Bhagavad-gita as it is - Western Culture is Demonic

  • Uploaded 16 years ago in the category Preaching

    The essence of all Vedic teachings as it applies to you right now in 2009.


    The essence of all Vedic teachings as it applies to you right now in 2009.

  • Bhagavad-gita
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    Comments (1)
  • Joseph Stefurak Bhagavad- Gita as it is - Western Culture is Demonic -- If it says in the Bhagavad-Gita that Western Culture is Demonic then that is an absolutely false statement ! One wonders how many other false teachings are presented in the Bhagavad-Gita ! In this video it is presented that Killing of unborn children, a girlfriend with a boyfriend as a prostitute, necessity of meat eating, sex activity at an early age, extramarital affairs, a high rate of divorce, the practice of being Gay or a Lesbian and children not caring for their elderly parents is a part of Western Culture as well as American Culture is absolutely false ! The only reason that many in Western Society as well as in the United States of America are involved in these things is because they choose to practice many aspects of Non Western Culture ! These many people who choose to do this actively do this because they are simply too immature to fully express that of Western Culture as well as American Culture ! It is absolutely true to say that Western Culture as well as the Culture of the United States of America is far Superior to Eastern Culture as well as Vedic Culture ! Many people can leave Western Culture as well as the Culture of the United States of America and take up the Culture of the East as well as Vedic Culture but it is to their own peril simply because they are not mature enough to partake of Western Culture or American Culture ! You though are very right in stating that those who partake too much of a comfortable life now as a Human Being can expect to perhaps reincarnate as an Animal ! It is very sad to see that many now in the United States do not believe in hard work and are simply lazy ! These lazy Americans are not advancing to anything superior in life and are a detrament to the United States of America ! To the properly well educated man it is very obvious that Western Culture as well as the Culture of the United States of America is far Superior to Eastern Culture and that includes Vedic Culture ! The simple fact is that those who are involved in Eastern Culture as well as Vedic Culture need to grow up and join those few select human beings that are advanced enough to partake of Western Culture and especially the United States of America ! The simple fact is their is a much greater reality far beyond "BRAHMAN" the so called God of Hinduism and it takes a much greater education in order to partake of it ! In fact the teachings of "BRAHMAN" is that of great enslavement while that represented by the United States of America is that of real Freedom ! It is Freedom that leads to great, great advancement ! Those of the East as well as those of Vedic Culture very, very much need to WAKE UP ! Best Wishes -- Joseph Stefurak