Krishna Kirtan and Nityananda Prana teach us how to play the mrdanga drum for bahjans and kirtans in classic Bengali style.
Krishna Kirtan and Nityananda Prana teach us how to play the mrdanga drum for bahjans and kirtans in classic Bengali style.
Verses 7 and 8 of Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita: Whenever and wherever a decline of righteousness and a predominance of unrighteousness prevails, at that time I (Krishna) manifest myself personally, O descendant of Bharata; for the protec
Namsankirtan Revolution with Aindra Prabhu in Vrindavan at ISKCONs Krishna Balaram Mandir
Radha Ramana is a very captivating deity. He was original worshiped by Gopal Batta Gosvami. Gopal Batta was worshiping Salagrama Silas but he maintined a desire to worship a traditional deity form of Lord Krishna like his fellow gosvamis Ru
Crossing the Ganges by boat, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness is blissfully engaged in relief work, in singing, and in distributing countless plates of hot kitchuri (India's staple food) to the area's impoverished village
Gita Nagari Puppet Theater presents the Story of Dhruva Maharaja puppet show for Krishna's kids.
A very ecstatic Rathayatra festival in Melbourne, Australia. Srila Prabhupada is dancing in front of the carts and everyone is having a great time!
Lokanatha Swami and the ISKCON Sydney devotees and the Australian Padayatra devotees celebrate Gaura Purnima in 1992 on the streets of Sydney.
Television coverage of Prabhuapda's Palace of Gold at New Vrindavan, West Virginia. Produced by PM Magazine KTTV Los Angeles
Sunanda dasa had the opportunity to travel with Visnujana Swami and observe his famous style of harmonium playing. In this video he demonstrates the Visnujana Swami Harmonium melodies. You can easily follow along and become proficient at pl
In October of 1985 Channel 10 news in Sydney did a live cross to ISKCON Sydney to cover the morning program and their new Food For Life Prasadam distribution program. In those days Hare Krishnas were in the news no matter what they did. Aus
The opening of Prabhupada's Palace of Gold created world-wide interest in the media. Here is an Australian Television morning news program covering the opening.
An ISKCON promotional video describing the purpose and future plans of the ISKCON Mayapur Temple. Includes interviews with Jaypataka Swami and Harikesh Swami. From around 1986.
Documentary on the Inaguration of Srila Prabhupada's Samadhi at ISKCON Mayapur in February 1995. Produced by Guru Daksine Prabhu of ITV Australia.
The story of Prahlada Maharaja, the devotee son of the demon Hiranyakasipu. Prahlada was a pure devotee of Krishna, but born in a demonic family. His demonic father, Hiranyakasipu, was trying to teach Prahlada about politics and diplomacy,
A very inspiring never seen before interview where Navina Nirada Dasa reveals his motivation and inspiration for distributing Srila Prabhupada's books. Navina Nirada Prabhu joined ISKCON in 1984 in Zurich Switzerland. He was a disciple of
The whole idea of hardcore is to reject the society, this culture that forces us into a lifestyle that we don't want to be a part of and Krishna consciousness is about rejecting that lifestyle and coming to the real... A hardcore band app