Verses 7 and 8 of Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita: Whenever and wherever a decline of righteousness and a predominance of unrighteousness prevails, at that time I (Krishna) manifest myself personally, O descendant of Bharata; for the protec
Short video of Lord Sri Nrsimhadeva with Nrsimha Strotra Chanting and abhishek. Includes ISKCON devotees chanting the Nrsimha Prayers
Tucked away in Sri Mayapur's lush woodlands is a gurukula, a boarding school, like those of ancient times, reviving the Vedic culture and way of life in young students from around the world.
Good Morning Australia covers the wedding of Alfred Ford (Ambrisa dasa) near Sydney in December of 1984. This traditional Hare Krishna wedding was very fascinating for the Australian Television Audience.
A documentary of the Padayatra performed by the Hare Krishna devotees in New Zealand in 1986.
Television coverage of Prabhuapda's Palace of Gold at New Vrindavan, West Virginia. Produced by PM Magazine KTTV Los Angeles
Sri Prahlad dasa, famous for his transcendental renditions of the Hare Krishna mahamantra and other Vaisnava songs, shares over 50 of his favorite tunes in an over-the-shoulder demonstration of the melodies. You can easily learn how to play
Sri Prahlad dasa, famous for his transcendental renditions of the Hare Krishna mahamantra and other Vaisnava songs, shares over 50 of his favorite tunes in an over-the-shoulder demonstration of the melodies. You can easily learn how to play
In October of 1985 Channel 10 news in Sydney did a live cross to ISKCON Sydney to cover the morning program and their new Food For Life Prasadam distribution program. In those days Hare Krishnas were in the news no matter what they did. Aus
Australian television program 'Catch Them as they Go' on new religious movements. This episode documents the Hare Krishna movement in Australia in 1983
In the 1980s the Hare Krishna movement was so prominent and newsworthy that Television stations were announcing the Gaura Purnima Festival.
Prahlada interviewed by Ten News in Sydney on freeing the Russian Hare Krishna devotees in Soviet Union.
Bhavananda visits ISKCON's New Govardhan farm community in Northern New South Wales Australia to perform some marriages of his disciples but he decides to cancel the weddings. This is television news coverage.
Australian national morning television show crosses live to the ISKCON temple to cover the morning program and Bhavananda's visit.
Queensland's Today Tonight televison news covers Bhavananda's visit to Brisbane.
Channel Seven News covers Bhavananda visiting Brisbane to open the new temple.
The opening of Prabhupada's Palace of Gold created world-wide interest in the media. Here is an Australian Television morning news program covering the opening.
Kirtananda Swami, a messenger of God or ruthless religious godfather? The outlaw swami pleads innocent in a gruesome murder. Is he an unconventional religious leader or a ruthless cult dictator? Swami Bhaktipada is in the eye of the storm i
A very uplifting live performance of Bow Down Mister on French televison by Boy George. Bow Down Mister From Bombay to Bangalore Al the Hindus know the score If you wanna live some more Hare, Hare, Hare If you do not take the vow You
A tour of the holy places in India where Lord Narasimha had His pastimes with Druva.
A Ramayana play put on by the kulis called The Adventures of the Great King Rama. It was performed at New Dwarka ISKCON temple [Los Angeles].
krishna bhajan by t-series singer - Deepender Deepak
This is a documentary on the activities of the Laxmi Nrsimha Travelling Sankirtan Party taken over a four day period in June, 1995 on the coast of the Baltic Sea in northern Poland. Organized and inspired by Indradyumna Swami, 200 devotees
Nityananda Chandra Prabhu from ISKCON Dallas demonstrates how to apply tilak.
Olivia Newton John on her Wild Life television show interviews Lagudi Das from ISKCON New Goverdhan Farm community in Australia. Very nice television documentary on training bullocks.
Rare documentary film of the 1986 Kumba Mela in Hardwar, India. By Vasudeva das
A documentary on the ISKCON celebrations of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's 500th anniversary in 1986 at Sridharm Mayapur. By Vasudeva dasa
British band, lead singer is Hayley Mills son Crispian Mills.
Madhurastakam video song created in ISKCON BANGALORE
Madhurastakam video song created by ISKCON BANGALORE
A history of the development of the understanding of the origins of man including Darwin's theory of Evolution and the problems with this theory. The missing missing links. Java Man. Peking Man. A production of Sadaputa Das from ISKCON's Bh
A scientific review of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. The evolution theory proposed by Charles Darwin has been very widely embraced by the scientific community and as a result we have a cultural belief that everything we see around
Harinama in Moskow/ 2007 year
1st Rathayatra festival of ISKCON VVNagar.
Wake up! Human life is a special opportunity to wake up from our dreaming state. Casual affiliation with a particular church, temple or mosque will not do the job. It may get you to heaven but they won't get you back to Godhead. Human life
Vedic Cosmos scientifically reveals the mystery, origins and nature of the workings of the universe while explaining the passing of the seasons, eclipses, phases of the moon and the passing of day and night. Eminent scientists recognize th
Harinama of russian devotees. South of Russia. 2008.
Krishna and his Dashavataara (10 avataaras).
PanchaTatva Abhishek 2009, ISKCON, Mayapur.