#Srila prabhuapda hare krishna iskcon guru acharya spiritual master

Kings Cross Food For Life Channel 10 News 1985 - With live eye camera 02:53

Kings Cross Food For Life Channel 10 News 1985 - With live eye camera

In October of 1985 Channel 10 news in Sydney did a live cross to ISKCON Sydney to cover the morning program and their new Food For Life Prasadam distribution program. In those days Hare Krishnas were in the news no matter what they did. Aus

Catch Them as the Go - 1983 Documentary on Alternative Religions in Australia 57:19

Catch Them as the Go - 1983 Documentary on Alternative Religions in Au

Australian television program 'Catch Them as they Go' on new religious movements. This episode documents the Hare Krishna movement in Australia in 1983

  • by
  • 7 years ago
Australian Television Station anouncing Gaura Purnima 00:25

Australian Television Station anouncing Gaura Purnima

In the 1980s the Hare Krishna movement was so prominent and newsworthy that Television stations were announcing the Gaura Purnima Festival.

ABC Television Test Pattern 01:27

ABC Television Test Pattern

Even the television test patterns in Australia in the 1980s were accompanied with the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. In those days TV was not broadcast 24 hours a day, so when there was no program they would broadcast a test pattern,

Adelaide Hari Nama after arrests - News coverage plus New Gaudadesh Farm 08:37

Adelaide Hari Nama after arrests - News coverage plus New Gaudadesh Fa

News coverage of devotees with some history of the Adelaide Australia Hare Krishna chanting ban in the 1980s. Also includes coverage of the New Gaudadesh farm which was between Adelaide and Melbourne.

Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s 05:26

Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s

Television program 'State Affair' on Chanel 7 covers the Adelaide City Council's ban on chanting Hare Krishna in the city.

Russian Devotees are Free! - Good Morning Australia 03:31

Russian Devotees are Free! - Good Morning Australia

The biggest Australian breakfast television show, 'Good Morning Australia' celebrates the freedom of the Russian Hare Krishna devotees who had be put into psychiatric hospitals and tortured by the Russian communist government.

Prahlada Interviewed by Ten News (Sydney) 01:04

Prahlada Interviewed by Ten News (Sydney)

Prahlada interviewed by Ten News in Sydney on freeing the Russian Hare Krishna devotees in Soviet Union.

New Govardhana - A Fair Dinkum Aussie Farm 07:10

New Govardhana - A Fair Dinkum Aussie Farm

Television coverage of the Hare Krishna farm in Australia, New Govardhan, A Fair-Dinkum Aussie Farm.

Bhavananda Visits New Govardhan and Cancels the weddings in 1983 00:56

Bhavananda Visits New Govardhan and Cancels the weddings in 1983

Bhavananda visits ISKCON's New Govardhan farm community in Northern New South Wales Australia to perform some marriages of his disciples but he decides to cancel the weddings. This is television news coverage.

Bhavananda Visits New Govardhana Australia on Eyewitness News 02:36

Bhavananda Visits New Govardhana Australia on Eyewitness News

Eyewitness news covers Bhavananda's visit to New Govardhan, ISKCON's farm community in Northern New South Wales, Australia.

Opening of Kings Cross Temple Sydney 1983 Live on Channel Nine Morning Show 05:57

Opening of Kings Cross Temple Sydney 1983 Live on Channel Nine Morning

Australian national morning television show crosses live to the ISKCON temple to cover the morning program and Bhavananda's visit.

Bhavananda in Brisbane Australia on Today Tonight 06:04

Bhavananda in Brisbane Australia on Today Tonight

Queensland's Today Tonight televison news covers Bhavananda's visit to Brisbane.

Brisbane Temple Opening - Bhavananda Visit - Chanel Seven News 01:04

Brisbane Temple Opening - Bhavananda Visit - Chanel Seven News

Channel Seven News covers Bhavananda visiting Brisbane to open the new temple.

Devotees Banned From Chanting - North Queensland Television 01:20

Devotees Banned From Chanting - North Queensland Television

Australian Traveling Temple Kirtan party banned from chanting Hare Krishna in North Queensland 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Albany 1985 01:10

Traveling Temple Australia -- Albany 1985

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Albany. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Rockhampten 1985 05:39

Traveling Temple Australia -- Rockhampten 1985

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Rockhampten. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Darwin 1985 01:12

Traveling Temple Australia -- Darwin 1985

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Darwin. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Mackay 1985 02:14

Traveling Temple Australia -- Mackay 1985

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Mackay. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Releasing 100 Pigeons [Doves] in a Car Park 01:01

Traveling Temple Australia -- Releasing 100 Pigeons [Doves] in a Car P

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple releasing 100 pigeons [symbolic doves] to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Woolongong Banned From RSL Hall Because of Dhotis 02:11

Traveling Temple Australia -- Woolongong Banned From RSL Hall Because

Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple being banned from the RSL hall because of wearing dhotis when having a program to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Woolongong. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Leaders of the USSR Film Clip -- Gaura Gopal 04:43

Traveling Temple Australia -- Leaders of the USSR Film Clip -- Gaura G

Australia's Traveling temple song which is a plea to the leaders of the Soviet Union to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Gaura Gopal. 1985.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Good Morning Australia 04:44

Traveling Temple Australia -- Good Morning Australia

Very nice documentary produced by Good Morning Australia detailing the Australian Traveling Temple program in 1985 collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union.

Prabhupada Centennial Maha Abhiseka Calcutta 6-7 Sep 1996 3:04:13

Prabhupada Centennial Maha Abhiseka Calcutta 6-7 Sep 1996

Documentary on the Prabhupada Centennial Maha Abhiseka performed in Calcutta on September 6 and 7, 1996. Produced by ITV Australia's Guru Daksine.

Russians at the Beach -- Yuga Dharma Sri Harinama Yatra 2007 21:22

Russians at the Beach -- Yuga Dharma Sri Harinama Yatra 2007

Russian devotees chanting Hare Krishna in the streets of a summer beach resort town. This film was produced by the late Russian Krsnadas who drowned in the Ganges at Mayapur at a very young age, not very long after he made this film in 2007

Larry King Live interviews Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada on Murder and Kidnapping 43:38

Larry King Live interviews Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada on Murder and

Kirtananda Swami, a messenger of God or ruthless religious godfather? The outlaw swami pleads innocent in a gruesome murder. Is he an unconventional religious leader or a ruthless cult dictator? Swami Bhaktipada is in the eye of the storm i

RUSSIANS in 4K! -- Russian Kirtan Festival  -- with Gopal Krsna Gosvami leading Kirtan - 26 May 2005 12:45

RUSSIANS in 4K! -- Russian Kirtan Festival -- with Gopal Krsna Gosvam

Our first 4K video is Russian! See the Russian devotees in stunning 4K video. It is a kirtan lead by Gopal Krishna Gosvami in a tent at a festival. It starts slow but builds up. It is very ecstatic actually... Stick with it till the end. A

Govinda by Kula Shaker (Crispian Mills -- Son of Hayley Mills) 03:49

Govinda by Kula Shaker (Crispian Mills -- Son of Hayley Mills)

Govinda is a song by the British rock band Kula Shaker, released on their debut album, K, on 16 September 1996. It was also issued as a single, on 11 November, and peaked at number 9 on the UK Singles Chart. Govinda is notable for its he

Bow Down Mister live on French TV -- Boy George 03:42

Bow Down Mister live on French TV -- Boy George

A very uplifting live performance of Bow Down Mister on French televison by Boy George. Bow Down Mister From Bombay to Bangalore Al the Hindus know the score If you wanna live some more Hare, Hare, Hare If you do not take the vow You

Did NASA Really Send Men to the Moon on their Apollo Missions?  You Decide 44:58

Did NASA Really Send Men to the Moon on their Apollo Missions? You De

This collection of video clips provides an overview of NASA's 1969 Apollo 11 mission. It reveals the intense political pressure on NASA to put a American on the Moon before the end of 1960s decade and reveals the extreme complexity of the A

Rathayatra 05:26


Video from the UK Rathayatra website. Footage of Jagannatha Puri Rathayatra, Srila Prabhupada at London Rathayatra in 1973 and at other USA Rathayatras.

Art of Book Distribution -- Part 2: Six Easy Methods -- Dramatically Increase Your Book Distribution 24:18

Art of Book Distribution -- Part 2: Six Easy Methods -- Dramatically I

Vaishasheka Prabhu discusses methods of book distribution apart from the traditional method of standing on the street and stopping the people and selling them books. He describes Smart Boxes and Smart Tables , which are unattended displ

Ramayana Play: Adventures of the Great King Rama 35:00

Ramayana Play: Adventures of the Great King Rama

A Ramayana play put on by the kulis called The Adventures of the Great King Rama. It was performed at New Dwarka ISKCON temple [Los Angeles].

Rathayatra 1967 with Jayananda 14:39

Rathayatra 1967 with Jayananda

Film of 1967 Rathayatra Festival in San Fransisco. This is only the 2nd Rathayatra festival held by ISKCON in the western world. It is the first time a full scale Chariot was pulled on the streets anywhere outside of Jagannatha Puri. Shows

Prabhupada Arrives in Melbourne 1974 08:24

Prabhupada Arrives in Melbourne 1974

Srila Prabhupada arriving in Melbourne in 1974. Includes kirtan at airport plus press conference at airport.

Prabhupada Town Hall Program -- Melbourne 1974 13:58

Prabhupada Town Hall Program -- Melbourne 1974

Srila Prabhupada gives an inspirational talk to the general public assembled in the Melbourne Town Hall in Australia in 1974.

TV News Piece on Prabhupada's Palace of Gold 06:51

TV News Piece on Prabhupada's Palace of Gold

A short TV news piece on Srila Prabhupada's Palace of Gold.

Prabhupada's Palace of Gold TV News 08:18

Prabhupada's Palace of Gold TV News

Another news spot on the opening of Srila Prabhupada's Palace of Gold.

Tu Banka Teri Banki Nazaria T-series by Deepender Deepak 07:00

Tu Banka Teri Banki Nazaria T-series by Deepender Deepak

krishna bhajan by t-series singer - Deepender Deepak

Poland Summer Festivals 1995 19:21

Poland Summer Festivals 1995

This is a documentary on the activities of the Laxmi Nrsimha Travelling Sankirtan Party taken over a four day period in June, 1995 on the coast of the Baltic Sea in northern Poland. Organized and inspired by Indradyumna Swami, 200 devotees