Temple of the Vedic Planetarium Promo Video

  • Uploaded 16 years ago in the category Holy Places

    An old promotional video for one of the designs for the proposed "Temple of the Vedic Planetarium" which Srila Prabhuapda desired his followers in ISKCON constr


    An old promotional video for one of the designs for the proposed "Temple of the Vedic Planetarium" which Srila Prabhuapda desired his followers in ISKCON construct.

    It still has not been built.

    There have been a number of plans since this one.

    It is supposed to contain a planetarium showing the structure of the universe as it is revealed in the Srimad Bhagavatam, however it is not completely clear yet among devotees in ISKCON what the structure of the universe as it is revealed in the Bhagavatam actually is....

    Anyhow this is a nice video with a sound track by Sri Prahlad.

  • ISKCON Sridham Mayapur temple of the vedic planetarium
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