#Prabhupada iskcon sydney australia

Traveling Temple Australia -- Darwin 1985 01:12

Traveling Temple Australia -- Darwin 1985

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Darwin. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Mackay 1985 02:14

Traveling Temple Australia -- Mackay 1985

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Mackay. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Releasing 100 Pigeons [Doves] in a Car Park 01:01

Traveling Temple Australia -- Releasing 100 Pigeons [Doves] in a Car P

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple releasing 100 pigeons [symbolic doves] to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Woolongong Banned From RSL Hall Because of Dhotis 02:11

Traveling Temple Australia -- Woolongong Banned From RSL Hall Because

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple being banned from the RSL hall because of wearing dhotis when having a program to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Woolongong. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Leaders of the USSR Film Clip -- Gaura Gopal 04:43

Traveling Temple Australia -- Leaders of the USSR Film Clip -- Gaura G

Australia's Traveling temple song which is a plea to the leaders of the Soviet Union to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Gaura Gopal. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Good Morning Australia 04:44

Traveling Temple Australia -- Good Morning Australia

Very nice documentary produced by Good Morning Australia detailing the Australian Traveling Temple program in 1985 collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Recording Travelling Temple and Leaders of USSR 01:11

Traveling Temple Australia -- Recording Travelling Temple and Leaders

Television news coverage of Gaura Gopal recording the two songs, 'In Every Town and Village' and 'Leaders of the USSR'.

Ukraine - People Would Queue Up to Buy Prabhupada's Books 04:23

Ukraine - People Would Queue Up to Buy Prabhupada's Books

In the early days in Ukraine devotees would just set up a table and display Srila Prabhupada's books and people would line up. And sometimes it got a little unruly and the devotees had to try to get everybody orderly, to get them to stand i

Prabhupada HD Film Transfer Demo 02:33

Prabhupada HD Film Transfer Demo

A test demo reel of some samples of the archival Prabhuapda film footage digitally enhanced and converted to 1080p High Definition (HD) format. Overall the archival Prabhuapda films, particularly the 16mm films but even the 8mm films, com

Prabhupada Video Lecture: Bhagavad-gita Chapter 1.Verses 21-22 (BG 1.21-22) 02:33

Prabhupada Video Lecture: Bhagavad-gita Chapter 1.Verses 21-22 (BG 1.2

Srila Prabhupada lectures on Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter 1 Verses 21 and 22.

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Prabhupada Video Lecture: Bhagavad-gita Chapter 1.Verses 24-25 (BG 1.24-25) 02:33

Prabhupada Video Lecture: Bhagavad-gita Chapter 1.Verses 24-25 (BG 1.2

Srila Prabhupada lectures on Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter 1 Verses 24 and 24.

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Prabhupada Video Lecture: Bhagavad-gita Chapter 1.Verses 32-35 (BG 1.32-35) 02:33

Prabhupada Video Lecture: Bhagavad-gita Chapter 1.Verses 32-35 (BG 1.3

Srila Prabhupada lectures on Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter 1 Verses 32 and 35.

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Prabhupada Video Lecture: Bhagavad-gita Chapter 1.Verses 28,29 (BG 1.28-29) 02:33

Prabhupada Video Lecture: Bhagavad-gita Chapter 1.Verses 28,29 (BG 1.2

Srila Prabhupada lectures on Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter 1 Verses 28 and 29.

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Prabhupada Video Lecture: Bhagavad-gita Chapter 2.Verse 1 (BG 2.1) 02:33

Prabhupada Video Lecture: Bhagavad-gita Chapter 2.Verse 1 (BG 2.1)

Srila Prabhupada lectures on Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter 2 Verse 1.

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Prabhupada's Final Pastimes and Disappearance -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 11 -- 1080p HD 47:40

Prabhupada's Final Pastimes and Disappearance -- Following Srila Prabh

The final part of Following Srila Prabhupada covers his last preaching engagements in 1976 including riding on Radha Damodar Traveling Sankirtan party Bus, 1976 New York City Ratha-Yatra Festival, visiting Bhaktivedanta Manor London. By Ja

Book Printing Marathon in Los Angeles, New Dwarka - Following Srila Prabhupada Part 9 - 1080p HD 1:18:35

Book Printing Marathon in Los Angeles, New Dwarka - Following Srila Pr

Part 9 of Following Srila Prabhupada covers the three months May, June and July in 1975. First we see Srila Prabhupada establishing the preaching in Fiji but the main part of this show covers Srila Prabhupada's stay at New Dwarka, Los Angel

USA Tour and 1975 Mayapur Festival -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 7 1:30:47

USA Tour and 1975 Mayapur Festival -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part

In Following Srila Prabhupada Part 7 we see Prabhupada's visit Chicago, Illinois where he arrives at the airport greeted by hundreds of ecstatic devotees. Then he proceeds to San Francisco for the 1974 Rathayatra festival. We see Srila Pr

In God's Name -- A Documentary on Australian Hare Krishna Devotees in

This is one of the earliest complete and professionally-made full-length films made about life in ISKCON in the early '70s. The filmmaker, William Kerr, went on to make many more iconic films of Srila Prabhupada's visits to Australia that h

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? -- SBS Australian National Television 1994 (Full Version) 48:10

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? -- SBS Australian National Televis

In wealthy Western countries the Hare Krishnas austere monastic life appears strange and unappealing but some wonder if they're really seeking a better life or hiding from reality. Australian television reporters have been trying to unders

Full Set Customers Floyd (1980's) 09:40

Full Set Customers Floyd (1980's)

For a short time in the early 1980's ISKCON devotees in USA and Australia embarked on a program to sell full sets of Srila Prabhupada's books door-to-door like the encyclopaedia Britannica people do with their encyclopaedias. This shows on

Illicit Sex and Social Work 19:03

Illicit Sex and Social Work

Srila Prabhupada speaks with the head of the Social Services department of the Australian government and tries to explain the benefits of creating first-class men, that is men who will follow the regulative principles including the principl

Kings Cross Food For Life Channel 10 News 1985 - With live eye camera 02:53

Kings Cross Food For Life Channel 10 News 1985 - With live eye camera

In October of 1985 Channel 10 news in Sydney did a live cross to ISKCON Sydney to cover the morning program and their new Food For Life Prasadam distribution program. In those days Hare Krishnas were in the news no matter what they did. Aus

Food Kitchens -- Simon Townsends Wonder World.m4v 03:35

Food Kitchens -- Simon Townsends Wonder World.m4v

Australian television program 'Simon Townsends Wonder World' covers food kitchens in Sydney and features Hare Krishna Food for Life.

Rev Ted Noffs Food For Life Interview and Wild Vision Chanel 7 News May 1985 09:40

Rev Ted Noffs Food For Life Interview and Wild Vision Chanel 7 News Ma

ISKCON Sydney Food For Life full interview with Rev Ted Noffs, founder of the famous Wayside Chapel in Kings Cross, member of parliament, etc. Includes 'wild vision' filmed by television station.

Kings Cross Food For Life  News Emergency Aid Cut Off 01:19

Kings Cross Food For Life News Emergency Aid Cut Off

During October of 1985 the Australian government cut off the funding for many services providing emergency food assistance to homeless people in Sydney. This caused a massive increase in the number of people using the ISKCON Food For Life S

Mike Willesse Show - Critical of Hare Krishna Street Collecting on National TV 13:42

Mike Willesse Show - Critical of Hare Krishna Street Collecting on Nat

Mike Willesse, an Australian daily television news program host, was very much against ISKCON in Sydney and he was constantly airing negative pieces on the devotees collecting for the Kings Cross Food for Life program. This is one of them.

Kings Cross Food For Life Early News Clip Citahari Interview 01:31

Kings Cross Food For Life Early News Clip Citahari Interview

Television news interviews Citahari Prabhu, Temple President of ISKCON Sydney, in mid-1980s about the Kings Cross Food For Life prasadam distribution program.

Bhavananda at Opening of Kings Cross Temple 1983 Ten Eyewitness News 1983 01:44

Bhavananda at Opening of Kings Cross Temple 1983 Ten Eyewitness News 1

In 1983 Australia's ABC National News covers Bhavananda arriving to inspect the new Sydney Kings Cross temple. Srila Visnupada, the second of the movement's world leaders since its founding was greeted in traditional fashion at the center

Mayapur Samadha Inaguration Feb 1995 1:32:56

Mayapur Samadha Inaguration Feb 1995

Documentary on the Inaguration of Srila Prabhupada's Samadhi at ISKCON Mayapur in February 1995. Produced by Guru Daksine Prabhu of ITV Australia.

Cooking with Kurma S1-E05 Soups & Dhals 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E05 Soups & Dhals

Dhals are thick, hearty soups made from split legumes, they're rich in iron, B vitamins and vegetable protein. They combine beautifully with grains, seeds, nuts and dairy products. In this edition we are going to show you how to prepare dha

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E01 Indian Entrees 1 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E01 Indian Entrees 1

In this edition Kurma shows us how to prepare many delicious Indian vegetarian dishes including: scrambled curd, simple glazed carrots, chick peas and potatoes in a creamy coconut yoghurt gravy and zucchini green pepper and tomato takery.

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E02 Indian Entrees 2 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E02 Indian Entrees 2

In this edition Kurma shows us how to prepare many delicious Indian vegetarian dishes including: sweet and sour vegetables with curd, potato gauranga, egg plant and potatoes with curd and baked tomatoes stuffed with rice and green peas. Tr

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E03 Indian Entrees 3 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E03 Indian Entrees 3

In this episode of Cooking with Kurma Kurma shows us how to prepare a mouth-watering array of delicious Indian Entrees. Broadcast on television from New York to London to Sydney, Cooking With Kurma brings the best of cruelty-free cooking

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E04 Indian Entrees 4 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E04 Indian Entrees 4

In this episode of Cooking with Kurma Kurma shows us how to prepare a mouth-watering array of delicious Indian Entrees. Broadcast on television from New York to London to Sydney, Cooking With Kurma brings the best of cruelty-free cooking

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E06 Rice Indian Style 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E06 Rice Indian Style

Rice is one of the most basic elements in the Indian vegetarian cuisine and it is also one of the most versatile. It can be used in limitless ways, cooked with spices, seasonings, nuts, raisins, curd, beans, nuts, yoghurt or vegetables. Ric

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E07 Indian Breads and Savouries including Pakoras, Kofta Balls and Aloo Vada 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E07 Indian Breads and Savouries including Pakora

In this edition Kurma shows us how to prepare many different delightful breads and savouries such as assorted batter-fried vegetables (pakoras), cauliflower balls in tomato gravy (kofta) and potato puffs (aloo vada). Kurma's Gourmet Vegeta

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E08 Indian Chutneys and Raitas 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E08 Indian Chutneys and Raitas

Featuring Indian chutneys and raitas. Chutneys have a variety of unique flavours, they're prepared from a wide range of ingredients and the complement the dishes they accompany. Chutneys go especially well with breads and savouries. Cooked

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E09 Indian Breads 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E09 Indian Breads

In this edition you will learn how to prepare a huge rage of delightful authentic Indian traditional breads and savouries. Including basic unleavened whole-wheat breads (chapatis), deep-fried puffed breads (puris), flakey pan-fried breads s

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E10 Traditional Indian Drinks 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E10 Traditional Indian Drinks

In this edition you will learn how to prepare a huge rage of delightful authentic Indian traditional Drinks. They are very simple to prepare but at the same time they are very exotic. We begin with orange buttermilk smoothy, then aniseed mi

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E11 Traditional Indian Sweets - 1 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E11 Traditional Indian Sweets - 1

In this edition you will learn how to prepare a few of the thousands of varieties of Traditional Indian Sweets prepared from milk, sugar, grains, fruits, nuts, spices, essences and even vegetables. Sweets like these have been offered in tem

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago