The Philosophy of ISKCON Bangalore

  • Uploaded 16 years ago in the category ISKCON Gurus

    This is a confidential video made for ISKCON Bangalore devotees some years ago where the leaders of including the Temple President, Madhupandit Prabhu, discuss


    This is a confidential video made for ISKCON Bangalore devotees some years ago where the leaders of including the Temple President, Madhupandit Prabhu, discuss the history of Bangalore and how that temple came to accept the ritvik orders that Srila Prabhupada gave in his July 9th, 1977 letter to all GBC members and Temple Presidents.

    It is a very interesting film.

  • ISKCON Bangalore Madhupandit ritvik
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    Comments (1)
  • Mayesa Dasa In the video

    Disciple of my disciple

    on YouTube

    Rtvik philosophy is defeated

    by Srila Prabhupada himself, in his own recorded words.

    Rtvik philosophy was created by a devotee named Nityananda dasa who left ISKCON.