• Uploaded 16 years ago in the category Dramas and Plays

    A play performed at ISKCON New Dwarka showing how Krishna kidnapped the beautiful Rukmini who was already offered to the demoniac Sisupal by her father King Ruk


    A play performed at ISKCON New Dwarka showing how Krishna kidnapped the beautiful Rukmini who was already offered to the demoniac Sisupal by her father King Rukmi.

    Rukmini was very distressed to hear this because she was already in love with Krishna.

    So to solve this problem she writes a letter to Krishna requesting that Krishna kidnap her.

    Krishna arrives just in time to save Rukmini and kidnaps her and marries her.

  • krishna rukmini marriage sisupall kidnapping kidnaped play drama new dwarka los angeles
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    Comments (1)
  • Ven Kat "by her father King Rukmi."--> Rukmini's brother's name was Rukmi. Her father's name was Bhishmaka.