#Festival of india rathayatra ratha yatra

The Science of God -- Srila Prabhupada Founder of Hare Krishna Movement -- Melbourne Australia 1975 31:41

The Science of God -- Srila Prabhupada Founder of Hare Krishna Movemen

Science of God is a documentary filmed in Melbourne, Australia in 1975 on the visit of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON (The International Society for Krishna Consciousness). Shows Srila Pra

Jagannath Puri -- The City of Lord Caitanya 20:20

Jagannath Puri -- The City of Lord Caitanya

Jagannath Puri, a city in Orissa, India, is a great holy city in India which was, before His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami came to the United States in 1965, practically unknown outside India. However, Srila Prabhuapda brought the L

Krishna on Television 1985 -- Australia 01:25

Krishna on Television 1985 -- Australia

And amazing collection of television coverage of the Hare Krishna movement in Australia in 1985. Includes news coverage of the Hare Krishna's being confused with the Orange People. Hare Krishna Food For Life feeding the homeless in Kings Cr

Prabhupada Hall Program -- Melbourne 1974 20:01

Prabhupada Hall Program -- Melbourne 1974

An ecstatic preaching program in the Town Hall, Melbourne, Australia in 1974 around the time of the Ratha Yatra Festival

Krishna Youth Summer Tour USA 15:54

Krishna Youth Summer Tour USA

Eighty Young Hare Krishna devotees on two busses traveling all over North America for three months during the summer of 2007. The youth participate in many Hare Krishna Festivals including Ratha Yatra Festivals as well as putting on cultura

Jagannatha Puri Dharma -- The Kingdom of Lord Jagannatha 26:37

Jagannatha Puri Dharma -- The Kingdom of Lord Jagannatha

A fascinating film documenting Jagannatha Puri, the city in Orissa that has become famous for the Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Cart Festival.

Nilachala Mahaprabhu -- Classic Indian Movie 1:19:07

Nilachala Mahaprabhu -- Classic Indian Movie

This classic Indian film Nilachala Mahaprabhu depicts the pastimes of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu during the time He spent at Jagannatha Puri. It contains genuine historical footage of the famous chariot festival, the Ratha Yatra festival

Bombay - Europe - Australia -- 1974 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 6 1:05:45

Bombay - Europe - Australia -- 1974 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part

Follow Srila Prabhupada's travels in 1974. We start in Bombay at Hare Krishna Land where things are developing on the new ISKCON temple. Includes roof darshan, walk, Guru Puja, evening aroti and prasadam distribution. Prabhupada then trave

Prabhupada Darshan 7 -- 1973 -- New York,London,Calcutta 1:02:35

Prabhupada Darshan 7 -- 1973 -- New York,London,Calcutta

Srila Prabhuapda walks in Calcutta by the Ganges and passes many famous sites from the British Raj Era. Then we see the Victoria Memorial program. Then we see Srila Prabhupada arriving at the airport in New York then his arrival at the tem

Travelling with Prabhupada -- 1974 -- Chicago,Paris,San Francisco,Geneva -- (Darshan 11) 1:15:26

Travelling with Prabhupada -- 1974 -- Chicago,Paris,San Francisco,Gene

We start in Geneva in 1974 at a temple program. Then we see Srila Prabhupada being welcomed by the Governor. Then to Paris where Srila Prabhuapda performs initiations for his new French disciples. This is followed by darshan in Srila Prabh

Prabhupada's Final Pastimes and Disappearance -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 11 -- 1080p HD 47:40

Prabhupada's Final Pastimes and Disappearance -- Following Srila Prabh

The final part of Following Srila Prabhupada covers his last preaching engagements in 1976 including riding on Radha Damodar Traveling Sankirtan party Bus, 1976 New York City Ratha-Yatra Festival, visiting Bhaktivedanta Manor London. By Ja

Hare Krishna On the Capital Mall Part 1 -- KrishnaFest Washington DC 1991 15:54

Hare Krishna On the Capital Mall Part 1 -- KrishnaFest Washington DC 1

Watch Part 2 at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTAoV2WO_ZM During the 1990's Hare Krishna devotees were daily performing Sankirtan [the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra] on the Capital Mall in Washington DC outside

Hare Krishna On the Capital Mall Part 2 -- KrishnaFest Washington DC 1991 15:54

Hare Krishna On the Capital Mall Part 2 -- KrishnaFest Washington DC 1

Part 2 of KrishnaFest On the DC Capital Mall. During the 1990's Hare Krishna devotees were daily performing Sankirtan [the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra] on the Capital Mall in Washington DC outside the Smithsonian

KRISHNAFEST in Washington DC - The Magic is the Chanting - Original Edit 15:54

KRISHNAFEST in Washington DC - The Magic is the Chanting - Original Ed

This is the original 1991 edit of KrishnaFest's chanting at the National Mall, Washington DC. The original tape is somewhat damaged but we managed to play it. It is very ecstatic. Mostly all new footage compared to what we have released bef

ISKCON Padayatra Worldwide 59:16

ISKCON Padayatra Worldwide

As a part of the Prabhuapda Centennial celebrations in 1996 the ISKCON GBC decided in 1994 to start the World Padayatra program. Padayatra is a Sanskrit word meaning Walking Festival. All the great acharyas of the past went on Padayatra

Padayatra Promotional Video with Mukunda Goswami 12:35

Padayatra Promotional Video with Mukunda Goswami

Mukunda Goswami introduces Padyatra India. This is a video made in the very beginning of the Padayatra festival in 1984. This is when Pradayatra was just in India. It was planned to trace the footsteps of Lord Caitanya who also travelled al

A Day on Padayatra 38:49

A Day on Padayatra

Documentary by Vasudev Das on the ISKCON Indian Padayatra

New Year House Program 2nd January 2009 Bhaktivedanta Institute Tirupati 01:25

New Year House Program 2nd January 2009 Bhaktivedanta Institute Tirupa

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. New Year House Program 2nd January 2009 Bhaktivedanta Institute Tirupati Part-1. Hare Krsna. Dandavat Pranam.

Ajamila's Auspicous Death -- Srila Prabhupada Class on Srimad Bhagavatam 6.1.27 -- Philadelphia 1975 36:17

Ajamila's Auspicous Death -- Srila Prabhupada Class on Srimad Bhagavat

When the tine of death arrived for the foolish Ajamila, he began thinking exclusively of his son Narayana. The highest perfection of human life, achieved either by complete knowledge of matter and spirit, by acquirement of mystic powers,

Jagannath Drama HINDI 24:43

Jagannath Drama HINDI

1st Rathayatra festival of ISKCON VVNagar.

Mantra Fusion Band - Sri Nama Kirtana, Woodstock 2008 02:58

Mantra Fusion Band - Sri Nama Kirtana, Woodstock 2008

Played at Przystanek Woodstock Festival 2008

Warrior Prince -- Animated Ramayana --  The Legend of Prince Rama 2:11:34

Warrior Prince -- Animated Ramayana -- The Legend of Prince Rama

Animated Ramayana: Warrior Prince is a $12 million-dollar film based upon the Ramayana. It's a 170-minute action packed, feature film that explores the animation style called FUSION which consists of 3 different schools of animation: Mang

ISKCON Mayapur Panca-Tattva Installation Darshan 02:49

ISKCON Mayapur Panca-Tattva Installation Darshan

Darshan of the installation of Sri Sri Panca Tattva Deities at ISKCON Mayapur, near Calcutta, West Bangal, India.

  • by mdhu
  • 3 years ago
The Nectar of Immortality -- The Basis of the World's Largest Act of Faith 02:35

The Nectar of Immortality -- The Basis of the World's Largest Act of F

Stunning film delves into the reasons why millions of people attend the Kumbha Mela Festival in India -- The world's largest act of Faith. It is because of the Nectar of Immortality which is available at this festival...

Installing Radha-Krishna in London and Paris --  1973 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 5 1:30:47

Installing Radha-Krishna in London and Paris -- 1973 -- Following Sri

In the fifth part of Following Srila Prabhupada covering August 1973 till Spring of 1974 we see Srila Prabhupada traveling the world , principally Paris, London and India, preaching, opening temples, installing deities and inspiring his d

The Kingdom of Lord Jagannatha -- The Lord of the Universe 26:37

The Kingdom of Lord Jagannatha -- The Lord of the Universe

Welcome to Jagannatha Puri. This film is lovingly dedicated to our most beloved Jagat Guru, Srila Prabhupada. This film was produced by the Vaisnava youth of Vrindavan to better spread the glories of Sri Jagannatha. Jagannatha Ratha-yatra w

Govinda Music Video -- Radha Krishna Temple -- Produced by George Harrison 24:37

Govinda Music Video -- Radha Krishna Temple -- Produced by George Harr

One of the hit singles from the Radha Krishna Temple album recorded by the ISKCON London devotees with George Harrison at Apple studios in 1969. This song, Govinda is the first few verses from the Brahma Samhita, a prayer by the principa

Book Printing Marathon in Los Angeles, New Dwarka - Following Srila Prabhupada Part 9 - 1080p HD 1:18:35

Book Printing Marathon in Los Angeles, New Dwarka - Following Srila Pr

Part 9 of Following Srila Prabhupada covers the three months May, June and July in 1975. First we see Srila Prabhupada establishing the preaching in Fiji but the main part of this show covers Srila Prabhupada's stay at New Dwarka, Los Angel

Deity Installations: Krishna Balarama in Vrindavan and Melbourne - Following Srila Prabhupada Part 8 1:18:35

Deity Installations: Krishna Balarama in Vrindavan and Melbourne - Fol

In Following Srila Prabhupada Part 8 we see Prabhupada's at the Krishna Balarama temple opening and deity installation in Vrindavan. In a very short time, in less than two years, Srila Prabhupada was able to acquire the land for constructin

George Harrison Chants Hare Krishna at ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Manor 41:33

George Harrison Chants Hare Krishna at ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Manor

George Harrison had a long relationship with Srila Prabhupada and his Hare Krishna movement. Very early George became a devotee and used his money for Krisahna by, for example, paying the full cost of printing Srila Prabhupada's, Krsna, The

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? 25:08

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers?

An Australian television documentary on Bhaktin Kim, now Sri Kesava d.d., showing her spiritual journey. Includes her pilgrimage to India to be with her prospective spiritual master, Tamal Krishna Goswami.

Ahobalim -- Lord Nrsimhadeva 36:07

Ahobalim -- Lord Nrsimhadeva

A tour of the holy places in India where Lord Narasimha had His pastimes with Druva.

The Hare Krishna Explosion (Hare Krishna People) 1974 -- Original Format --1080p HD 30:26

The Hare Krishna Explosion (Hare Krishna People) 1974 -- Original Form

By the grace of Lord Sri Krishna, His Divine Grace A.C. Swami Bhaktivedanta Prabhuapda was born a pure devotee of Krishna. In 1933 Prabhupada was accepted as a disciple by a bonafide spiritual master and ordered to spread Krishna consciousn

Vrindavana -- Land of Krishna 22:58

Vrindavana -- Land of Krishna

Vrindavan, Land of Krishna describes Krishna's birthplace, Vrindavan, which is not far from New Delhi in India.

The Spiritual Frontier -- 1976 - Prabhupada's Vision for New Vrindavan -- 1080p HD 24:30

The Spiritual Frontier -- 1976 - Prabhupada's Vision for New Vrindavan

Documentary film telling the story behind ISKCON's New Vrindavan, a spiritual farm community near Moundsville, West Virginia. Produced by ISKCON Cinema in 1976. Srila Prabhupada's vision for New Vrindavan was to create a spiritual place li

Hare Krishna Poland Interview with Indradyumna Swami & Sri Prahlad 1997 12:09

Hare Krishna Poland Interview with Indradyumna Swami & Sri Prahlad 199

An interview with Indradumna Swami and Sri Prahlad where they explain how the Polish Wodstook festival started and how the Hare Krishna Movement came to be involved in it.

A Spark of Life -- What is Life? -- Life from Chemicals?  -- 1080p HD 23:53

A Spark of Life -- What is Life? -- Life from Chemicals? -- 1080p HD

Two students at UCLA discuss the origin of life. Peter, who has recently discovered the Bhagavad-gita, a spiritual text from ancient India, introduces its perspective of the origin of life to his friend Mark. Mark begins to question the sc

Polish Woodstock Concert Hare Krishna Village of Peace 21:43

Polish Woodstock Concert Hare Krishna Village of Peace

This documentary was taped at the Polish Woodstock Festival, near the town of Zary in Southwest Poland in August, 1997. Featured are the devotees of the Hare Krishna Movement and their Village of Peace band. The devotees, headed by Indrad

Full Hare Krishna Polish Woodstock Concert 1997 48:30

Full Hare Krishna Polish Woodstock Concert 1997

The Polish Television coverage of the 1997 Hare Krishna concert at the Polish Woodstock Festival.

Your Ever Well Wisher -- Srila Prabhupada's Authorized Biography -- Original Format -- 1080p HD 55:03

Your Ever Well Wisher -- Srila Prabhupada's Authorized Biography -- Or

The original authorized biography of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Your Ever Well-Wisher is a biographical film produced by Yadu