#Taj mahal hindu temple history india

Morning program 01:53

Morning program

Hare Krishna Temple Morning program.

Srila Prabhupada Radhe 1 04:28

Srila Prabhupada Radhe 1

Srila Prabhupada chanting in Hk ny temple Radhe thanks to Ralph

Little Krishna -- The Making of Little Krishna 56:39

Little Krishna -- The Making of Little Krishna

The amazing story of how the hit Television Series Little Krishna was made. Includes interviews with the Big animation and also the Vice President of ISKCON Bangalore who produced the Little Krishna animated TV series. They describe how

Sunday Feast 08:10

Sunday Feast

Hare Krishna Sunday Feast at Radha Krishna Kunj Aashram, Marysville, WA USA. This is a regular Sunday program happens at Hare Krsna Aashrams (Marysville and at Gaura Nitai Temple at Sedro Wolley) - Anyone and everyone is most welcome to att

Krishna Boys - You Enchanted Me 04:11

Krishna Boys - You Enchanted Me

We made this video for fun and showed it at our temple for the New Year's eve. A Lot of people liked so I hope you'll enjoy it too... Have fun!

Mantra Fusion Band - Sri Nama Kirtana, Woodstock 2008 02:58

Mantra Fusion Band - Sri Nama Kirtana, Woodstock 2008

Played at Przystanek Woodstock Festival 2008

Supersoul Connection - Avatar 02:05

Supersoul Connection - Avatar

This video is a part of Supersoul Connection's screen projection. We used footage from two movies: Nilachale Mahaprabhu and Neemai of Nadia, both made in 1959 in Bengal, India. This isn't an official video of a band.

Little Krishna New Animated Krishna Television Series 00:46

Little Krishna New Animated Krishna Television Series

Created by Big animation and The India Heritage Foundation ( promoted by ISKCON Bangalore) now also aired in NICK Channel

Krishna Avataara 06:31

Krishna Avataara

Krishna Avataara ,by Prince Dance Group(Orissa). The Role of Krishna is played by Krishna Mohan Reddy./nThis was performed in a TV show called India Got Talent .

Prabhupada World Tour 1972-1973 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 -- 1080p 1:18:35

Prabhupada World Tour 1972-1973 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 -

Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 covers July 1972 till July 1973. In this twelve month period Srila Prabhupada visited Amsterdam, England, the United States, India, Jakarta, but overall spent a lot of time preaching in India. The film sta

Warrior Prince -- Animated Ramayana --  The Legend of Prince Rama 2:11:34

Warrior Prince -- Animated Ramayana -- The Legend of Prince Rama

Animated Ramayana: Warrior Prince is a $12 million-dollar film based upon the Ramayana. It's a 170-minute action packed, feature film that explores the animation style called FUSION which consists of 3 different schools of animation: Mang

FFLVrindavan 02:00


to help the children in Vrindavan from Belgium

Sri Radha Raman Abhisek Vrindavan 47:31

Sri Radha Raman Abhisek Vrindavan

Rare video of the abishek ceremony for the Deities of Sri Sri Radha Raman in Vrindavan, India.

Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Festival 1:30:42

Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Festival

Incredable film documentary of the Ratha Yatra cart festival in Jagannatha Puri, Orissa, India.

Kirtan 01:18


Narasimha arathi sung by Veda, Narasimha temple, Bangalore. Concluding kirtan after the day long girls'camp.

Saving the Fisher Mansion in Detroit 01:17

Saving the Fisher Mansion in Detroit

This video documents the saving of the fisher mansion by hare krishna devotees in detroit and its conversion into a beautiful temple

Home Video of Srila Prabhupada LA 1974 08:19

Home Video of Srila Prabhupada LA 1974

This color super-8 film was shot by one disciple of Srila Prabhupada at the Los Angeles Hare Krishna (ISKCON) temple (New Dwarka) in 1974. It shows Srila Prabhupada on a morning walk with his disciples at Venice Beach and then Srila Prabhup

In God's Name -- A Documentary on Australian Hare Krishna Devotees in

This is one of the earliest complete and professionally-made full-length films made about life in ISKCON in the early '70s. The filmmaker, William Kerr, went on to make many more iconic films of Srila Prabhupada's visits to Australia that h

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Nilachala Mahaprabhu -- Classic Indian Movie 1:19:07

Nilachala Mahaprabhu -- Classic Indian Movie

This classic Indian film Nilachala Mahaprabhu depicts the pastimes of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu during the time He spent at Jagannatha Puri. It contains genuine historical footage of the famous chariot festival, the Ratha Yatra festival

Radha London-Isvara 37th Anniversary Festival 32:38

Radha London-Isvara 37th Anniversary Festival

The 37th anniversary celebrations at the Sri Sri Radha London-Isvara temple in Soho, London. The London ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple is situated on Soho Street in central London. Just minutes off the busiest shopping street in the world.

Free Spiritual SMS 01:19

Free Spiritual SMS

You Can Join Free Mobile SMS group in INDIA where you get free Krsna Slokas, Bhagavat Gita Quotes, Srimad Bhagavatam Quotes.Send a sms from your cell type JOIN SpiritualBhakti to 09219592195

The best bhajan ever- ISAREL-Locanananda prabhu 09:57

The best bhajan ever- ISAREL-Locanananda prabhu

Locanananda prabhu leading ecstatic bhajan in Tel Aviv temple-ISRAEL!! Hare Krishna!!! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Bollywood Is Demoniac 1 09:56

Bollywood Is Demoniac 1

Bollywood is demoniac. Most Bollywood movies are filled with lusty, materialistic scenes. These lusty and demoniac scenes do not actually represent India, her culture, or her religion. The aim of Bollywood is simply to destroy morality and

Nimai of Nadia 1:09:21

Nimai of Nadia

Beautiful old black and white film made in India about the life and teachings of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Himalayan Pilgrimage 10:25

Himalayan Pilgrimage

Himalayan Pilgrimage

Radhastami, Radharani's Appearance Day 04:56

Radhastami, Radharani's Appearance Day

Video about Radharani's qualities. Made for Radhastami 2004 and shown in the ISKCON Leicester temple UK. Hope you like it

Scientific Verification of the Vedas 29:23

Scientific Verification of the Vedas

A somewhat scholarly presentation that scientifically establishes the true ancient roots of the Vedas, defeating the English Indologists like Max Muler and others Arian Invasion Theory. It discovers the links between the Vedas, the ancient

ISKCON Mayapur Panca-Tattva Installation Darshan 02:49

ISKCON Mayapur Panca-Tattva Installation Darshan

Darshan of the installation of Sri Sri Panca Tattva Deities at ISKCON Mayapur, near Calcutta, West Bangal, India.

  • by mdhu
  • 3 years ago
How The Other Half Lives --   Hare Krishnas 2010 -- New Zealand TV Program 26:50

How The Other Half Lives -- Hare Krishnas 2010 -- New Zealand TV Pro

Marc Ellis, a former professional Rugby player, spends 3 days at the Varshana Hare Krishna rural community in West Auckland, New Zealand. He gets shaved up, puts on a dhoti, attends the morning program in the temple, goes out in Auckland ch

Srila Prabhupada at Bhaktivedanta Manor London 1973 (Darshan 9) 51:32

Srila Prabhupada at Bhaktivedanta Manor London 1973 (Darshan 9)

See Srila Prabhupada install the Deities at Bhaktivedanta Manor, the temple donated to him by George Harrison in London. This collection of film footage of Srila Prabhupada contains many never before released scenes of Srila Prabhupada in L

Srila Prabhupada in Paris -- 1973 -- France (Darshan 8) 57:22

Srila Prabhupada in Paris -- 1973 -- France (Darshan 8)

An amazing film documenting Srila Prabhuapda's visit to France when he installed the Deities Sri Sri Radha Paris-Isvara. This is very good film footage mostly shot by Yadubara Prabhu and his wife Vishaka, and most of it has synchronized aud

  • by mdhu
  • 14 years ago
Himalayan Pilgrimage by DevaVision 47:44

Himalayan Pilgrimage by DevaVision

Asia is home to the Himalayas, the highest mountain range on earth. Covering a distance of 2,700 kilometers, the Himalayas overlook the landscapes of six Countries: India, Nepal, Pakistan, China, Bhutan and Tibet. For thousands of years the

The Nectar of Immortality -- The Basis of the World's Largest Act of Faith 02:35

The Nectar of Immortality -- The Basis of the World's Largest Act of F

Stunning film delves into the reasons why millions of people attend the Kumbha Mela Festival in India -- The world's largest act of Faith. It is because of the Nectar of Immortality which is available at this festival...

Prabhupada Darshan 7 -- 1973 -- New York,London,Calcutta 1:02:35

Prabhupada Darshan 7 -- 1973 -- New York,London,Calcutta

Srila Prabhuapda walks in Calcutta by the Ganges and passes many famous sites from the British Raj Era. Then we see the Victoria Memorial program. Then we see Srila Prabhupada arriving at the airport in New York then his arrival at the tem

Srila Prabhupada's Mission 03:19

Srila Prabhupada's Mission

A summary presentation of Srila Prabhupada's life and the development of his International Society for Krishna consciousness. Produced by Amogha dasa

Liberating the conditioned soul with HG.Dhirasanta Das 04:11

Liberating the conditioned soul with HG.Dhirasanta Das

Liberating the conditioned soul is a skit by HG.Dhirasant Das performed at Swansea uk Temple for the benifit of all conditioned souls filmed by Bhaktafilms

  • by mdhu
  • 14 years ago
Widows of Vrindavan 25:02

Widows of Vrindavan

I lost (broke) My Hear in Vrindavan. The sad story of India's many widows who are rejected from their families and many take shelter of Vrindavan

Travel with Srila Prabhupada -- 1975 -- Chicago,  Denver, Washington (Darshan 15) 48:36

Travel with Srila Prabhupada -- 1975 -- Chicago, Denver, Washington (

We begin with Srila Prabhupada in Denver, Colorado and see Srila Prabhupada on a morning walk with his disciples, riding in a car and his disciples offering him Guru-puja, part of the regular daily ISKCON temple worship program. Then, in t

Prabhupada's World Tour -- 1975 -- Berkeley,San Diego,Detroit,South Africa,Nairobi (Darshan 16) 1:06:10

Prabhupada's World Tour -- 1975 -- Berkeley,San Diego,Detroit,South Af

This video starts with Srila Prabhupada inflight from Philadelphia to San Francisco in July on 1975. Srila Prabhupada starts up a lively conversation with the pilot, giving him some information about the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Then we see

Travelling with Prabhupada -- 1974 -- Chicago,Paris,San Francisco,Geneva -- (Darshan 11) 1:15:26

Travelling with Prabhupada -- 1974 -- Chicago,Paris,San Francisco,Gene

We start in Geneva in 1974 at a temple program. Then we see Srila Prabhupada being welcomed by the Governor. Then to Paris where Srila Prabhuapda performs initiations for his new French disciples. This is followed by darshan in Srila Prabh