• Uploaded 11 years ago in the category Krishna Bhajans

    Verses 7 and 8 of Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita: "Whenever and wherever a decline of righteousness and a predominance of unrighteousness prevails, at that time


    Verses 7 and 8 of Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita: "Whenever and wherever a decline of righteousness and a predominance of unrighteousness prevails, at that time I (Krishna) manifest myself personally, O descendant of Bharata; for the protection of the devotees and the annihilation of the miscreants and to fully establish righteousness, I appear millenium after millenium."/n(Translation for the verses sung at the end of each credit sequence.)

  • B.R Chopra Mahabharat Bhagavad Gita
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