#Cbs news palace of gold

Hare Krishna New York 1966. 2nd Ave 05:00

Hare Krishna New York 1966. 2nd Ave

A wonderful documentary on the beginnings of the Hare Krishna Movement. This film was made by CBS news in New York documenting the swami who had come to the Lower East Village in Manhattan.

Prabhupada's First Visit to Australia 06:54

Prabhupada's First Visit to Australia

The ecstatic arrival of Srila Prabhupada in Sydney, Australia for the first time. Shows the first Hare Krishna temple in Australia. Even though the devotees are not ready Srila Prabhupada installs the beautiful Deities, Sri Sri Radha Gopina

Srila Prabhupada Acharya Part 2 29:18

Srila Prabhupada Acharya Part 2

Part 2 of a documentary series on the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This program includes an interview with Srila Prabhupada in a telev

Happiness on Second Avenue 08:22

Happiness on Second Avenue

In 1966 Srila Prabhuapda, the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) rented a storefront at 26 2nd. Ave, New York City, NY. Within weeks the news of this new Hare Krishna Temple and the Swami in the L

Jagannath Puri -- The City of Lord Caitanya 20:20

Jagannath Puri -- The City of Lord Caitanya

Jagannath Puri, a city in Orissa, India, is a great holy city in India which was, before His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami came to the United States in 1965, practically unknown outside India. However, Srila Prabhuapda brought the L

Children of Krishna - NBC 19:08

Children of Krishna - NBC

Very interesting television news report by a Los Angeles Television station in 1982 on the children of New Dwarka, the Los Angeles Hare Krishna Temple. It focuses on the students of the Gurukula (Hare Krishna Primary School) that had been e

Prabhupada Arriving in Australia -- Srila Prabhupada, Melbourne 1974 08:24

Prabhupada Arriving in Australia -- Srila Prabhupada, Melbourne 1974

A truly amazing film documenting Srila Prabhupada's arrival in Melbourne in 1974. Although there was one devotee cameraman there at the airport to film the arrival, there were also many televison news cameramen. So this film is a combinatio

Krishna on Television 1985 -- Australia 01:25

Krishna on Television 1985 -- Australia

And amazing collection of television coverage of the Hare Krishna movement in Australia in 1985. Includes news coverage of the Hare Krishna's being confused with the Orange People. Hare Krishna Food For Life feeding the homeless in Kings Cr

Hare Krishnas In Lima 10:21

Hare Krishnas In Lima

Television news coverage of the Hare Krishnas in Lima, 1990's

Prabhupada's First Visit to Australia (1971) 06:54

Prabhupada's First Visit to Australia (1971)

An amazing television news documentary film of Srila Prabhupada's first visit to Sydney, Australia in 1971. It shows the first ISKCON temple in the Sydney suburb of Paddington. The film features Srila Prabhupada performing the installation

New Vrindavana -- Planned New Temple 10:45

New Vrindavana -- Planned New Temple

Video describing a plan to develop a majestic Radha Krishna Temple of Understanding at New Vrindavan, West Virginia. It was not built but was a grand idea.

The Religion of Smiles 03:46

The Religion of Smiles

An old French television news piece on the Hare Krishna movement as The Religion of Smiles. Centred around a famous model who joined the Hare Krishna temple in Paris, France.

Martin Luther King Parade, Los Angeles 03:23

Martin Luther King Parade, Los Angeles

Short television news coverage of the Hare Krishna entry into the Martin Luther King Parade in Los Angeles 2006.

TV Coverage of the Hare Krishna Movement in Australia -- 1985 46:08

TV Coverage of the Hare Krishna Movement in Australia -- 1985

This is an amazing video showing the outstandingly positive television coverage of the Hare Krishna movement in Australia during 1985. It is well worth watching to see what is possible.

Famous Model Joins the Hare Krishnas in Paris 03:46

Famous Model Joins the Hare Krishnas in Paris

This French television news article describes how one famous model in Paris ended up becoming a Hare Krishna devotee.

Houston Live interviewsing Tamal Krishna Maharaja on Hare Krishnas 1980s 28:33

Houston Live interviewsing Tamal Krishna Maharaja on Hare Krishnas 198

1980's television news presentation Houston Live , interview with Tamal Krishna Maharaja.

Italy's First Hare Krishna Children -- First Gurukula (school) at ISKCON's Villa Vrindvan 49:45

Italy's First Hare Krishna Children -- First Gurukula (school) at ISKC

Italian television sent a reporter to the Villa Vrindavan Hare Krishna community in Italy to investigate the first generation Italian Hare Krishna children. Good coverage of the gurukula (school) as well as a general overview of the Villa V

The Lord Mayor Speaks -- Adelaide Hare Krishna Chanting Ban -- Australia 04:15

The Lord Mayor Speaks -- Adelaide Hare Krishna Chanting Ban -- Austral

For many years the Adelaide City Council banned the chanting of Hare Krishna in the city. When the Traveling Temple visited Adelaide to collect signitures for the petition to free the Russian Hare Krishna devotees the Adelaide Hare Krishna

The Adelaide Hare Krishna Chanting Ban is Lifted! -- Australia 00:58

The Adelaide Hare Krishna Chanting Ban is Lifted! -- Australia

As a result of the massive nation-wide attention brought on the Adelaide City Council by the Hare Krishna Traveling Temple the ban on chanting Hare Krishna in Adelaide that had been in place for many years was lifted.

Mayor of Adelaide on Lifting Ban on Chanting Hare Krishna 01:06

Mayor of Adelaide on Lifting Ban on Chanting Hare Krishna

Television coverage of Gaura Gopal meeting the Adelaide (South Australia) City Mayor in an attempt to convince him to allow the Hare Krishnas to chant on the streets of Adelaide again.

The Hare Krishnas are Back in Adelaide 00:43

The Hare Krishnas are Back in Adelaide

After the Traveling Temple Program to collect signatures to free the Russian Hare Krishna devotees generated a huge amount of national television coverage on Adelaide City Councils ban on chanting Hare Krishna in the city they were force to

Hare Krishna Street Collectors Attacked by National Australian Television 13:42

Hare Krishna Street Collectors Attacked by National Australian Televis

For many years Mike Willesee, the host of a national nightly Australian news show, was waging a war against the Hare Krishna's who were collecting for Food For Life in Sydney. On this show he interviews the Temple President, Chita Hari.

A History Lesson on Russia -- Mike Willesse Show -- Nine Network Australia 1986 04:48

A History Lesson on Russia -- Mike Willesse Show -- Nine Network Austr

In a history lesson devotee children discover Russia has put many Hare Krishnas in prison and a Krishna baby has just died in prison. This inspired this class of 12 year old Krishna devotees to try and do something to raise awareness of t

Gaura Gopal Debates City Council Official on Adelaide Chanting Ban 06:41

Gaura Gopal Debates City Council Official on Adelaide Chanting Ban

National Australian news coverage of Gaura Gopal debating with an Adelaide City Council official on the lifting of the ban on chanting Hare Krishna in Adelaide.

Recording of Traveling Temple and Leaders of USSR Film clips -- Gaura Gopala 01:11

Recording of Traveling Temple and Leaders of USSR Film clips -- Gaura

Televison news coverage of the recording of Traveling Temple and Leaders of the USSR film clips by Gaura Gopala and the Traveling Temple Band. These film clips were used to promote the drive to collect one million signatures on a petition t

Traditional Oil Ghani Machine 01:16

Traditional Oil Ghani Machine

Traditional Oil Ghani MachinenDawn News Headlines, News Stories Updates and Latest News from Pakistan Top Politics News, Dawn News BulletinnTo Watch Latest News And Talk Shows Subscribe Our Channel Dawn News :-PLEASE SUBSCRIBE BELOW LINKnn

  • by mdhu
  • 7 years ago
Traditional method for oil production in Trichy | News7 Tamil 02:49

Traditional method for oil production in Trichy | News7 Tamil

Traditional method for oil production in Trichy | News7 TamilnnSubscribe : https://bitly.com/SubscribeNews7TamilnnFacebook: http://fb.com/News7TamilnTwitter: http://twitter.com/News7TamilnWebsite: http://www.ns7.tvnnnnNews 7 Tamil Televisio

  • by mdhu
  • 7 years ago
1983 Television Interview with Cita Hari and Wife on Mike Walsh Show Australia 08:44

1983 Television Interview with Cita Hari and Wife on Mike Walsh Show A

1983 television interview with Cita Hari, the Sydney Temple President, and his wife. Very interesting to see the mood in ISKCON at that time.

John Singleton Show Bhagavata Asraya Sydney Australia 1982 13:34

John Singleton Show Bhagavata Asraya Sydney Australia 1982

1982 Television Interview of Sydney Australia's ISKCON Temple President. Interesting to see the mood of devotees in those days.

Gopals Burgers on Good Morning Australia 08:17

Gopals Burgers on Good Morning Australia

In 1985 ISKCON Melbourne opened the first Hare Krishna Fast Food Restaurant. They were unfortunately only able to keep it open for a few months. But it was an idea that caught the attention of the Australian media. This is the coverage of t

Mike Willesse Show - Critical of Hare Krishna Street Collecting on National TV 13:42

Mike Willesse Show - Critical of Hare Krishna Street Collecting on Nat

Mike Willesse, an Australian daily television news program host, was very much against ISKCON in Sydney and he was constantly airing negative pieces on the devotees collecting for the Kings Cross Food for Life program. This is one of them.

Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s 05:26

Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s

Television program 'State Affair' on Chanel 7 covers the Adelaide City Council's ban on chanting Hare Krishna in the city.

Russian Devotees are Free! - Good Morning Australia 03:31

Russian Devotees are Free! - Good Morning Australia

The biggest Australian breakfast television show, 'Good Morning Australia' celebrates the freedom of the Russian Hare Krishna devotees who had be put into psychiatric hospitals and tortured by the Russian communist government.

We Want to See 21st Centuray Film Clip -- Prahlad and the Krishna Kids 05:17

We Want to See 21st Centuray Film Clip -- Prahlad and the Krishna Kids

In his effort to get the Russian Hare Krishna devotees freed from prisons and mental hospitals Prahlada, after the success of his song aimed at Mikhail Gorbachev, the President of Russia, produced this song aimed at Ronald Regan, the Presid

EMI Records signs Prahlada and The Krishna Kids -- And Produces Record Album 06:24

EMI Records signs Prahlada and The Krishna Kids -- And Produces Record

In 1986 EMI Records in Australia signed up a new group for their record label to take its place among their other artists like AC/DC, Queen, The Beatles... Prahlada and the Krishna Kids...

State Affair (Brisbane) Prahlada and the Krishna Kids 04:38

State Affair (Brisbane) Prahlada and the Krishna Kids

Prahlada interviewed by State Affair in Brisbane, Australia in 1985.

New Govardhan Early Problems with Council, Bridge, Neighbours, etc 11:08

New Govardhan Early Problems with Council, Bridge, Neighbours, etc

When the devotees purchased a farm in Australia and tried to develop it as a community of Hare Krishna devotees the local council was completely against the idea and tried to stop it in every way they could. So the Australian Hare Krishnas

Bhavananda Visits New Govardhan and Cancels the weddings in 1983 00:56

Bhavananda Visits New Govardhan and Cancels the weddings in 1983

Bhavananda visits ISKCON's New Govardhan farm community in Northern New South Wales Australia to perform some marriages of his disciples but he decides to cancel the weddings. This is television news coverage.

Bhavananda in Brisbane Australia on Today Tonight 06:04

Bhavananda in Brisbane Australia on Today Tonight

Queensland's Today Tonight televison news covers Bhavananda's visit to Brisbane.