#Hare krishna australia iskcon

Good Morning Australia Live From Sydney Temple for Bhavananda Visit 05:45

Good Morning Australia Live From Sydney Temple for Bhavananda Visit

Good Morning Australia crosses live to ISKCON Sydney temple to cover Bhavananda's visit. Australia's Hare Krishnas have really got something to sing about. Srila Visnupada, their spiritual master throughout the world is in Australia at the

Australia's Newsworld Covers Bhavananda's Visit in 1983 04:52

Australia's Newsworld Covers Bhavananda's Visit in 1983

An interview with the new world leader of the Hare Krishna movement, Bhavanananda. The world leader of the Hare Krishna movement is touring Australia. This afternoon David Allen visited the Krishna Temple at Kings Cross to speak with the le

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? -- SBS Australian National Television 1994 (Full Version) 48:10

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? -- SBS Australian National Televis

In wealthy Western countries the Hare Krishnas austere monastic life appears strange and unappealing but some wonder if they're really seeking a better life or hiding from reality. Australian television reporters have been trying to unders

Who is Krishna? 10:20

Who is Krishna?

A film made by an independent film-maker. He is interviewing Srila Prabhuapda and he asks, Prabhupada, Who is Krishna? And this film shows Srila Prabhupada's reply to this question.

Durban South Africa ISKCON Temple Opening -- Sri Sri Radhanatha -- 1080p HD 29:24

Durban South Africa ISKCON Temple Opening -- Sri Sri Radhanatha -- 108

Enjoy the grand opening festival of ISKCON's Durban, South Africa temple. Now digitally remastered in 1080p HD video! Sri Sri Radhanatha Temple was opened in the 1980s. It was constructed by the South African ISKCON devotees on the desire

Children of Krishna - NBC 19:08

Children of Krishna - NBC

Very interesting television news report by a Los Angeles Television station in 1982 on the children of New Dwarka, the Los Angeles Hare Krishna Temple. It focuses on the students of the Gurukula (Hare Krishna Primary School) that had been e

Deity Installation by Srila Prabhupada - Melbourne, Australia 21:56

Deity Installation by Srila Prabhupada - Melbourne, Australia

A truly wonderful film showing Srila Prabhupada installing very large and very beautiful Gaura-Nitai Deities in Melbourne, Australia. The installation festival is full of ecstatic kirtans, some lead by Kurma Prabhu who went on to become the

Children of Krishna -- Australian Gurukul 14:29

Children of Krishna -- Australian Gurukul

Children of Krishna is a Sixty Minutes national television special from the early 80's on the gurukul at New Goverdhan, the Australian Hare Krishna farm community. A very favourable documentary covering some controversial points like women'

Srila Prabhupada Arrives at Pittsburg ISKCON Temple -- with Visnujana Swami 14:15

Srila Prabhupada Arrives at Pittsburg ISKCON Temple -- with Visnujana

A short but ecstatic video showing Srila Prabhupada arriving at Pittsburg temple and giving a welcome address to the assembled devotees. The devotees greet him with a beautiful Hare Krishna kirtan. And we see Visnujana Swami organizing the

ISKCON Alachua Sunday Love Feast Bhajan Vani dasi 03:19

ISKCON Alachua Sunday Love Feast Bhajan Vani dasi

Vani devi dasi (age ~13) sings a beautiful Hare Krishna Mantra tune at New Raman Reti's Sunday Love Feast. ISKCON has a free vegetarian love feast every Sunday. These were the instructions of Founder/Acharya A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Pr

Kiwi Krishna's 04:50

Kiwi Krishna's

New Zealand TV's portrayal of Auckland devotees.

Krishna Youth Summer Tour USA 15:54

Krishna Youth Summer Tour USA

Eighty Young Hare Krishna devotees on two busses traveling all over North America for three months during the summer of 2007. The youth participate in many Hare Krishna Festivals including Ratha Yatra Festivals as well as putting on cultura

Krishna Consciousness Comes to America 1965-1970 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 1 -- 1080p HD 1:01:21

Krishna Consciousness Comes to America 1965-1970 -- Following Srila Pr

The first part of a chronological collection of films of Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of the Hare Krishna movement. Includes a sound track with the devotees who appear in the films describing what is happening at the time. Followi

ISKCON Poisoned by Mayavadis in USA 1970 - 1971 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 2 -- 1080p 1:11:41

ISKCON Poisoned by Mayavadis in USA 1970 - 1971 -- Following Srila Pra

Regarding the poisonous effect in our Society, it is a fact and I know where from this poison tree has sprung up and how it affected practically the whole Society in a very dangerous form. (Prabhupada letter to Hansadutta September 2, 1970

ISKCON chennai Ratha Yatra 2009 ecstatically fast kirtan 24:37

ISKCON chennai Ratha Yatra 2009 ecstatically fast kirtan

ISKCON Avadi Bhakti vriksha devotees lead this ecstatic kirtan to everyone's joy. Hari bol...........................

Jaya Radhe Jaya Krsna Jaya Vrndavana Jaya Radhe, Jaya Krishna, Jaya Vrndavan 00:46

Jaya Radhe Jaya Krsna Jaya Vrndavana Jaya Radhe, Jaya Krishna, Jaya Vr

Jaya Radhe Jaya Krsna Jaya Vrndavana/njaya radhe jaya krsna jaya vrndavana rasika mukt-mani jaya gopi-gana/nradhe radhe rate syama, radhe radhe rate syama radhe syama yugala nama mero hai jivana/nmero eka prana dhana eka hi hai jivana nanda

Salted Bread -- Krishna Consciousness Comes to Russia 1:26:26

Salted Bread -- Krishna Consciousness Comes to Russia

The painful story of how the early Hare Krishna Devotees were treated because of their attempts to spread Krishna consciousness in the then communist Russia. This is a play performed by the disciples of Radhanatha Swami at ISKCON Chowpati.

PAMHO - ISKCON Play from 1983 38:53

PAMHO - ISKCON Play from 1983

Devotees of ISKCON present this play. PAMHO, this is short for Please accept my humble obeisances. This is an extremely funny play put on by Hare Krishna devotees at a festival in 1983. A humorous look at the growing pains of the Hare Kri

The Ramayana -- Produced by ISKCON Television at New Vrindavan 51:53

The Ramayana -- Produced by ISKCON Television at New Vrindavan

This unique production of the Indian classic, The Ramayana was produced by ITV, ISKCON Television at New Vrindavan by the American devotees of the Hare Krishna Movement. It is very nicely produced using Srila Prabhupada's Palace of Gold a

ISKCON Food Relief Promotional Video from 1980's 07:15

ISKCON Food Relief Promotional Video from 1980's

A look at the world-wide Hare Krishna food distribution program or 'Food For Life' in the 1980s

Sri Prahlada and the Krishna Kids 13:29

Sri Prahlada and the Krishna Kids

A group of Hare Krishna gurukul students decide to do something to change the world. And they were very successful. A group of Australian Hare Krishna gurukul students lead by the singer Prahlada make a plea to the leader of Russia which wa

The Cost of Silence -- Children of the Hare Krishnas -- Child Abuse in 2016 59:48

The Cost of Silence -- Children of the Hare Krishnas -- Child Abuse in

Many think that the abuse of children in the Hare Krishna ISKCON gurukul schools is a thing of the past. Unfortunately the abuse continues as this documentary by shows. It exposes the frightening fact that the same ISKCON management that

Faith and Fear -- Child Abuse in ISKCONs Hare Krishan Gurukul Schools 1977-2000 1:16:46

Faith and Fear -- Child Abuse in ISKCONs Hare Krishan Gurukul Schools

A factual documentary on the massive child abuse in the ISKCON Hare Krishna children's gurukul schools between 1977 and 2000. Produced by KCTS Seattle and broadcast on national television in the USA. Five victims of ISKCON child abuse tell

Prahlada Television Interview -- Free the Russian Hare Krishnas 01:13

Prahlada Television Interview -- Free the Russian Hare Krishnas

Television interview of Prahlada presenting a letter to the Russian Embassy to be delivered to Mikhail Gorbachev asking the Russians to free the Hare Krishna devotees they had imprisoned and in psychiatric hospitals.

Prahlada -- Free the Russian Hare Krishnas 12:45

Prahlada -- Free the Russian Hare Krishnas

The Australian Traveling Temple Hare Krishna bus with Prahlada presenting a letter to the Russian Embassy to be delivered to Mikhail Gorbachev asking the Russians to free the Hare Krishna devotees they had imprisoned and in psychiatric hosp

We All Want to see the Start of the 21st Century -- Prahlada and the Krishna Kids 05:35

We All Want to see the Start of the 21st Century -- Prahlada and the K

Video clip produced by the EMI record company in Australia to promote the release of the song We All Want to See the Start of the 21st Century by Prahlada and the Krishna Kids

The Hare Krishnas are Back in Adelaide 00:43

The Hare Krishnas are Back in Adelaide

After the Traveling Temple Program to collect signatures to free the Russian Hare Krishna devotees generated a huge amount of national television coverage on Adelaide City Councils ban on chanting Hare Krishna in the city they were force to

A History Lesson on Russia -- Mike Willesse Show -- Nine Network Australia 1986 04:48

A History Lesson on Russia -- Mike Willesse Show -- Nine Network Austr

In a history lesson devotee children discover Russia has put many Hare Krishnas in prison and a Krishna baby has just died in prison. This inspired this class of 12 year old Krishna devotees to try and do something to raise awareness of t

Wedding of Alfred Ford (Ambrisa dasa) Australia December 1984 13:57

Wedding of Alfred Ford (Ambrisa dasa) Australia December 1984

Good Morning Australia covers the wedding of Alfred Ford (Ambrisa dasa) near Sydney in December of 1984. This traditional Hare Krishna wedding was very fascinating for the Australian Television Audience.

RUSSIA -- Let Our Friends Free -- Good Morning Australia 1986 -- Chanel 10 Nationwide 02:55

RUSSIA -- Let Our Friends Free -- Good Morning Australia 1986 -- Chane

In the 1980s Russia, under communist rule, punished its citizens who chose to practice religion and they were particularly brutal with Hare Krishna devotees. The Russians locked many Hare Krishna devotees, including children, in prisons and

Televison News Promotion with Kirtan Party -- Chanel Seven Australia 1985 01:25

Televison News Promotion with Kirtan Party -- Chanel Seven Australia 1

A 1985 Chanel Seven Sydney News Promo featuring a Hare Krishna Sankirtan party.

Hare Krishnas Vs. Orange People (Rajneesh) Mike Willesee Show 04:40

Hare Krishnas Vs. Orange People (Rajneesh) Mike Willesee Show

In the 80s followers of sex-guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh stood out in Australia with their bright orange clothes and unusual names. Combining eastern mysticism and western capitalism, the Bhagwan urged devotees to explore sex as a path to en

Adelaide Chanting Ban Lifted -- The Hare Krishnas are Back in Adelaide Seven National News 01:35

Adelaide Chanting Ban Lifted -- The Hare Krishnas are Back in Adelaide

Adelaide Hare Krishna chanting ban became one of the top news stories on Australian television. This is the coverage Seven National News gave it with the ban was lifted by Adelaide City Council.

Adelaide Chanting Ban Lifted -- The Hare Krishnas are Back in Adelaide Ten Eyewitness News 01:00

Adelaide Chanting Ban Lifted -- The Hare Krishnas are Back in Adelaide

National Ten Eyewitness News coverage of the lifting of the ban on chanting Hare Krishna in Adelaide

Mr Gorbachev Please Let our Friends Go Free -- Prahlada and Krishna Kids -- 1080p HD 03:33

Mr Gorbachev Please Let our Friends Go Free -- Prahlada and Krishna Ki

Prahlada and the Krishna Kids, Australian devotees in the 1980's from New Govardhan Farm Gurukula, joined the world-wide protest against the Soviet Union for their mistreatment of the Russian Hare Krishna Devotees. In the 1980s the Soviet

Catch Them as the Go - 1983 Documentary on Alternative Religions in Australia 57:19

Catch Them as the Go - 1983 Documentary on Alternative Religions in Au

Australian television program 'Catch Them as they Go' on new religious movements. This episode documents the Hare Krishna movement in Australia in 1983

  • by
  • 7 years ago
Children of Krishna 60 Minutes 1980 15:23

Children of Krishna 60 Minutes 1980

Australia's 60 Minutes 'Children of Krishna' from 1980. Classic television program documenting the Gurukul at ISKCON's Australian farm community, New Govardhan.

Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s 05:26

Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s

Television program 'State Affair' on Chanel 7 covers the Adelaide City Council's ban on chanting Hare Krishna in the city.

Russian Devotees are Free! - Good Morning Australia 03:31

Russian Devotees are Free! - Good Morning Australia

The biggest Australian breakfast television show, 'Good Morning Australia' celebrates the freedom of the Russian Hare Krishna devotees who had be put into psychiatric hospitals and tortured by the Russian communist government.

We Want to See 21st Centuray Film Clip -- Prahlad and the Krishna Kids 05:17

We Want to See 21st Centuray Film Clip -- Prahlad and the Krishna Kids

In his effort to get the Russian Hare Krishna devotees freed from prisons and mental hospitals Prahlada, after the success of his song aimed at Mikhail Gorbachev, the President of Russia, produced this song aimed at Ronald Regan, the Presid