#Prahlada maharaja nrsimhadeva puppet show gita nagari

Krishna Avataara 06:31

Krishna Avataara

Krishna Avataara ,by Prince Dance Group(Orissa). The Role of Krishna is played by Krishna Mohan Reddy./nThis was performed in a TV show called India Got Talent .

Polish Woodstock 2003 40:31

Polish Woodstock 2003

A video documentary of the famous Polish Woodstock Festival from 2003. The film maker is Devala Gorick.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon 1080p HD -- Bart Sibrel 2001 46:57

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon 1080p HD -- Bart Sibrel

A reel of film mistakenly released by NASA shows the Apollo astronauts faking a shot of the earth, making it appear they were half way to the moon when, in reality, they were only a couple of hundred miles up, in earth orbit. This is obvio

Free Spiritual SMS 01:19

Free Spiritual SMS

You Can Join Free Mobile SMS group in INDIA where you get free Krsna Slokas, Bhagavat Gita Quotes, Srimad Bhagavatam Quotes.Send a sms from your cell type JOIN SpiritualBhakti to 09219592195

Amateur Mridanga and karatal Performance by Devotees 07:17

Amateur Mridanga and karatal Performance by Devotees

Devotees of ISKCON Perambur Perform During Janmashtami 2010. Although this is their first stage show, which contains lots of errors and corrections to be made, they have made a good attempt...........................

ISKCON Bangalore Feeds the Prisoners!

A United Kingdom television show featuring ISKCON Bangalore's Aksaya Patra program which is now feeding more than 40,000 prisoners daily with Krsna prasadam at local jails.

Scientific Verification of the Vedas 29:23

Scientific Verification of the Vedas

A somewhat scholarly presentation that scientifically establishes the true ancient roots of the Vedas, defeating the English Indologists like Max Muler and others Arian Invasion Theory. It discovers the links between the Vedas, the ancient

Merciful Nrsimha -- At Mayapur 09:59

Merciful Nrsimha -- At Mayapur

Merciful Nrsimha is a beautiful film displaying the ferocious beauty of Sri Sri Prahlada Nrsimha at ISKCON Mayapur

Hare Krishna Woodstock 35:32

Hare Krishna Woodstock

Documentary featuring Indradymunya Swami and Sri Prahlada on how the Polish Hare Krishna Village of Peace festival is set up within the Polish Woodstock Festival.

Prabhupada in India -- 1975 -- (Darshan 13) 1:37:22

Prabhupada in India -- 1975 -- (Darshan 13)

Prabhupada and his disciples take a morning walk at Victoria Memorial in Calcutta. Prabhupada travels from Calcutta to Mayapur by car and he stops with his disciples at a Mango grove where the devotees take prasadam under the trees. Then

How The Other Half Lives --   Hare Krishnas 2010 -- New Zealand TV Program 26:50

How The Other Half Lives -- Hare Krishnas 2010 -- New Zealand TV Pro

Marc Ellis, a former professional Rugby player, spends 3 days at the Varshana Hare Krishna rural community in West Auckland, New Zealand. He gets shaved up, puts on a dhoti, attends the morning program in the temple, goes out in Auckland ch

Servico social e sexo ilicito 1 PT BR 04:39

Servico social e sexo ilicito 1 PT BR

Missão Prabhupada Vani Venha conhecer a consciencia de Krishna atraves dos ensinamentos de A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Nosso site: http://prabhupadavanirj.com.br Assista nosso canal youtube: http://www.youtube.com/Prabhupada

Festival of India -- A Tour Along the Baltic Sea Coast -- Poland 56:33

Festival of India -- A Tour Along the Baltic Sea Coast -- Poland

Documentary on the ISKCON Polish Festival of India tour of the beaches of Poland in Summer. The Polish devotees lead by Indradyumna Swami and Sri Prahlada hold festivals every day for two months during summer and this video documents thei

Prabhupada's World Tour -- 1975 -- Berkeley,San Diego,Detroit,South Africa,Nairobi (Darshan 16) 1:06:10

Prabhupada's World Tour -- 1975 -- Berkeley,San Diego,Detroit,South Af

This video starts with Srila Prabhupada inflight from Philadelphia to San Francisco in July on 1975. Srila Prabhupada starts up a lively conversation with the pilot, giving him some information about the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Then we see

ISKCON Russia, kirtan. Baby-devotee dancing 01:32

ISKCON Russia, kirtan. Baby-devotee dancing

Ive recenly recorded this video just to show u this cute devotee who was dancing so sweet

A Fish is Just a Fish 15:55

A Fish is Just a Fish

This ISKCON preaching slide show from the 70s A Fish is Just A Fish is very famous. It is a powerful preaching message, maybe a little dated now. It is based on Srila Prabhupada's analogy of a fish out of water.

Krishna Consciousness is Science - Only Possible by Surrender - Prabhupada Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.20 32:32

Krishna Consciousness is Science - Only Possible by Surrender - Prabhu

Krishna Consciousness is not sentiment, it is science. Sentiment has no value, there is sentiment there, this child, he is dancing. In the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that the cheating religious sentimentalism is kicked out.

  • by mdhu
  • 3 years ago
Little Krishna -- Krishna Lifts Govardhan Hill 25:52

Little Krishna -- Krishna Lifts Govardhan Hill

The beautiful story of Krishna lifting Govardhan Hill. Krishna convinces his father, Maharaja Nanda, to worship Govardhan Hill instead of offering the traditional annual sacrifice to Lord Indra. Indra gets very upset when he sees the reside

Gerorge Harrison Son of Hari -- New Interview! 36:54

Gerorge Harrison Son of Hari -- New Interview!

An amazing George Harrison video with new previously unreleased interviews about his philosophy and interest in the Hare Krishna movement. He speaks about his album All Things Must Pass and his concern for the planet and mentions his rela

  • by mdhu
  • 13 years ago
Hare Krishna Little Baby!!! 04:35

Hare Krishna Little Baby!!!

Our children are the souls that are sent to us by Lord. To love them and to show the path of Absolute Truth is our duty. We can sow the seeds of love of the Supreme into his heart at an early age.But the relationship between the Lord and th

Mahabharat 1

Verses 7 and 8 of Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita: Whenever and wherever a decline of righteousness and a predominance of unrighteousness prevails, at that time I (Krishna) manifest myself personally, O descendant of Bharata; for the protec

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu defeating Born Again Christians University Uganda

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, refutes the fanatic remarks of some of the born again Christians during the Hare Krishna Lecture at the largest university of Uganda, in Kampala called Makerere University. This was in 1

Sri Nrsimha 06:09

Sri Nrsimha

Short video of Lord Sri Nrsimhadeva with Nrsimha Strotra Chanting and abhishek. Includes ISKCON devotees chanting the Nrsimha Prayers

Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross? 49:10

Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross?

Film explores the crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ. Interestingly from our point of view it explores the possibility that both before and after his preaching he traveled to Kashmir in India and studied there. They suggest he studied under B

Mirror 01:06


GYST Gita Youth Society for Transformation www.gyst.in/nVisit Today!

  • by mdhu
  • 10 years ago
Free the Russian Hare Krishnas -- Russian Embassy Australia -- Traveling Temple -- Black and White 08:25

Free the Russian Hare Krishnas -- Russian Embassy Australia -- Traveli

Black and white footage of the Australian Traveling Temple Hare Krishna bus with Prahlada presenting a letter to the Russian Embassy to be delivered to Mikhail Gorbachev asking the Russians to free the Hare Krishna devotees they had impriso

Hare Krishna's Release 100 Pidgins in a Car Park 01:01

Hare Krishna's Release 100 Pidgins in a Car Park

As a publicity stunt to create media attention for freeing the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in Russia the Australian devotees released one hundred pidgins in a car park.

Leaders of the USSR -- Gaura Gopal and the Traveling Temple Band 04:43

Leaders of the USSR -- Gaura Gopal and the Traveling Temple Band

As a part of the Australian Traveling Temple drive to collect a million signatures on a petition to free the imprisoned Russian Hare Krishna devotees Gaura Gopala and the Traveling Temple Band recorded this song to urge Mikhail Gorbachev to

Traveling Temple Video Clip -- Gaura Gopala 03:42

Traveling Temple Video Clip -- Gaura Gopala

Traveling Temple Video Clip produced to promote the program to collect one million signatures in Australia to petition the Russians to free the Hare Krishna devotees they had imprisoned for chanting Hare Krishna.

Hare Krishna Street Collectors Attacked by National Australian Television 13:42

Hare Krishna Street Collectors Attacked by National Australian Televis

For many years Mike Willesee, the host of a national nightly Australian news show, was waging a war against the Hare Krishna's who were collecting for Food For Life in Sydney. On this show he interviews the Temple President, Chita Hari.

RUSSIA -- Let Our Friends Free -- Good Morning Australia 1986 -- Chanel 10 Nationwide 02:55

RUSSIA -- Let Our Friends Free -- Good Morning Australia 1986 -- Chane

In the 1980s Russia, under communist rule, punished its citizens who chose to practice religion and they were particularly brutal with Hare Krishna devotees. The Russians locked many Hare Krishna devotees, including children, in prisons and

Good Morning Australia covers Hare Krishna Traveling Temple 04:44

Good Morning Australia covers Hare Krishna Traveling Temple

National breakfast television program Good Morning Australia covers the Hare Krishna Traveling Temple program to collect a million signatures on a petition to free the Russian Hare Krishna devotees who had been imprisoned for following thei

Russian Devotees are Free! - Good Morning Australia 03:31

Russian Devotees are Free! - Good Morning Australia

The biggest Australian breakfast television show, 'Good Morning Australia' celebrates the freedom of the Russian Hare Krishna devotees who had be put into psychiatric hospitals and tortured by the Russian communist government.

We Want to See 21st Centuray Film Clip -- Prahlad and the Krishna Kids 05:17

We Want to See 21st Centuray Film Clip -- Prahlad and the Krishna Kids

In his effort to get the Russian Hare Krishna devotees freed from prisons and mental hospitals Prahlada, after the success of his song aimed at Mikhail Gorbachev, the President of Russia, produced this song aimed at Ronald Regan, the Presid

Kurma the Hari Cook -- Compass Australia 10:50

Kurma the Hari Cook -- Compass Australia

Australian television program Compass documentary on Kurma, the famous Australian cook. Very well produced and interesting show.

The Fight Hare Krishna Deprogramming Documentary 30:12

The Fight Hare Krishna Deprogramming Documentary

A documentary on the deprogramming of Hare Krishna devotees by people like Ted Patrick. It contains a lot of clips from the Lou Grant show on the subject and also clips from television news.

Boy George Moscow, Russia Hare Krishna Concert 1992 -- 1080p HD 37:29

Boy George Moscow, Russia Hare Krishna Concert 1992 -- 1080p HD

Boy George performing his hit song Bow Down Mister along with some of George Harrison's hits including My Sweet Lord in Moscow, Russia 1992. This is a section of a show put on by ISKCON's Gouranga Bhajan Band. There is a recording avai

Russia -- The Peace Formula -- How Krishna Consciousness Came to Russia (USSR at the time) 1:46:17

Russia -- The Peace Formula -- How Krishna Consciousness Came to Russi

In 1971, under the pretext of meeting with Professor Kotovisk, an Indologist from Moscow’s U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Srila Prabhupada accompanied by two of his disciples, Syamasundara and Aravinda, embarked into a dangerous mission to s

Cooking with Kurma S1-E05 Soups & Dhals 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E05 Soups & Dhals

Dhals are thick, hearty soups made from split legumes, they're rich in iron, B vitamins and vegetable protein. They combine beautifully with grains, seeds, nuts and dairy products. In this edition we are going to show you how to prepare dha

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago
Cooking with Kurma S1-E01 Indian Entrees 1 02:33

Cooking with Kurma S1-E01 Indian Entrees 1

In this edition Kurma shows us how to prepare many delicious Indian vegetarian dishes including: scrambled curd, simple glazed carrots, chick peas and potatoes in a creamy coconut yoghurt gravy and zucchini green pepper and tomato takery.

  • by mdhu
  • 5 years ago