswami lokanatha swami prabhupada centennial festival book distribution
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