Srila Prabhuapda performs the marriage ceremony of Bali Mardan Prabhu and Miss Toyota. Bali Mardan was the Temple President of ISKCON New Dwarka (Los Angeles) and he met a lady who claimed to be the heiress to the fortune of the Toyota ca
This video shows Srila Prabhuapda giving darshan to his disciples at an airport. There is Gaura Aroti and Prabhuapda speaks on Krishna consciousness and answers some questions and leads a kirtan. Srila Prabhupada speaks with a group of dev
This is an amazing video documenting the Festival of India summer tour along the Baltic Sea Coast. With Indradumunya Swami and Sri Prahlada. Includes the history of how the preaching of Krishna consciousness was started in Poland. Filmed
Nityananda Chandra Prabhu from ISKCON Dallas demonstrates how to apply tilak.
In this rare color film Srila Prabhupada gives an introduction and summary to the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. As It Is is significant. Perhaps there is no other edition of Bhagavad-gita where it is written As It Is. Prabhupada appreciates
This yoga system, bhakti-yoga, how to increase attachment for Krishna, is being taught by our Krishna consciousness movement. One has to learn this yogic system from Krishna directly or from His representative. At present it is not possibl
Fox television special on NASA's fake moon landings. Investigates the many inconsistencies in the information NASA has provided about their Apollo moon missions. On Thursday, February 15th 2001 (and replayed on March 19), the Fox TV networ
Srila Prabhuapda gives class on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.7. Includes very nice devotee kirtan. By rendering devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna, one immediately acquires causeless knowledge and detachment from the
Documentary by Vasudev Das on the ISKCON Indian Padayatra
A documentary on the ISKCON celebrations of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's 500th anniversary in 1986 at Sridharm Mayapur. By Vasudeva dasa
Vaisesika Prabhu distributes Srila Prabhuapda's books from a book table at Harvard Square near the universities and colleges in Boston.
Nice news piece on Prabhuapda's Palace New Vrindavan
Nice TV news coverage of New Vrindavana
New Vrindavan and the effect it had on the local community of Moundsville West Virginia
The original psychedelic television film clip for Boy George's hit single Bow Down Mister .
Along with guitarist John Porcelly (aka Porcell), Cappo started the seminal hardcore band Youth of Today, which would go on to release two 7 EP's (one later remixed and released as a 12 ) and two LPs, widely considered to be some of the mo
British band, lead singer is Hayley Mills son Crispian Mills.
Srila Prabhupada on tour in Venezuela
Srila Prabhuapda initiates a group of devotees in the Melbourne, Australia, ISKCON temple in 1974.
An ecstatic preaching program in the Town Hall, Melbourne, Australia in 1974 around the time of the Ratha Yatra Festival
Madhurastakam video song created in ISKCON BANGALORE
Madhurastakam video song created by ISKCON BANGALORE
This Video shows some devotees distributing Srila Prabhupada´s books in Germany.It is nicely put together from the BBT
Rewriting man's History. A NBC Televison Special. Hosted by Charlton Heston. Features scientists from ISKCON's Bhaktivedanta Institute. Open your mind to controversial evidence that challenges accepted scientific knowledge. Meet a new bre
Documentary on the last days of Srila Prabhupada Vrindavan. Shows how a pure devotee of Krishna left this world. Some scenes in this film may be disturbing.
Festival of India travels all over North America. To check the dates of a Festival near you please visit
In the fall of 1994 Michael Cremo (Drutakrama das), co-author with Richard Thompson (Sadaputa das) of the highly controversial book, The Hidden History of the Human Race embarked on a three month nationwide television and radio tour to pu
A history of the development of the understanding of the origins of man including Darwin's theory of Evolution and the problems with this theory. The missing missing links. Java Man. Peking Man. A production of Sadaputa Das from ISKCON's Bh
Investigates the possibility that Jesus spent his youth in India and returned to preach the knowledge he acquired in India. The BBC documentary makers come to the conclusion that Jesus studied Buddhism in India, however I think that is unli
Kirtan of Bhakti Vijnana Goswami in Moskow. Gaura-purnima 2009.
Harinama in Moskow/ 2007 year
1st Rathayatra festival of ISKCON VVNagar.
Spontaneous film made by Madhudvisa dasa and Krsnadas das of Vrindavan Praikram on Ekadasi. Shows the natural beauty and color of Lord Krishna's Sri Vrindavan dhama.
Sweet guru puja sang in a cabin on blood mountain on an Atlanta field trip for IVS (Insitute for Vaisnava Studies)students and other Gainesville Krishna House devotees. A fire and the holy name make a warm welcome after a hard days hiking i
Srila Prabhupada chanting in Hk ny temple Radhe thanks to Ralph
Harinama of russian devotees. South of Russia. 2008.
The Multicultural Indian food festival is organized every year during Newyear's time by famous IskconBangalore
Krishna and his Dashavataara (10 avataaras).
PanchaTatva Abhishek 2009, ISKCON, Mayapur.