This is a documentary on the activities of the Laxmi Nrsimha Travelling Sankirtan Party taken over a four day period in June, 1995 on the coast of the Baltic Sea in northern Poland. Organized and inspired by Indradyumna Swami, 200 devotees
Benediction Moon is a documentary produced by ITV (ISKCON Television) on the birthplace of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sridham Mayapur which is located in West Bengal, India.
Srila Prabhuapda speaks with the director of social services from the Australian government about social work. The discussion of sex comes up and the social worker is a bit surprised to hear Srila Prabhuapda's views on this topic.
This is an amazing video documenting the Festival of India summer tour along the Baltic Sea Coast. With Indradumunya Swami and Sri Prahlada. Includes the history of how the preaching of Krishna consciousness was started in Poland. Filmed
Nityananda Chandra Prabhu from ISKCON Dallas demonstrates how to apply tilak.
Documentary by Vasudev Das on the ISKCON Indian Padayatra
A documentary on the ISKCON celebrations of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's 500th anniversary in 1986 at Sridharm Mayapur. By Vasudeva dasa
Along with guitarist John Porcelly (aka Porcell), Cappo started the seminal hardcore band Youth of Today, which would go on to release two 7 EP's (one later remixed and released as a 12 ) and two LPs, widely considered to be some of the mo
British band, lead singer is Hayley Mills son Crispian Mills.
Madhurastakam video song created in ISKCON BANGALORE
Madhurastakam video song created by ISKCON BANGALORE
Rewriting man's History. A NBC Televison Special. Hosted by Charlton Heston. Features scientists from ISKCON's Bhaktivedanta Institute. Open your mind to controversial evidence that challenges accepted scientific knowledge. Meet a new bre
Festival of India travels all over North America. To check the dates of a Festival near you please visit
A history of the development of the understanding of the origins of man including Darwin's theory of Evolution and the problems with this theory. The missing missing links. Java Man. Peking Man. A production of Sadaputa Das from ISKCON's Bh
Investigates the possibility that Jesus spent his youth in India and returned to preach the knowledge he acquired in India. The BBC documentary makers come to the conclusion that Jesus studied Buddhism in India, however I think that is unli
Vedic Cosmos scientifically reveals the mystery, origins and nature of the workings of the universe while explaining the passing of the seasons, eclipses, phases of the moon and the passing of day and night. Eminent scientists recognize th
Harinama in Moskow/ 2007 year
1st Rathayatra festival of ISKCON VVNagar.
Spontaneous film made by Madhudvisa dasa and Krsnadas das of Vrindavan Praikram on Ekadasi. Shows the natural beauty and color of Lord Krishna's Sri Vrindavan dhama.
Harinama of russian devotees. South of Russia. 2008.
The Multicultural Indian food festival is organized every year during Newyear's time by famous IskconBangalore
Krishna and his Dashavataara (10 avataaras).
PanchaTatva Abhishek 2009, ISKCON, Mayapur.
A very nice documentary on the installation of the Panca-Tattva Deities at ISKCON Mayapur.
The fulfillment of the desire of visionary spiritual leaders, saints and incarnations; the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium is a unique and ambitious project to make the vast culture and philosophy of the timeless Vedic tradition accessible
Video of the ISKCON Festival of India in Denmark
A video documentary of the famous Polish Woodstock Festival from 2003. The film maker is Devala Gorick.
This video was inspired by Mangalananda and his wonderful Beyond Illusion CD. A beautiful song with video and words to sing along to.
This video was inspired by Mangalananda (Michael Cassidy) and his wonderful Change of Heart album. A beautiful song with images and words to sing along to, lets say its Krsna Karaoke.
Narasimha arathi sung by Veda, Narasimha temple, Bangalore. Concluding kirtan after the day long girls'camp.
A promo of the play Parama Karuna by FOLK Theatre which was performed during Brahmotsava on April 1, 2010 in ISKCON, Bangalore. We will be coming up with the video DVDs soon.
Nakula Prabhu plays the new Tilak Mrdanga. This is the new fiberglass mrdanga based on the design of the original ISKCON Balaram Mridanga but the Tilak Mrdanga is now a much improved and more reasonably priced mrdanga.
Credits & Lyrics/nSong: Hidden Worlds ©2000 Mangalananda Publishing/nArtist: Mangalananda /nRecorded at Hit City West LA, Calif./nVocal & Guitar - Mangalananda, Lead Guitar - Steve Bartek, Flute - Gerry Peterson, Cello - Roberleight H. Barn
Devotees of ISKCON Perambur Perform During Janmashtami 2010. Although this is their first stage show, which contains lots of errors and corrections to be made, they have made a good attempt...........................
Devala Prabhu's film on the installation of Sri Sri Panca Tattva at Mayapur
Merciful Nrsimha is a beautiful film displaying the ferocious beauty of Sri Sri Prahlada Nrsimha at ISKCON Mayapur
A short film about a plan to save the Fisher Mansion in Detroit Michigan. Actually the Fisher Mansion was saved by Srila Prabhuapda when he purchased the whole thing for only $60,000 using a donation from his disciple Alfred Ford the grands
India is famous for her Holy Cow. Unfortunately although the sentiment still remains in India to protect Mother Cow in reality no one actually seems to care about the cows and India is fast becoming one of the biggest beef exporters in th
Short documentary on the history of Lord Jagannatha's Ratha-Yatra Festival which originated in Jagannatha Puri, Orissa, India but now due to the Preaching of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the Festival of the Chariots