Hare Krishna Scenes from the Bee Season with Richard Gere

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category Preaching

    The Bee Season is a Hollywood Film from 2005.

    It is the story of a Jewish College Professor and his wife, son and daughter.

    The wife is secretly a thief and som


    The Bee Season is a Hollywood Film from 2005.

    It is the story of a Jewish College Professor and his wife, son and daughter.

    The wife is secretly a thief and somewhat crazy, the daughter is a wiz-kid at spelling bees, and the son, Richard Gere, is searching.

    First within his father's Jewish traditions, then within his mother's Catholic roots, and then a Hare Krishna girl with a big dog approaches him and gives him one of Prabhupada's books with her phone number on the back.

    Of course he calls the beautiful girl and on the plea of going on a camping trip joins the Hare Krishna Temple.

    This was filmed in Berkley, California and the Hare Krishna devotees in the film are real Hare Krishna devotees from the Berkley area organized by Gadadhara Prabhu.

    Gadadhara explained the philosophy of Krishna consciousness to the filmmakers but apart from a short kirtan and Richard Gere chanting Hare Krishna on tulsi japa beads there is no substantial Krishna philosophy in the film.

    Anyhow it is interesting.

    The father comes and takes Richard Gere out of the temple and back home and it seems like he immoderately forgets about being a Hare Krishna and is back in maya...

    Anyhow interesting, but could have been a lot better.

    This is just some pieces of the film, the Hare Krishna pieces and enough of the rest to be able to understand the story...

  • bee season richard gere film Hollywood movie
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    Comments (1)
  • Pratyatosa Das "The father comes and takes Richard Gere out of the temple and back home and it seems like he immoderately forgets about being a Hare Krishna and is back in maya..." This is not correct. Richard Gere IS "the father."