How The Other Half Lives -- Hare Krishnas 2010 -- New Zealand TV Program

  • Uploaded 3 years ago in the category Preaching

    Marc Ellis, a former professional Rugby player, spends 3 days at the Varshana Hare Krishna rural community in West Auckland, New Zealand.

    He gets shaved up, put


    Marc Ellis, a former professional Rugby player, spends 3 days at the Varshana Hare Krishna rural community in West Auckland, New Zealand.

    He gets shaved up, puts on a dhoti, attends the morning program in the temple, goes out in Auckland chanting Hare Krishna, and in the end contemplates the whole experience over a cold beer.

    After years of TV success — often appearing alongside fellow ex All Black Matthew Ridge — Marc Ellis went solo to present this show about New Zealand’s diverse cultural make up.

    Over the course of the series his adventures include hunting, visiting the Chatham Islands, casting spells with witches, and cutting all his hair off in an attempt to become a vegetarian, celibate, non-drinking Hare Krishna.

    How the Other Half Lives was made by Ellis’ production company Chico Productions, and produced by Sportscafe creator Ric Salizzo.

  • New Zealand Television Documentary
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