Srila Prabhupada speaks on Bhagavad-gita Chapter 1 Texts 24 and 25: Sañjaya said: O descendant of Bharata, being thus addressed by Arjuna, Lord Kṛṣṇa drew up the fine chariot in the midst of the armies of both parties. In the presence of B
Various television news clips covering ISKCON's Rathayatra festival in Sydney Australia in mid 1980's. Includes interviews with Bhavananda.
1983 television interview with Cita Hari, the Sydney Temple President, and his wife. Very interesting to see the mood in ISKCON at that time.
1982 Television Interview of Sydney Australia's ISKCON Temple President. Interesting to see the mood of devotees in those days.
In October of 1985 Channel 10 news in Sydney did a live cross to ISKCON Sydney to cover the morning program and their new Food For Life Prasadam distribution program. In those days Hare Krishnas were in the news no matter what they did. Aus
ISKCON Sydney Food For Life full interview with Rev Ted Noffs, founder of the famous Wayside Chapel in Kings Cross, member of parliament, etc. Includes 'wild vision' filmed by television station.
Australian television program 'Catch Them as they Go' on new religious movements. This episode documents the Hare Krishna movement in Australia in 1983
In the 1980s the Hare Krishna movement was so prominent and newsworthy that Television stations were announcing the Gaura Purnima Festival.
During October of 1985 the Australian government cut off the funding for many services providing emergency food assistance to homeless people in Sydney. This caused a massive increase in the number of people using the ISKCON Food For Life S
Television news interviews Citahari Prabhu, Temple President of ISKCON Sydney, in mid-1980s about the Kings Cross Food For Life prasadam distribution program.
Even the television test patterns in Australia in the 1980s were accompanied with the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. In those days TV was not broadcast 24 hours a day, so when there was no program they would broadcast a test pattern,
News coverage of devotees with some history of the Adelaide Australia Hare Krishna chanting ban in the 1980s. Also includes coverage of the New Gaudadesh farm which was between Adelaide and Melbourne.
Television program 'State Affair' on Chanel 7 covers the Adelaide City Council's ban on chanting Hare Krishna in the city.
The biggest Australian breakfast television show, 'Good Morning Australia' celebrates the freedom of the Russian Hare Krishna devotees who had be put into psychiatric hospitals and tortured by the Russian communist government.
Prahlada interviewed by Ten News in Sydney on freeing the Russian Hare Krishna devotees in Soviet Union.
Good Morning Australia interviews the devotees at the ISKCON New Govardhan Farm about their proposed expansion and the problems getting the local council to approve their plans. This is part of a national public relations program which forc
Television coverage of the Hare Krishna farm in Australia, New Govardhan, A Fair-Dinkum Aussie Farm.
Australian National Televison (ABC) covers Visnupada (Bhavananda) opening the Kings Cross Temple in Sydney in 1983.
Bhavananda visits ISKCON's New Govardhan farm community in Northern New South Wales Australia to perform some marriages of his disciples but he decides to cancel the weddings. This is television news coverage.
Eyewitness news covers Bhavananda's visit to New Govardhan, ISKCON's farm community in Northern New South Wales, Australia.
Australian national morning television show crosses live to the ISKCON temple to cover the morning program and Bhavananda's visit.
Queensland's Today Tonight televison news covers Bhavananda's visit to Brisbane.
Channel Seven News covers Bhavananda visiting Brisbane to open the new temple.
Devotees from all over Australia and the world come together to relive Prabhupada's ecstatic pastimes in Melbourne. This is one of the first Prabhupada disciple reunions held by ISKCON temples in the 1990s. It was an attempt to bring old de
ISKCON Melbourne's 1985 Moomba float
Australian Traveling Temple Kirtan party banned from chanting Hare Krishna in North Queensland 1985.
Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Albany. 1985.
Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Rockhampten. 1985.
Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Darwin. 1985.
Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Mackay. 1985.
Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple releasing 100 pigeons [symbolic doves] to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. 1985.
Television coverage of Australia's Traveling temple being banned from the RSL hall because of wearing dhotis when having a program to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Woolongong. 1985.
Australia's Traveling temple song which is a plea to the leaders of the Soviet Union to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Gaura Gopal. 1985.
Very nice documentary produced by Good Morning Australia detailing the Australian Traveling Temple program in 1985 collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union.
ISKCON Devotees at New Mayapur, France, present The Ramayana as a stage play. Very nice production in French.
A video advertisement for the 1980s ISKCON traveling festival in Europe.
Documentary on the Prabhupada Centennial Maha Abhiseka performed in Calcutta on September 6 and 7, 1996. Produced by ITV Australia's Guru Daksine.
Guru Daksine attempts to uncover the pastimes of Srila Prabhupada in Calcutta in 1996. He goes to all the places of Prabhupada's pastimes like the Radha-Krishna temple Srila Prabhupada worshiped in as a child and the Scottish Churches Colle
Nrsimhananda Prabhu presents the first ITV Film Festival in Mayapur. Very nice, well produced, entertaining program.
Russian devotees chanting Hare Krishna in the streets of a summer beach resort town. This film was produced by the late Russian Krsnadas who drowned in the Ganges at Mayapur at a very young age, not very long after he made this film in 2007