#Prabhupada hall program preaching melbourne australia hare krishna

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu defeating Born Again Christians University Uganda

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, refutes the fanatic remarks of some of the born again Christians during the Hare Krishna Lecture at the largest university of Uganda, in Kampala called Makerere University. This was in 1

Book Distribution Bus Party in Bangalore India

Book Distribution, Namasankirtan, Deity Worship, Krishna Katha, Holy Place, INDIA. Book distribution means Namasankirtan. Hare Krishna. This is Radha-Gokulananda Bus Party. As you all know Prabhupada says, If you want to please me, distrib

My Experience Quitting My Job

Hare Krishna. I am Manjunath from Bangalore India. Well today I am very happy to tell about the importance of Krishna Consciousness. Particularly from a person who is working as a BPO. I mean to say a person working in a call center, a pers

Leaders of the USSR -- Gaura Gopal and the Traveling Temple Band 04:43

Leaders of the USSR -- Gaura Gopal and the Traveling Temple Band

As a part of the Australian Traveling Temple drive to collect a million signatures on a petition to free the imprisoned Russian Hare Krishna devotees Gaura Gopala and the Traveling Temple Band recorded this song to urge Mikhail Gorbachev to

Simon Townsend's Wonderwold interviews Prahlada 05:24

Simon Townsend's Wonderwold interviews Prahlada

Australian National childrens television program, Simon Townsends Wonderworld interviews Prahlada on his songs and program to free the Russian Hare Krishna devotees who were imprisoned because of their religious beliefs.

Sydney Food For Life Center Opening Television News Coverage 22:29

Sydney Food For Life Center Opening Television News Coverage

The opening of the Kings Cross Sydney Australia Hare Krishna Food For Life Center featuring interviews with the Rev Ted Noffs founder of The Wayside Chapel in Kings Cross and a local politician along with Pratapana, the ISKCON Temple Presid

Prahlada at Record Shop Signing his Album from Chanel Nine News 02:26

Prahlada at Record Shop Signing his Album from Chanel Nine News

Prahlada at a record shop in Melbourne signing copies of his new album, Through the Eyes of a Child

Gaura Gopal Debates City Council Official on Adelaide Chanting Ban 06:41

Gaura Gopal Debates City Council Official on Adelaide Chanting Ban

National Australian news coverage of Gaura Gopal debating with an Adelaide City Council official on the lifting of the ban on chanting Hare Krishna in Adelaide.

Recording of Traveling Temple and Leaders of USSR Film clips -- Gaura Gopala 01:11

Recording of Traveling Temple and Leaders of USSR Film clips -- Gaura

Televison news coverage of the recording of Traveling Temple and Leaders of the USSR film clips by Gaura Gopala and the Traveling Temple Band. These film clips were used to promote the drive to collect one million signatures on a petition t

Traveling Temple in Darwin News Coverage 01:12

Traveling Temple in Darwin News Coverage

Traveling Temple visits Darwin, Australia to collect signitures on the petition to free the Russian Hare Krishna devotees.

Traveling Temple in Mackay News Coverage 02:14

Traveling Temple in Mackay News Coverage

Traveling Temple visits Mackay, Australia to collect signitures on the petition to free the Russian Hare Krishna devotees.

Kings Cross Food For Life Channel 10 News 1985 - With live eye camera 02:53

Kings Cross Food For Life Channel 10 News 1985 - With live eye camera

In October of 1985 Channel 10 news in Sydney did a live cross to ISKCON Sydney to cover the morning program and their new Food For Life Prasadam distribution program. In those days Hare Krishnas were in the news no matter what they did. Aus

Australian TV News 1982 - Dhrstadumnya Swami Singing Bhajan and Playing Sitar 03:18

Australian TV News 1982 - Dhrstadumnya Swami Singing Bhajan and Playin

Australian television has always had a great interest in the Hare Krishna movement. Here, in 1982, one of the oldest Krishna TV clips we have, the 9 Network had Dhrstadumnya Swami playing his sitar and that was newsworthy at the time.

Australian Television Station anouncing Gaura Purnima 00:25

Australian Television Station anouncing Gaura Purnima

In the 1980s the Hare Krishna movement was so prominent and newsworthy that Television stations were announcing the Gaura Purnima Festival.

Prahlada Interviewed by Ten News (Sydney) 01:04

Prahlada Interviewed by Ten News (Sydney)

Prahlada interviewed by Ten News in Sydney on freeing the Russian Hare Krishna devotees in Soviet Union.

New Govardhan Early Problems with Council, Bridge, Neighbours, etc 11:08

New Govardhan Early Problems with Council, Bridge, Neighbours, etc

When the devotees purchased a farm in Australia and tried to develop it as a community of Hare Krishna devotees the local council was completely against the idea and tried to stop it in every way they could. So the Australian Hare Krishnas

New Govardhana - A Fair Dinkum Aussie Farm 07:10

New Govardhana - A Fair Dinkum Aussie Farm

Television coverage of the Hare Krishna farm in Australia, New Govardhan, A Fair-Dinkum Aussie Farm.

Bhavananda at Opening of Kings Cross Temple 1983 Ten Eyewitness News 1983 01:44

Bhavananda at Opening of Kings Cross Temple 1983 Ten Eyewitness News 1

In 1983 Australia's ABC National News covers Bhavananda arriving to inspect the new Sydney Kings Cross temple. Srila Visnupada, the second of the movement's world leaders since its founding was greeted in traditional fashion at the center

Bhavananda Performing New Govardhan Australian Farm Deity Installation 03:40

Bhavananda Performing New Govardhan Australian Farm Deity Installation

Bhavananda travels from India to Australia to perform the Deity installation at New Govardhan, Australia's Hare Krishna farm community.

Devotees Banned From Chanting - North Queensland Television 01:20

Devotees Banned From Chanting - North Queensland Television

Australian Traveling Temple Kirtan party banned from chanting Hare Krishna in North Queensland 1985.

Food For Life in Holland 1987.m4v 11:27

Food For Life in Holland 1987.m4v

Documentary covering the food distribution program, Hare Krishna Food for Life, organized by the ISKCON devotees in the Amsterdam, Holland temple in 1987.

Guru Istaghosti after Bhavananda Falldown New Govardhan - TKG and Bhagavan 1:21:54

Guru Istaghosti after Bhavananda Falldown New Govardhan - TKG and Bhag

In September of 1986 it was announced to the Australian devotees that their guru, Bhavananda, had fallen down and was no longer a bona fide spiritual master. This is the announcement made by Tamal Krishna Goswami and Bhagavan Goswami at the

Prabhupadas Palace on Australian Morning TV 04:11

Prabhupadas Palace on Australian Morning TV

The opening of Prabhupada's Palace of Gold created world-wide interest in the media. Here is an Australian Television morning news program covering the opening.

RUSSIANS in 4K! -- Russian Kirtan Festival  -- with Gopal Krsna Gosvami leading Kirtan - 26 May 2005 12:45

RUSSIANS in 4K! -- Russian Kirtan Festival -- with Gopal Krsna Gosvam

Our first 4K video is Russian! See the Russian devotees in stunning 4K video. It is a kirtan lead by Gopal Krishna Gosvami in a tent at a festival. It starts slow but builds up. It is very ecstatic actually... Stick with it till the end. A

KRISHNAFEST in Washington DC - The Magic is the Chanting - Original Edit 15:54

KRISHNAFEST in Washington DC - The Magic is the Chanting - Original Ed

This is the original 1991 edit of KrishnaFest's chanting at the National Mall, Washington DC. The original tape is somewhat damaged but we managed to play it. It is very ecstatic. Mostly all new footage compared to what we have released bef

Art of Book Distribution Seminar --  Part 1: Ambassador of Good Will -- Vaishasheka das -- Dallas 2006 38:11

Art of Book Distribution Seminar -- Part 1: Ambassador of Good Will -

Srila Prabhupada came to America in 1966 as an ambassador of good will. He did not come to make money. Most people on the airplanes today, they're going somewhere and they're making money, most business people, they want to make money but P

Selling the Full Set at Sunday Feast - Book Distribution Seminar Part 7 - Vaishasheka Dallas 2006 23:32

Selling the Full Set at Sunday Feast - Book Distribution Seminar Part

This program in the Srila Prabhupada Book Distribution seminar shows how full sets of Srila Prabhupada's books can be distributed to guests at an ISKCON temple's Sunday Feast.

Poland Summer Festivals 1995 19:21

Poland Summer Festivals 1995

This is a documentary on the activities of the Laxmi Nrsimha Travelling Sankirtan Party taken over a four day period in June, 1995 on the coast of the Baltic Sea in northern Poland. Organized and inspired by Indradyumna Swami, 200 devotees

Paramahamsa -- Ecstatic B&W Footage 10:08

Paramahamsa -- Ecstatic B&W Footage

Amazing black and white silent films of Srila Prabhupada from 1967-1968 in USA. This is some of the earliest film footage of Srila Prabhuapda in the United States available. Watch as he preaches and very quickly establishes ISKCON, the Inte

ISKCON Mayapur Food For Life 07:15

ISKCON Mayapur Food For Life

An on film (1980's) of the ISKCON free food distribution program at Sridham Mayapur in West Bengal, India, the world headquarters of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

Jagannath Puri -- The City of Lord Caitanya 20:20

Jagannath Puri -- The City of Lord Caitanya

Jagannath Puri, a city in Orissa, India, is a great holy city in India which was, before His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami came to the United States in 1965, practically unknown outside India. However, Srila Prabhuapda brought the L

ISKCON Padayatra Worldwide 59:16

ISKCON Padayatra Worldwide

As a part of the Prabhuapda Centennial celebrations in 1996 the ISKCON GBC decided in 1994 to start the World Padayatra program. Padayatra is a Sanskrit word meaning Walking Festival. All the great acharyas of the past went on Padayatra

A Travelling Festival -- On a Tour in Poland (2005) 56:29

A Travelling Festival -- On a Tour in Poland (2005)

This is an amazing video documenting the Festival of India summer tour along the Baltic Sea Coast. With Indradumunya Swami and Sri Prahlada. Includes the history of how the preaching of Krishna consciousness was started in Poland. Filmed

George Harrision My Sweet Lord 04:39

George Harrision My Sweet Lord

George Harrison's best song. Contains the devotees from ISKCON's London Radha Krishna Temple, the Govinda Singers, chanting the Hare Krishna mantra.

Lord Caitanya's Moon is Rising 01:49

Lord Caitanya's Moon is Rising

Hare Krishna Song from 70s

Garbage in Bed 30:18

Garbage in Bed

Late, Late, Late Show on Dublin Ireland TV interview Prithu Prabhu, the leader of the Hare Krishna's in Ireland at that time.

The Fight for Bhaktivedanta Manor 46:58

The Fight for Bhaktivedanta Manor

Television documentary showing the conflict between the villiagers at Lechmore Heath, a small vilage where the UK Hare Krishna Temple, Bhaktivedanta Manor is situated. The vilagers were upset that 20,000 Indians would regularly come and d

Unusual Religious Groups -- TV News 15:19

Unusual Religious Groups -- TV News

Interesting televison news segment on the history of the Hare Krishna's in the USA.

The Religion of Smiles 03:46

The Religion of Smiles

An old French television news piece on the Hare Krishna movement as The Religion of Smiles. Centred around a famous model who joined the Hare Krishna temple in Paris, France.

ISKCON Silicon Valley Book Distribution 09:22

ISKCON Silicon Valley Book Distribution

The members of ISKCON Silicon Valley are dedicated to a life of service in the Sankirtana movement of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, following the mood and method of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the Founder/Acarya of