#Polish woodstock festival hare krishna village of peace idnradyumna swami sri prahlad

Jagannath Drama HINDI 24:43

Jagannath Drama HINDI

1st Rathayatra festival of ISKCON VVNagar.

Giri Govardhana Bathes in the Yamuna 54:06

Giri Govardhana Bathes in the Yamuna

Spontaneous film made by Madhudvisa dasa and Krsnadas das of Vrindavan Praikram on Ekadasi. Shows the natural beauty and color of Lord Krishna's Sri Vrindavan dhama.

Blood Mountain Bhajan 01:37

Blood Mountain Bhajan

Sweet guru puja sang in a cabin on blood mountain on an Atlanta field trip for IVS (Insitute for Vaisnava Studies)students and other Gainesville Krishna House devotees. A fire and the holy name make a warm welcome after a hard days hiking i

Srila Prabhupada Radhe 1 04:28

Srila Prabhupada Radhe 1

Srila Prabhupada chanting in Hk ny temple Radhe thanks to Ralph

Harinama__South of Russia__2008 12:50

Harinama__South of Russia__2008

Harinama of russian devotees. South of Russia. 2008.

The Tastes of India 09:46

The Tastes of India

The Multicultural Indian food festival is organized every year during Newyear's time by famous IskconBangalore

Dashavataara 08:59


Krishna and his Dashavataara (10 avataaras).

Jaye Radha 02:21

Jaye Radha

Jaya Radha with the group ATMA

Mantra Fusion Band - Sundara Mor 07:42

Mantra Fusion Band - Sundara Mor

Divine love!




Prabhupada World Tour 1972-1973 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 -- 1080p 1:18:35

Prabhupada World Tour 1972-1973 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 -

Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 covers July 1972 till July 1973. In this twelve month period Srila Prabhupada visited Amsterdam, England, the United States, India, Jakarta, but overall spent a lot of time preaching in India. The film sta

Warrior Prince -- Animated Ramayana --  The Legend of Prince Rama 2:11:34

Warrior Prince -- Animated Ramayana -- The Legend of Prince Rama

Animated Ramayana: Warrior Prince is a $12 million-dollar film based upon the Ramayana. It's a 170-minute action packed, feature film that explores the animation style called FUSION which consists of 3 different schools of animation: Mang

The Universal Teacher -- Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Video Biography 1:07:03

The Universal Teacher -- Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Video B

The video biography of the spiritual master of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. This is the definitive biography of Srila Bhaktsiddhanta, very professionally produced by DevaVisi

Lover of the LORD 03:15

Lover of the LORD

This video was inspired by Mangalananda and his wonderful Beyond Illusion CD. A beautiful song with video and words to sing along to.

Oh Govinda 04:50

Oh Govinda

This video was inspired by Mangalananda (Michael Cassidy) and his wonderful Change of Heart album. A beautiful song with images and words to sing along to, lets say its Krsna Karaoke.

Nilachala Mahaprabhu -- Classic Indian Movie 1:19:07

Nilachala Mahaprabhu -- Classic Indian Movie

This classic Indian film Nilachala Mahaprabhu depicts the pastimes of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu during the time He spent at Jagannatha Puri. It contains genuine historical footage of the famous chariot festival, the Ratha Yatra festival

Hidden Worlds 03:38

Hidden Worlds

Credits & Lyrics/nSong: Hidden Worlds ©2000 Mangalananda Publishing/nArtist: Mangalananda /nRecorded at Hit City West LA, Calif./nVocal & Guitar - Mangalananda, Lead Guitar - Steve Bartek, Flute - Gerry Peterson, Cello - Roberleight H. Barn

The Brahmin & the Cobbler 04:58

The Brahmin & the Cobbler

The story of the brahmin and the cobbler as told by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Founder Acarya of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness

Radhastami, Radharani's Appearance Day 04:56

Radhastami, Radharani's Appearance Day

Video about Radharani's qualities. Made for Radhastami 2004 and shown in the ISKCON Leicester temple UK. Hope you like it

VENEZIA 2002 01:54


Harinama sankirtan with HH Sacinandana Swami

ISKCON Mayapur Panca-Tattva Installation Darshan 02:49

ISKCON Mayapur Panca-Tattva Installation Darshan

Darshan of the installation of Sri Sri Panca Tattva Deities at ISKCON Mayapur, near Calcutta, West Bangal, India.

  • by mdhu
  • 3 years ago
Srimad-Bhagavatam Class First Canto 8.26 by Srila Prabhupada 32:38

Srimad-Bhagavatam Class First Canto 8.26 by Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada speaks on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.26 in Los Angeles (New Dwarka) 1972.

Darshan of ISKCON Deities--Others 05:31

Darshan of ISKCON Deities--Others

Darshan of ISKCON Deities worldwide. This program shows the other deites. Not Radha-Krishna or Gaura-Nitai. So it includes many wonderful forms of the Lord Like Krishna Balaram, Krishna Kaliya, Jagannatha...

Prabhupada Darshan 7 -- 1973 -- New York,London,Calcutta 1:02:35

Prabhupada Darshan 7 -- 1973 -- New York,London,Calcutta

Srila Prabhuapda walks in Calcutta by the Ganges and passes many famous sites from the British Raj Era. Then we see the Victoria Memorial program. Then we see Srila Prabhupada arriving at the airport in New York then his arrival at the tem

The Nectar of Immortality -- The Basis of the World's Largest Act of Faith 02:35

The Nectar of Immortality -- The Basis of the World's Largest Act of F

Stunning film delves into the reasons why millions of people attend the Kumbha Mela Festival in India -- The world's largest act of Faith. It is because of the Nectar of Immortality which is available at this festival...

India's Holy Cow--Becoming Extinct? 38:38

India's Holy Cow--Becoming Extinct?

India is famous for her Holy Cow. Unfortunately although the sentiment still remains in India to protect Mother Cow in reality no one actually seems to care about the cows and India is fast becoming one of the biggest beef exporters in th

Travel with Srila Prabhupada -- 1975 -- Chicago,  Denver, Washington (Darshan 15) 48:36

Travel with Srila Prabhupada -- 1975 -- Chicago, Denver, Washington (

We begin with Srila Prabhupada in Denver, Colorado and see Srila Prabhupada on a morning walk with his disciples, riding in a car and his disciples offering him Guru-puja, part of the regular daily ISKCON temple worship program. Then, in t

Do We Have to Live in the Temple? Prabhupada Conversation -- New York 1972 19:09

Do We Have to Live in the Temple? Prabhupada Conversation -- New York

During a darshan with Srila Prabhupada and his disciples a devotee asks, among other questions, if it is necessary for devotees to live in the temples or if they can practice Krishna consciousness outside the temple.

What are our SENSES for? -- Srila Prabhupada Srimad-Bhagavatam class 1.8.23 26:31

What are our SENSES for? -- Srila Prabhupada Srimad-Bhagavatam class 1

Generally everyone in this world is using the senses for sense gratification, that's all. That is their maya, bondage, illusion. And when he comes to Krishna consciousness, purified, when he understands actually that, these senses are mean

Srila Prabhupada's Final Months - 1976-77 India, USA, UK (Darshan 18) 1:03:00

Srila Prabhupada's Final Months - 1976-77 India, USA, UK (Darshan 18)

The final part in Srila Prabhupada's world tour covering the period of July 1976 to his passing in November 1977. This section starts in July 1976 with Srila Prabhupada taking a ride on one of the many Radha-Damodar Traveling Sankirtan Par

The Story of Sudama Vipra Puppet Show 12:54

The Story of Sudama Vipra Puppet Show

The story of Krishna's childhood friend Sudama Vipra. When Sudama Vipra grew up he was a very poor brahmana and his wife knew that in his childhood he was friends with Krishna. At that time Krishna was the king of Dwarka and very opulent an

Aindra Dasa at Krsna Balaram Mandir 20:01

Aindra Dasa at Krsna Balaram Mandir

Aindra Dasa (1953-2010)

Vrindavan Town: Vrindavana, the Playground of God 04:56

Vrindavan Town: Vrindavana, the Playground of God

Vrindavan, the Playground of God is a series produced by H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami documenting Vrindavan and the surrounding areas. This episode concentrates on Vrindavan Town.

  • by mdhu
  • 13 years ago
The Cows of Vrindavan 22:25

The Cows of Vrindavan

Govinda and Vrsabhanu's film of Krishna's cows in Vrindavan.

  • by mdhu
  • 13 years ago
The Story of King Citraketu Puppet Show 18:14

The Story of King Citraketu Puppet Show

Krishna conscious puppet show on the story of King Citraketu put on by the Gita Nagari Puppet Theater

The Story of Bilvamangal Thakur Play -- ISKCON Chowpati 52:17

The Story of Bilvamangal Thakur Play -- ISKCON Chowpati

ISKCON Chowpati puts on a play describing the life of Bilvamangal Thakur

Aindra Dasa Live Gaura Purnima Abhishek 17:20

Aindra Dasa Live Gaura Purnima Abhishek

The late Aindra Prabhu leading Kirtan at the last Gaura Purnima he was present for at the ISKCON Krishna Balaram Temple in Vrindavana.

Dwarka Darshan 44:58

Dwarka Darshan

A tour of Dwarka, the place where Lord Krishna ruled as the King. Lord Krishna established Dwarka as His capital 5,000 years ago and He lived there for 100 years. Modern Dwarka is a small city located at the western tip of Gujarat peninsula

Jaya Govinda Jaya Gopal 05:10

Jaya Govinda Jaya Gopal

Indian kids dancing and singing Bollywood style to Jaya Govinda Jaya Gopal. Perhaps it is a promotional video for the first Indian 3D animated Krishna film? Strange... In Hindi & Sanskrit...

Ras Barsaane wari 04:22

Ras Barsaane wari

A heartful bhajan dedicated to Sri Radhe .