#Film and video

Srila Prabhupada the Vaikuntha Man 32:07

Srila Prabhupada the Vaikuntha Man

A collection of previously unreleased footage of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda, the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). A very interesting feature of this film is the sound

The Sacred Cow -- Why do Hindus Believe the Cow is Sacred -- 1980 Documentary 29:38

The Sacred Cow -- Why do Hindus Believe the Cow is Sacred -- 1980 Docu

This documentary investigates the situation of the cows and bulls in India in 1980. It shows, that contrary to the Western opinion, it is far better for India for India to protect her cows instead of slaughtering them for meat. The cow and

Evolution --  Where Does the Evidence Lead? 32:19

Evolution -- Where Does the Evidence Lead?

A scientific review of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. The evolution theory proposed by Charles Darwin has been very widely embraced by the scientific community and as a result we have a cultural belief that everything we see around

Mother Ganga -- Best Spiritual Documentary on The Ganges River -- 1080p HD 54:54

Mother Ganga -- Best Spiritual Documentary on The Ganges River -- 1080

''Mother Ganga'' is a unique documentary about the Ganges river based on ''Our merciful Mother Ganga,'' a book by Jay Vijay Das, filmed on location in April and March of 2003. Mother Ganga portrays a pilgrimage, starting at the Bay of B

No to Violence - Supersoul Connection 02:11

No to Violence - Supersoul Connection

Video is about importance of vegetarianism.

Krishna - All attractive 09:34

Krishna - All attractive

This small video shows the majesty of Krishna and His real position.

Giri Govardhana Bathes in the Yamuna 54:06

Giri Govardhana Bathes in the Yamuna

Spontaneous film made by Madhudvisa dasa and Krsnadas das of Vrindavan Praikram on Ekadasi. Shows the natural beauty and color of Lord Krishna's Sri Vrindavan dhama.

ramayan 1 09:26

ramayan 1

this video is part of six more, for me amazing way to show and spread the Ramayan by Shravan Manyam

Krishna the attractive 09:34

Krishna the attractive

Krishna the attractive shows us some glimpse of Lord Krishna - in His own words!! This video is made by Bhaktin Apurva who is only 11 years old.

ISKCON Poisoned by Mayavadis in USA 1970 - 1971 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 2 -- 1080p 1:11:41

ISKCON Poisoned by Mayavadis in USA 1970 - 1971 -- Following Srila Pra

Regarding the poisonous effect in our Society, it is a fact and I know where from this poison tree has sprung up and how it affected practically the whole Society in a very dangerous form. (Prabhupada letter to Hansadutta September 2, 1970

Krishna The All-Attractive  -- ISKCON Deities Worldwide -- Stunning -- Beautiful -- 4k Super HD 00:19

Krishna The All-Attractive -- ISKCON Deities Worldwide -- Stunning --

A stunning multi-media presentation of many of the famous ISKCON deities all over the world. Many of these deities were personally installed by Srila Prabhupada and some under his orders by his disciples. During the 1990s Krsna Prema Das p

Krishna Boys - You Enchanted Me 04:11

Krishna Boys - You Enchanted Me

We made this video for fun and showed it at our temple for the New Year's eve. A Lot of people liked so I hope you'll enjoy it too... Have fun!

Supersoul Connection - Avatar 02:05

Supersoul Connection - Avatar

This video is a part of Supersoul Connection's screen projection. We used footage from two movies: Nilachale Mahaprabhu and Neemai of Nadia, both made in 1959 in Bengal, India. This isn't an official video of a band.

Supersoul Connection - Prava frekvenca / The Right frequence 01:48

Supersoul Connection - Prava frekvenca / The Right frequence

This is first official video of a band.

Little Krishna New Animated Krishna Television Series 00:46

Little Krishna New Animated Krishna Television Series

Created by Big animation and The India Heritage Foundation ( promoted by ISKCON Bangalore) now also aired in NICK Channel

Atlanta Temple Makeover -- 2005 Hare Krishna Youth Bus Tour 07:27

Atlanta Temple Makeover -- 2005 Hare Krishna Youth Bus Tour

For many years Manu Prabhu has been organizing the annual ISKCON Hare Krishna Youth bus tour around North America. It is timed to coincide with the ISKCON Ratha Yatha Festivals in the summer. This video shows the energetic Hare Krishna Yout

Festival of India - Denmark 23:49

Festival of India - Denmark

Video of the ISKCON Festival of India in Denmark

Sri Radha Raman Abhisek Vrindavan 47:31

Sri Radha Raman Abhisek Vrindavan

Rare video of the abishek ceremony for the Deities of Sri Sri Radha Raman in Vrindavan, India.

Prabhupada World Tour 1972-1973 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 -- 1080p 1:18:35

Prabhupada World Tour 1972-1973 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 -

Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 covers July 1972 till July 1973. In this twelve month period Srila Prabhupada visited Amsterdam, England, the United States, India, Jakarta, but overall spent a lot of time preaching in India. The film sta

Warrior Prince -- Animated Ramayana --  The Legend of Prince Rama 2:11:34

Warrior Prince -- Animated Ramayana -- The Legend of Prince Rama

Animated Ramayana: Warrior Prince is a $12 million-dollar film based upon the Ramayana. It's a 170-minute action packed, feature film that explores the animation style called FUSION which consists of 3 different schools of animation: Mang

Lover of the LORD 03:15

Lover of the LORD

This video was inspired by Mangalananda and his wonderful Beyond Illusion CD. A beautiful song with video and words to sing along to.

Jagannatha Puri Dharma -- The Kingdom of Lord Jagannatha 26:37

Jagannatha Puri Dharma -- The Kingdom of Lord Jagannatha

A fascinating film documenting Jagannatha Puri, the city in Orissa that has become famous for the Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Cart Festival.

Darshan of ISKCON Radha-Krishna Deities 36:12

Darshan of ISKCON Radha-Krishna Deities

An amazing world-wide tour of ISKCON temples enabling you to take darshan of Radha-Krishna all over the world. This video is available in super-high-quality when you purchase the Darshan Deity Book. Produced by Krishna Vision.

Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Festival 1:30:42

Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Festival

Incredable film documentary of the Ratha Yatra cart festival in Jagannatha Puri, Orissa, India.

Changing Bodies 01:36

Changing Bodies

short video about the idea of changing bodies!! on this day the 40th anniversary of Sri Sri Radha Londonisvara's installation!! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Kumbha Mela Documentary by Devavision 30:29

Kumbha Mela Documentary by Devavision

This is by far the best documentary on the Kumbha Mela available anywhere. If you are interested in the Kumbha Mela and want to understand what goes on there this is film you need to see.

The Life History of George Harrison- one of the Beatles 41:33

The Life History of George Harrison- one of the Beatles

George Harrison was one of the best guitarists in the world from the Beatles. He started the Rock n Roll culture along with other beatles. Later the band disintegrated and he became a solo performer. This video tells how he becomes frustate

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon 1080p HD -- Bart Sibrel 2001 46:57

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon 1080p HD -- Bart Sibrel

A reel of film mistakenly released by NASA shows the Apollo astronauts faking a shot of the earth, making it appear they were half way to the moon when, in reality, they were only a couple of hundred miles up, in earth orbit. This is obvio

Oh Govinda 04:50

Oh Govinda

This video was inspired by Mangalananda (Michael Cassidy) and his wonderful Change of Heart album. A beautiful song with images and words to sing along to, lets say its Krsna Karaoke.

Saving the Fisher Mansion in Detroit 01:17

Saving the Fisher Mansion in Detroit

This video documents the saving of the fisher mansion by hare krishna devotees in detroit and its conversion into a beautiful temple

Parama Karuna 00:28

Parama Karuna

A promo of the play Parama Karuna by FOLK Theatre which was performed during Brahmotsava on April 1, 2010 in ISKCON, Bangalore. We will be coming up with the video DVDs soon.

New Unseen Interviews about Srila Prabhupada 19:12

New Unseen Interviews about Srila Prabhupada

A collection of unseen interviews with different people who came in contact with Srila Prabhupada. These Prabhupada interviews we made by Yadubara Prabhu when he was filming for Your Ever Well-Wisher, the film documentary of the life of S

In God's Name -- A Documentary on Australian Hare Krishna Devotees in

This is one of the earliest complete and professionally-made full-length films made about life in ISKCON in the early '70s. The filmmaker, William Kerr, went on to make many more iconic films of Srila Prabhupada's visits to Australia that h

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Nilachala Mahaprabhu -- Classic Indian Movie 1:19:07

Nilachala Mahaprabhu -- Classic Indian Movie

This classic Indian film Nilachala Mahaprabhu depicts the pastimes of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu during the time He spent at Jagannatha Puri. It contains genuine historical footage of the famous chariot festival, the Ratha Yatra festival

Kumbha Mela Trailer - Devavision 02:34

Kumbha Mela Trailer - Devavision

Trailer for the best documentary on the Kumbha Mela Ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-OZW-YY-cI Check out the full video!!

Lord Visnu Saves the Earth 07:17

Lord Visnu Saves the Earth

If you don't know the Glories of Lord Visnu please watch this video. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Nimai of Nadia 1:09:21

Nimai of Nadia

Beautiful old black and white film made in India about the life and teachings of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Mayapur Panca-Tattva Deity Installation 08:01

Mayapur Panca-Tattva Deity Installation

Devala Prabhu's film on the installation of Sri Sri Panca Tattva at Mayapur

Chant Mahamantra and STOP War 01:11

Chant Mahamantra and STOP War

This video sent from Russia. Very funny. You need to watch it...

The Brahmin & the Cobbler 04:58

The Brahmin & the Cobbler

The story of the brahmin and the cobbler as told by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Founder Acarya of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness