#Prabhupada hall program preaching melbourne australia hare krishna

The Hare Krishna's in 1970 -- CBS Word News interviews Rupanuga dasa 07:48

The Hare Krishna's in 1970 -- CBS Word News interviews Rupanuga dasa

The Hare Krishna chant. As you walk the streets of some of America's larger cities you will occasionally come upon a group of people garbed in apparel which makes you think of India. The heads of the men will be shaven with just one streame

Hare Krishna Kirtan - Israel Oct-Nov 1995 01:15

Hare Krishna Kirtan - Israel Oct-Nov 1995

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu leading Kirtan in Tel Aviv, Israel before going to East Africa for their first East Africa Spiritual Revival Tour. Around October/November 1995.

My Hare Krishna Family 48:17

My Hare Krishna Family

A beautiful documentary produced by a South African television personality who happens to have a sister who is a Hare Krishna. The film documents his Hare Krishna sister's life with her husband and family and her service as a school teacher

Hare Krishna Hare Ram 05:20

Hare Krishna Hare Ram

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

  • by mdhu
  • 11 years ago
Ramai Swami's Australian Hare Krishna Band Live in 1992 18:17

Ramai Swami's Australian Hare Krishna Band Live in 1992

Ramai Swami's Australian Hare Krishna Band Live in 1992 performing at Gaura Purnima Festival at ISKCON North Sydney Temple.

Hare Krishna Street Collectors Attacked by National Australian Television 13:42

Hare Krishna Street Collectors Attacked by National Australian Televis

For many years Mike Willesee, the host of a national nightly Australian news show, was waging a war against the Hare Krishna's who were collecting for Food For Life in Sydney. On this show he interviews the Temple President, Chita Hari.

Prabhupada Class on Krishna Yoga: Bhagavad-gita 7.1 -- Bombay Jan 13 1973 41:22

Prabhupada Class on Krishna Yoga: Bhagavad-gita 7.1 -- Bombay Jan 13 1

Srila Prabhupada lectures on Bhagavad-gita Chapter 7 verses 1 to 3. Now hear, O son of Pṛthā [Arjuna], how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt. This class on K

  • by mdhu
  • 8 years ago
Prabhupada Class on Krishna Yoga: Bhagavad-gita 7.1 -- Calcutta Jan 27, 1973 35:11

Prabhupada Class on Krishna Yoga: Bhagavad-gita 7.1 -- Calcutta Jan 27

Srila Prabhupada speaks on Krishna Yoga from Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter 7 Text 1. The Yoga System is called Krishna Yoga, or attachment for Krishna. Yoga means connecting link and if we always keep ourselves connected with Krishna then

  • by mdhu
  • 8 years ago
The Fight Hare Krishna Deprogramming Documentary 30:12

The Fight Hare Krishna Deprogramming Documentary

A documentary on the deprogramming of Hare Krishna devotees by people like Ted Patrick. It contains a lot of clips from the Lou Grant show on the subject and also clips from television news.

Hare Krishna in Holland 1987 08:26

Hare Krishna in Holland 1987

Documentary covering the activities of the ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple in Amsterdam, Holland in 1987. This is just after the devotees moved into a very large new temple building, which they were only able to keep for a year or two, but in th

Hare Krishna Transcendence Band Show -- Bhajans Unpluged Rock 25:08

Hare Krishna Transcendence Band Show -- Bhajans Unpluged Rock

Hare Krishna Transcendence Band show in Europe.

Boy George Moscow, Russia Hare Krishna Concert 1992 -- 1080p HD 37:29

Boy George Moscow, Russia Hare Krishna Concert 1992 -- 1080p HD

Boy George performing his hit song Bow Down Mister along with some of George Harrison's hits including My Sweet Lord in Moscow, Russia 1992. This is a section of a show put on by ISKCON's Gouranga Bhajan Band. There is a recording avai

Hare Krishna Devotes of Ukraine 09:04

Hare Krishna Devotes of Ukraine

With thoughts and well wishes for the people of Ukraine and Russia we present this newly discovered footage of Hare Krishna devotees and temples in the Ukraine. This was taken around the year 2000.

Ocean of Mercy -- Hare Krishna Book Distribution in Europe 1986 24:05

Ocean of Mercy -- Hare Krishna Book Distribution in Europe 1986

Documentary on ISKCON's distribution of Srila Prabhuapda's transcendental books in Europe in 1986 in the countries: Holland,Germany,Switzerland,Belgium and Norway. Very interesting. Catches the mood of the European ISKCON book distributors

Hare Krishna Festival Moscow 1992 With Boy George 37:29

Hare Krishna Festival Moscow 1992 With Boy George

In 1992, when the Hare Krishna devotees in Russia were free to practice their religion they held a huge festival in Moscow and the singer Boy George appeared and performed his song 'Bow Down Mister Hare Krishna Hare Rama' to the live audien

Chant This Mantra and Set Yourself Free -- Some 1991 Hare Krishna Rapper 03:42

Chant This Mantra and Set Yourself Free -- Some 1991 Hare Krishna Rapp

Chant, Chant, Chant Hare Krishna Rap. Some US Hare Krishna rapper from 1991. I don't know much about it, or who he is actually. It was just on an old videotape and catchy tune...

Russian Hare Krishna's in Prison! 05:24

Russian Hare Krishna's in Prison!

During the 1980's the Russian government put many religious persons in prison including dozens of Hare Krishna devotees. This video shows a protest by the Australian devotees at the Russian Embassy requesting the president of Russia to free

Hare Krishna Mantra -- Hit Record in 1969! - 1080p HD 04:26

Hare Krishna Mantra -- Hit Record in 1969! - 1080p HD

George Harrison and the London Hare Krishna devotees recorded the Hare Krishna mantra in 1969 and released it as a single. A 45 RPM record. That record rocketed to the top of the music charts worldwide. In July of 1969 George invited th

Srila Prabhupada Acharya Part 3 31:22

Srila Prabhupada Acharya Part 3

Part 3 of a documentary series on the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This program includes a lively discussion with a high-ranking frenc

Prabhupada Conquers India in 1971-1972 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 3 -- 1080p 47:40

Prabhupada Conquers India in 1971-1972 -- Following Srila Prabhupada P

Srila Prabhuapda returned to India to reestablish Krishna consciousness there. Although he was still traveling the world and preaching visiting many countries including the United States, England and Australia, he was spending most of his t

Gopals Burgers on Good Morning Australia 08:17

Gopals Burgers on Good Morning Australia

In 1985 ISKCON Melbourne opened the first Hare Krishna Fast Food Restaurant. They were unfortunately only able to keep it open for a few months. But it was an idea that caught the attention of the Australian media. This is the coverage of t

Srila Prabhupada The Acharya Part 1 30:59

Srila Prabhupada The Acharya Part 1

Part 1 of a documentary series on the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This program begins with Srila Prabhupada chanting japa on his tuls

Srila Prabhupada Acharya Part 2 29:18

Srila Prabhupada Acharya Part 2

Part 2 of a documentary series on the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This program includes an interview with Srila Prabhupada in a telev

Srila Prabhupada Acharya Part 4 37:42

Srila Prabhupada Acharya Part 4

Part 4 of a documentary series on the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This program focuses on Srila Prabhupada's daily devotional practic

Srila Prabhupada Acharya Part 5 47:35

Srila Prabhupada Acharya Part 5

Part 5 of a documentary series on the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This program includes many short segments, starting Srila Prabhupad

Morning Meditations -- Chanting Japa with Srila Prabhupada 48:51

Morning Meditations -- Chanting Japa with Srila Prabhupada

A video of Srila Prabhupada chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra on japa beads followed by the Hare Krishna temple morning program including the deity worship and aroti. Shows the greeting of the Deites in many ISKCON temples worldwide.

Your Ever Well Wisher -- Srila Prabhupada's Authorized Biography -- Original Format -- 1080p HD 55:03

Your Ever Well Wisher -- Srila Prabhupada's Authorized Biography -- Or

The original authorized biography of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Your Ever Well-Wisher is a biographical film produced by Yadu

Who is Krishna? 10:20

Who is Krishna?

A film made by an independent film-maker. He is interviewing Srila Prabhuapda and he asks, Prabhupada, Who is Krishna? And this film shows Srila Prabhupada's reply to this question.

Deep in the Heart of Texas -- Hare Krishnas in Dallas 1982 -- ISKCON Television - 1080p HD 16:59

Deep in the Heart of Texas -- Hare Krishnas in Dallas 1982 -- ISKCON T

When you think of Texas certain stereotypes come to mind: cowboys, the old kind or the new football kind. You think of oil and JR (from the 1980's TV series Dallas ). And probably the last thing you would ever think of would be the Hare Kr

New Year House Program 2nd January 2009 Bhaktivedanta Institute Tirupati 01:25

New Year House Program 2nd January 2009 Bhaktivedanta Institute Tirupa

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. New Year House Program 2nd January 2009 Bhaktivedanta Institute Tirupati Part-1. Hare Krsna. Dandavat Pranam.

Srila Prabhupada in Germany 15:18

Srila Prabhupada in Germany

An amazing television documentary about the activities of Srila Prabhuapda's Hare Krishna movement (ISKCON) in Germany around 1973. The film includes the preaching activities of the German devotees and documents a visit of Srila Prabhuapda

ISKCON Poisoned by Mayavadis in USA 1970 - 1971 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 2 -- 1080p 1:11:41

ISKCON Poisoned by Mayavadis in USA 1970 - 1971 -- Following Srila Pra

Regarding the poisonous effect in our Society, it is a fact and I know where from this poison tree has sprung up and how it affected practically the whole Society in a very dangerous form. (Prabhupada letter to Hansadutta September 2, 1970

Prabhupada's World Tour -- 1975 -- Berkeley,San Diego,Detroit,South Africa,Nairobi (Darshan 16) 1:06:10

Prabhupada's World Tour -- 1975 -- Berkeley,San Diego,Detroit,South Af

This video starts with Srila Prabhupada inflight from Philadelphia to San Francisco in July on 1975. Srila Prabhupada starts up a lively conversation with the pilot, giving him some information about the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Then we see

The Hare Krishnas are Back in Adelaide 00:43

The Hare Krishnas are Back in Adelaide

After the Traveling Temple Program to collect signatures to free the Russian Hare Krishna devotees generated a huge amount of national television coverage on Adelaide City Councils ban on chanting Hare Krishna in the city they were force to

A History Lesson on Russia -- Mike Willesse Show -- Nine Network Australia 1986 04:48

A History Lesson on Russia -- Mike Willesse Show -- Nine Network Austr

In a history lesson devotee children discover Russia has put many Hare Krishnas in prison and a Krishna baby has just died in prison. This inspired this class of 12 year old Krishna devotees to try and do something to raise awareness of t

Catch Them as the Go - 1983 Documentary on Alternative Religions in Australia 57:19

Catch Them as the Go - 1983 Documentary on Alternative Religions in Au

Australian television program 'Catch Them as they Go' on new religious movements. This episode documents the Hare Krishna movement in Australia in 1983

  • by
  • 7 years ago
Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s 05:26

Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s

Television program 'State Affair' on Chanel 7 covers the Adelaide City Council's ban on chanting Hare Krishna in the city.

Traveling Temple Australia -- Good Morning Australia 04:44

Traveling Temple Australia -- Good Morning Australia

Very nice documentary produced by Good Morning Australia detailing the Australian Traveling Temple program in 1985 collecting petitions to free the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in the Soviet Union.

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? -- SBS Australian National Television 1994 (Full Version) 48:10

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? -- SBS Australian National Televis

In wealthy Western countries the Hare Krishnas austere monastic life appears strange and unappealing but some wonder if they're really seeking a better life or hiding from reality. Australian television reporters have been trying to unders

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? 25:08

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers?

An Australian television documentary on Bhaktin Kim, now Sri Kesava d.d., showing her spiritual journey. Includes her pilgrimage to India to be with her prospective spiritual master, Tamal Krishna Goswami.