Does Ford Have a Better Idea? -- Fisher Mansion Detroit becomes a Hare Krishna Temple

  • Uploaded 4 years ago in the category Preaching

    The Hare Krishna's purchase and convert Detroit's historic Fisher Mansion into a temple and this film shows the history of how the grandchildren of two of Detro


    The Hare Krishna's purchase and convert Detroit's historic Fisher Mansion into a temple and this film shows the history of how the grandchildren of two of Detroit's most powerful auto magnate families both became Hare Krishna devotees and together, as an offering to their spiritual master, purchase and transform the Fisher Mansion into an elaborate Hare Krishna temple.

    Shows the opening of the Hare Krishna Temple, the Fisher Mansion in Detroit, USA.

    This was made possible by Henry Ford's grandson, Alfred Ford, who became a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON, the Hare Krishna movement.

    Srila Prabhupada asked Alfred Ford to purchase the Fisher mansion along with another of his disciples Walter Ruther's granddaughter Lisa.

    The Hare Krishna's renovated the mansion and opened it amid great publicity from the media who were excited seeing this unlikely combination of the Ford and Ruther families.

  • ford ruther motor cars detroit iskcon hare krishna fisher mansion
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