#Prahlada krishna kids free soviet hare krishna children television tv see the 21st century

Book Distribution at O'Hare Airport 26:51

Book Distribution at O'Hare Airport

O'Hare Airport in Chicago was one of the biggest locations for distributing Srila Prabhuapda's books in the 70's. This documentary film was made in the 80's about the Hare Krishna book distribution that was going on at this airport then.

Hare Krishnas Vs. Orange People (Rajneesh) Mike Willesee Show 04:40

Hare Krishnas Vs. Orange People (Rajneesh) Mike Willesee Show

In the 80s followers of sex-guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh stood out in Australia with their bright orange clothes and unusual names. Combining eastern mysticism and western capitalism, the Bhagwan urged devotees to explore sex as a path to en

Hare Krishnas Drum Up Support for Freedom Campaign WIN TV 01:47

Hare Krishnas Drum Up Support for Freedom Campaign WIN TV

Hare Krishnas Drum Up Support for Freedom Campaign. Australia's traveling temple Television coverage.

Mukunda Press Conference on Deprogramming Hare Krishnas 29:27

Mukunda Press Conference on Deprogramming Hare Krishnas

Mukunda Goswami, the Public Relations person for the Hare Krishna Movement, holds a press conference on the issue of deprogrammers kidnapping ISKCON devotees.

Prahlada Maharaja Saved by Lord Nrsimhadeva from his Demonic Father Hiranyakasipu 26:50

Prahlada Maharaja Saved by Lord Nrsimhadeva from his Demonic Father Hi

The story of Prahlada Maharaja, the devotee son of the demon Hiranyakasipu. Prahlada was a pure devotee of Krishna, but born in a demonic family. His demonic father, Hiranyakasipu, was trying to teach Prahlada about politics and diplomacy,

Oxford Street Revealed -- The Hare Krishnas on Oxford Street 22:18

Oxford Street Revealed -- The Hare Krishnas on Oxford Street

BBC documentary series that explores Oxford Street in London. In this episode they cover the activities of the Hare Krishna devotees in the Soho Street Radha Krishna Temple, which is only a block off Oxford Street.

Hare Krishnas Banned from RSL Hall Because of Dhotis 02:11

Hare Krishnas Banned from RSL Hall Because of Dhotis

Traveling Temple Visits Woolongong and gets banned from using the RSL hall because they are wearing dhotis.

Australias 1993 Budget Hare Krishnas the Real Winners 02:19

Australias 1993 Budget Hare Krishnas the Real Winners

In 1993 a Television station declared that the real winners from Australia's 1993 budget were the Hare Krishnas.

Free Spiritual SMS 01:19

Free Spiritual SMS

You Can Join Free Mobile SMS group in INDIA where you get free Krsna Slokas, Bhagavat Gita Quotes, Srimad Bhagavatam Quotes.Send a sms from your cell type JOIN SpiritualBhakti to 09219592195

The Story of Prahlada Maharaja Puppet Show 20:09

The Story of Prahlada Maharaja Puppet Show

The story of Sri Prahlada Maharaja, the son of the great demon Hiranyakasipu is told very masterfully in this puppet show performed by the Gita Nagari Puppet Theater

Harinam with Indradyumna Swami and Sri Prahlada at Woodstook Festival 08:29

Harinam with Indradyumna Swami and Sri Prahlada at Woodstook Festival

Harinam Sankirtan at the Polish Woodstock festival with Indradyumna Swami and Sri Prahlada

1983 Television Interview with Cita Hari and Wife on Mike Walsh Show Australia 08:44

1983 Television Interview with Cita Hari and Wife on Mike Walsh Show A

1983 television interview with Cita Hari, the Sydney Temple President, and his wife. Very interesting to see the mood in ISKCON at that time.

ISKCON Food For Life Kings Cross Sydney Citta Hari Favorable Television 04:20

ISKCON Food For Life Kings Cross Sydney Citta Hari Favorable Televisio

Interview with the Sydney ISKCON temple president in mid 1980s on the Kings Cross Food for Life program. Very favorable.

A History Lesson on Russia -- Mike Willesse Show -- Nine Network Australia 1986 04:48

A History Lesson on Russia -- Mike Willesse Show -- Nine Network Austr

In a history lesson devotee children discover Russia has put many Hare Krishnas in prison and a Krishna baby has just died in prison. This inspired this class of 12 year old Krishna devotees to try and do something to raise awareness of t

Traveling Temple Australia -- Albany 1985 01:10

Traveling Temple Australia -- Albany 1985

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Albany. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Rockhampten 1985 05:39

Traveling Temple Australia -- Rockhampten 1985

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Rockhampten. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Darwin 1985 01:12

Traveling Temple Australia -- Darwin 1985

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Darwin. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Mackay 1985 02:14

Traveling Temple Australia -- Mackay 1985

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Mackay. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Releasing 100 Pigeons [Doves] in a Car Park 01:01

Traveling Temple Australia -- Releasing 100 Pigeons [Doves] in a Car P

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple releasing 100 pigeons [symbolic doves] to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Woolongong Banned From RSL Hall Because of Dhotis 02:11

Traveling Temple Australia -- Woolongong Banned From RSL Hall Because

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple being banned from the RSL hall because of wearing dhotis when having a program to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Woolongong. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Leaders of the USSR Film Clip -- Gaura Gopal 04:43

Traveling Temple Australia -- Leaders of the USSR Film Clip -- Gaura G

Australia's Traveling temple song which is a plea to the leaders of the Soviet Union to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Gaura Gopal. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Good Morning Australia 04:44

Traveling Temple Australia -- Good Morning Australia

Very nice documentary produced by Good Morning Australia detailing the Australian Traveling Temple program in 1985 collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union.

ISKCON Alachua Sunday Love Feast Bhajan Vani dasi 03:19

ISKCON Alachua Sunday Love Feast Bhajan Vani dasi

Vani devi dasi (age ~13) sings a beautiful Hare Krishna Mantra tune at New Raman Reti's Sunday Love Feast. ISKCON has a free vegetarian love feast every Sunday. These were the instructions of Founder/Acharya A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Pr

New Unseen Interviews about Srila Prabhupada 19:12

New Unseen Interviews about Srila Prabhupada

A collection of unseen interviews with different people who came in contact with Srila Prabhupada. These Prabhupada interviews we made by Yadubara Prabhu when he was filming for Your Ever Well-Wisher, the film documentary of the life of S

Leaders of the USSR -- Gaura Gopal and the Traveling Temple Band 04:43

Leaders of the USSR -- Gaura Gopal and the Traveling Temple Band

As a part of the Australian Traveling Temple drive to collect a million signatures on a petition to free the imprisoned Russian Hare Krishna devotees Gaura Gopala and the Traveling Temple Band recorded this song to urge Mikhail Gorbachev to

Traveling Temple Video Clip -- Gaura Gopala 03:42

Traveling Temple Video Clip -- Gaura Gopala

Traveling Temple Video Clip produced to promote the program to collect one million signatures in Australia to petition the Russians to free the Hare Krishna devotees they had imprisoned for chanting Hare Krishna.

Cooking with Kurma S1-E05 Soups & Dhals 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E05 Soups & Dhals

Dhals are thick, hearty soups made from split legumes, they're rich in iron, B vitamins and vegetable protein. They combine beautifully with grains, seeds, nuts and dairy products. In this edition we are going to show you how to prepare dha

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E01 Indian Entrees 1 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E01 Indian Entrees 1

In this edition Kurma shows us how to prepare many delicious Indian vegetarian dishes including: scrambled curd, simple glazed carrots, chick peas and potatoes in a creamy coconut yoghurt gravy and zucchini green pepper and tomato takery.

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E02 Indian Entrees 2 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E02 Indian Entrees 2

In this edition Kurma shows us how to prepare many delicious Indian vegetarian dishes including: sweet and sour vegetables with curd, potato gauranga, egg plant and potatoes with curd and baked tomatoes stuffed with rice and green peas. Tr

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E03 Indian Entrees 3 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E03 Indian Entrees 3

In this episode of Cooking with Kurma Kurma shows us how to prepare a mouth-watering array of delicious Indian Entrees. Broadcast on television from New York to London to Sydney, Cooking With Kurma brings the best of cruelty-free cooking

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E04 Indian Entrees 4 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E04 Indian Entrees 4

In this episode of Cooking with Kurma Kurma shows us how to prepare a mouth-watering array of delicious Indian Entrees. Broadcast on television from New York to London to Sydney, Cooking With Kurma brings the best of cruelty-free cooking

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E06 Rice Indian Style 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E06 Rice Indian Style

Rice is one of the most basic elements in the Indian vegetarian cuisine and it is also one of the most versatile. It can be used in limitless ways, cooked with spices, seasonings, nuts, raisins, curd, beans, nuts, yoghurt or vegetables. Ric

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E07 Indian Breads and Savouries including Pakoras, Kofta Balls and Aloo Vada 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E07 Indian Breads and Savouries including Pakora

In this edition Kurma shows us how to prepare many different delightful breads and savouries such as assorted batter-fried vegetables (pakoras), cauliflower balls in tomato gravy (kofta) and potato puffs (aloo vada). Kurma's Gourmet Vegeta

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
RUSSIANS in 4K! -- Russian Kirtan Festival  -- with Gopal Krsna Gosvami leading Kirtan - 26 May 2005 12:45

RUSSIANS in 4K! -- Russian Kirtan Festival -- with Gopal Krsna Gosvam

Our first 4K video is Russian! See the Russian devotees in stunning 4K video. It is a kirtan lead by Gopal Krishna Gosvami in a tent at a festival. It starts slow but builds up. It is very ecstatic actually... Stick with it till the end. A

Cooking with Kurma S1-E08 Indian Chutneys and Raitas 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E08 Indian Chutneys and Raitas

Featuring Indian chutneys and raitas. Chutneys have a variety of unique flavours, they're prepared from a wide range of ingredients and the complement the dishes they accompany. Chutneys go especially well with breads and savouries. Cooked

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E09 Indian Breads 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E09 Indian Breads

In this edition you will learn how to prepare a huge rage of delightful authentic Indian traditional breads and savouries. Including basic unleavened whole-wheat breads (chapatis), deep-fried puffed breads (puris), flakey pan-fried breads s

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E10 Traditional Indian Drinks 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E10 Traditional Indian Drinks

In this edition you will learn how to prepare a huge rage of delightful authentic Indian traditional Drinks. They are very simple to prepare but at the same time they are very exotic. We begin with orange buttermilk smoothy, then aniseed mi

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E11 Traditional Indian Sweets - 1 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E11 Traditional Indian Sweets - 1

In this edition you will learn how to prepare a few of the thousands of varieties of Traditional Indian Sweets prepared from milk, sugar, grains, fruits, nuts, spices, essences and even vegetables. Sweets like these have been offered in tem

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E12 Traditional Indian Sweets - 2 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E12 Traditional Indian Sweets - 2

In this edition you will learn how to prepare a few of the thousands of varieties of Traditional Indian Sweets prepared from milk, sugar, grains, fruits, nuts, spices, essences and even vegetables. Sweets like these have been offered in tem

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E13 -- Samosas, Biryani, etc. 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E13 -- Samosas, Biryani, etc.

In this edition you will learn how to prepare Biryani--vegetable rice casserole, Savory Samosas, cabbage salad--Kobichi Pachadi and fresh coriander chutney. Kurma's Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking Video Encyclopaedia. Broadcast on television

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago