#Festival italy itallian villa vrindavan

The Festival of the Chariots 14:56

The Festival of the Chariots

Short documentary on the history of Lord Jagannatha's Ratha-Yatra Festival which originated in Jagannatha Puri, Orissa, India but now due to the Preaching of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the Festival of the Chariots

Polish Woodstock Festival Full Concert 1995 48:27

Polish Woodstock Festival Full Concert 1995

One night of the Polish Woodstock Festival on the main stage in front of 100's of thousands of young people the Lakshmi Narasimha Traveling festival of Poland presents their show of up-beat mantra music...

Vrindavan Town: Vrindavana, the Playground of God 04:56

Vrindavan Town: Vrindavana, the Playground of God

Vrindavan, the Playground of God is a series produced by H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami documenting Vrindavan and the surrounding areas. This episode concentrates on Vrindavan Town.

  • by mdhu
  • 13 years ago
The Cows of Vrindavan 22:25

The Cows of Vrindavan

Govinda and Vrsabhanu's film of Krishna's cows in Vrindavan.

  • by mdhu
  • 13 years ago
The Monkeys of Vrindavan 12:10

The Monkeys of Vrindavan

Some gurukul students make a video of the monkeys in Vrindavan.

Vrindavan D1 07 04:34

Vrindavan D1 07

Vrindavan D1 07

Jagannatha Puri Ratha Yatra Festival Discovery Channel Documentary 47:50

Jagannatha Puri Ratha Yatra Festival Discovery Channel Documentary

A very well produced discovery channel documentary on the world-famous chariot festival or Ratha Yatra festival held annually in June in Jagannatha Puru, India.

Little Krishna -- Aristasura Tries to Kill Krishna in Vrindavan (S1 E08) 24:50

Little Krishna -- Aristasura Tries to Kill Krishna in Vrindavan (S1 E0

The amazing 3D animation series by ISKCON and Reliance Big Animation. This episode is called The Challenge of the Brute . This a fully professional world-class 3D animation production. the series was originally broadcast on the Nick-TV net

Pulling Krishna Home (Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Cart Festival) 29:22

Pulling Krishna Home (Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Cart Festival)

Pulling Krishna Home (Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Cart Festival) Part 1

A Rickshaw Ride Through Vrindavan 13:26

A Rickshaw Ride Through Vrindavan

A Rickshaw Ride Through Vrindavan. See Vrindavan the way many devotees see it, from the seat of a rikshaw.

Puppet Show-ISKCON Youth Festival 2012 by IYFBD

IYF Bangladesh launched a fantastic programs in BUET Auditorium ISKCON Youth Festival 2012 including Puppet Show.

Hare Krishna Kirtan at Sri Vrindavan Dharma 20:00

Hare Krishna Kirtan at Sri Vrindavan Dharma

Aindra Prabhu chanting Hare Krishna at the ISKCON Krishna Balaram temple in Vrindavan, India. He is with the members of his 24 hour kirtan party

Radha Raman Temple Vrindavan Interview with Padmanaba Goswami 2:26:07

Radha Raman Temple Vrindavan Interview with Padmanaba Goswami

An interview with the head goswami at the famous historic Radha-Raman Temple in Vrindavan by Brahmananda Prabhu.

Harinam with Indradyumna Swami and Sri Prahlada at Woodstook Festival 08:29

Harinam with Indradyumna Swami and Sri Prahlada at Woodstook Festival

Harinam Sankirtan at the Polish Woodstock festival with Indradyumna Swami and Sri Prahlada

Peacocks of Vrindavan 08:41

Peacocks of Vrindavan

From the Animals of Vrindavan series this section focuses on the magnificent peacocks of Vrindavan.

Vrindavan -- The Krishna-Balaram Tree 07:45

Vrindavan -- The Krishna-Balaram Tree

Part of Bhakti Caitanya Swami's video presentation on Vrindavan. This section focuses on the Krishna-Balaram tree which is on the Parikram marg very near the ISKCON Krishna Balaram temple.

Tour of ISKCON Krishna Balaram Temple, Vrindavan, India. 06:43

Tour of ISKCON Krishna Balaram Temple, Vrindavan, India.

Part of the Vraja Mandal video series by Bhakti Purusottama Swami, in this video he tours the ISKCON Krishna Balaram Mandir, in Raman-reti, Vrindavan, India.

Vrindavan Tour -- Seva Kunj and Kisori Kunj 08:58

Vrindavan Tour -- Seva Kunj and Kisori Kunj

A very nicely presented tour of Vrindvan. In this section we visit Seva Kunj and Kisori Kunj. These are very special places where Krishna and Radharani played and danced together.

Hare Krishna Festival in Africa 1998

Hare Krishna Festiva in Africa 1998

Namsankirtan Revolution with Aindra Prabhu and Vrindavan 24 Hour Sanki

Namsankirtan Revolution with Aindra Prabhu in Vrindavan at ISKCONs Krishna Balaram Mandir

The Radha Raman Temple Vrindavan 03:40

The Radha Raman Temple Vrindavan

Radha Ramana is a very captivating deity. He was original worshiped by Gopal Batta Gosvami. Gopal Batta was worshiping Salagrama Silas but he maintined a desire to worship a traditional deity form of Lord Krishna like his fellow gosvamis Ru

Vrindavan The Gopinatha Temple 05:54

Vrindavan The Gopinatha Temple

Visits to the original Gopinatha Deities and the Vrindavn Gopinatha deities.

Radha Damodar Temple Vrindavan 06:31

Radha Damodar Temple Vrindavan

Short documentary on the Radha-Damodar temple in Vrindavan. Srila Rupa Gosvami was expert in many ways. He was an artist, he was an expert astrologer and was fluent in Sanskrit, Bengali, Persian and other languages. He could also carve Deit

Festival of India Documentary (2003) 44:57

Festival of India Documentary (2003)

Documentary film showing how the Hare Krishna's organize dozens of Ratha-yatra festivals all over North America every summer. There is a traveling festival party who set up the festivals in every city. They travel to every major US and Cana

Lord Caitanya's Festival at Berkeley California USA in 1968 11:44

Lord Caitanya's Festival at Berkeley California USA in 1968

Hare Krishna devotees celebrate Lord Caitanya's appearance day in Berkeley in 1969 by having a festival on the streets.

New Vrindavan TV Documentary Devotee Profiles and Project Goals 15:19

New Vrindavan TV Documentary Devotee Profiles and Project Goals

A fairly in-depth TV documentary profile of the New Vrindavan Hare Krishna Rural project in West Virginia. New Vrindavan devotees explain how they became Hare Krishnas and they talk about Kirtananada, Srila Bhaktipada , then Kirtanananda g

  • by mdhu
  • 8 years ago
Prabhupada Class on Bhakti Yoga: Bhagavad-gita 7.3 -- Vrindavan Aug 9, 1974 34:47

Prabhupada Class on Bhakti Yoga: Bhagavad-gita 7.3 -- Vrindavan Aug 9,

Srila Prabhupada speaks on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Text 3: Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.

  • by mdhu
  • 8 years ago
Rathayatra Festival Sydney 1980s TV News 01:36

Rathayatra Festival Sydney 1980s TV News

A nice short news story on the Sydney Rathayatra Festival mid-1980s

A Festival of India Europe Advertisment 05:12

A Festival of India Europe Advertisment

A video advertisement for the 1980s ISKCON traveling festival in Europe.

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu Preaching in East Africa Hare Krishna Festival 15:28

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu Preaching in East Africa Hare Krishna Festival

ISKCON UK's famous preacher Tribhuvanatha Prabhu organizes the Message of Godhead traveling bus preaching program in East Africa in the 1980s. It is a spiritual revival festival tour. A traveling safari in Africa. Organized by Tribuvanath

Sweetwaters Festival 1984 New Zealand -- Hare Krishna -- 1080p HD FINAL 26:07

Sweetwaters Festival 1984 New Zealand -- Hare Krishna -- 1080p HD FINA

“Krishna consciousness is the real sweet water. Ordinary water can put out an ordinary fire. But the nectar of Krishna consciousness is so sweet that as soon as you taste it, the whole blazing fire of material existence is immediately extin

Songs of Alachua. Comedy Performed at New Vrindavan in 2003 28:46

Songs of Alachua. Comedy Performed at New Vrindavan in 2003

Songs by Alachua ISKCON devotees performed by Kalakantha das and Braj Bihari das. You can get anything you need at the Alachua community. It's a Vaisnava smorgasboard, everything from poverty to Alfred Ford, 39 nationalities, 54 former mem

First ITV Film Festival in Mayapur 1:15:55

First ITV Film Festival in Mayapur

Nrsimhananda Prabhu presents the first ITV Film Festival in Mayapur. Very nice, well produced, entertaining program.

Vrindavan -- Animals of--Squirrels of Vrindavan 02:36

Vrindavan -- Animals of--Squirrels of Vrindavan

ISKCON Gurukulis make films of the animals of Vrindavan, this one is on the Squirrels of Vrindavan.

  • by
  • 7 years ago
Mayapur Festival by Guru Daksine 1:27:49

Mayapur Festival by Guru Daksine

1990's ISKCON Mayapur festival documentary by Guru Daksine Prabhu

Hare Krishna Festival Moscow 1992 With Boy George 37:29

Hare Krishna Festival Moscow 1992 With Boy George

In 1992, when the Hare Krishna devotees in Russia were free to practice their religion they held a huge festival in Moscow and the singer Boy George appeared and performed his song 'Bow Down Mister Hare Krishna Hare Rama' to the live audien

George Harrison Visiting Vrindavan, The Land of Krishna In India -- April 1996 41:33

George Harrison Visiting Vrindavan, The Land of Krishna In India -- Ap

George Harrison had a long relationship with Krishna. He and John Lennon got the first Hare Krishna mantra record produced by the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktiv

World Tour and 1976 Mayapur Gaura Purnima Festival - Following Srila Prabhupada Part 10 - 1080p HD 47:40

World Tour and 1976 Mayapur Gaura Purnima Festival - Following Srila P

Part 10 of Following Srila Prabhupada covers the year July 1975 to July 1976. Prabhupada visits temples in the United States then goes to Maritius, South Africa, Africa then to Mayapur for the 1976 Gaura Purnima Festval then on to other cit

RUSSIANS in 4K! -- Russian Kirtan Festival  -- with Gopal Krsna Gosvami leading Kirtan - 26 May 2005 12:45

RUSSIANS in 4K! -- Russian Kirtan Festival -- with Gopal Krsna Gosvam

Our first 4K video is Russian! See the Russian devotees in stunning 4K video. It is a kirtan lead by Gopal Krishna Gosvami in a tent at a festival. It starts slow but builds up. It is very ecstatic actually... Stick with it till the end. A

Deity Installations: Krishna Balarama in Vrindavan and Melbourne - Following Srila Prabhupada Part 8 1:18:35

Deity Installations: Krishna Balarama in Vrindavan and Melbourne - Fol

In Following Srila Prabhupada Part 8 we see Prabhupada's at the Krishna Balarama temple opening and deity installation in Vrindavan. In a very short time, in less than two years, Srila Prabhupada was able to acquire the land for constructin