#Srila prabhupada srimad bhagavatam hare krishna guru class lecture

Little Krishna -- The Making of Little Krishna 56:39

Little Krishna -- The Making of Little Krishna

The amazing story of how the hit Television Series Little Krishna was made. Includes interviews with the Big animation and also the Vice President of ISKCON Bangalore who produced the Little Krishna animated TV series. They describe how

Jaya Radhe Jaya Krsna Jaya Vrndavana Jaya Radhe, Jaya Krishna, Jaya Vrndavan 00:46

Jaya Radhe Jaya Krsna Jaya Vrndavana Jaya Radhe, Jaya Krishna, Jaya Vr

Jaya Radhe Jaya Krsna Jaya Vrndavana/njaya radhe jaya krsna jaya vrndavana rasika mukt-mani jaya gopi-gana/nradhe radhe rate syama, radhe radhe rate syama radhe syama yugala nama mero hai jivana/nmero eka prana dhana eka hi hai jivana nanda

The Universal Teacher -- Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Video Biography 1:07:03

The Universal Teacher -- Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Video B

The video biography of the spiritual master of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. This is the definitive biography of Srila Bhaktsiddhanta, very professionally produced by DevaVisi

Travelling with Prabhupada -- 1974 -- Chicago,Paris,San Francisco,Geneva -- (Darshan 11) 1:15:26

Travelling with Prabhupada -- 1974 -- Chicago,Paris,San Francisco,Gene

We start in Geneva in 1974 at a temple program. Then we see Srila Prabhupada being welcomed by the Governor. Then to Paris where Srila Prabhuapda performs initiations for his new French disciples. This is followed by darshan in Srila Prabh

Do We Have to Live in the Temple? Prabhupada Conversation -- New York 1972 19:09

Do We Have to Live in the Temple? Prabhupada Conversation -- New York

During a darshan with Srila Prabhupada and his disciples a devotee asks, among other questions, if it is necessary for devotees to live in the temples or if they can practice Krishna consciousness outside the temple.

George Harrison & Krishna Multi-Media Show 41:33

George Harrison & Krishna Multi-Media Show

A multi-media presentation by H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami dedicated to George Harrison and Lord Krishna. Shows George's connect with the Hare Krishna movement and his sincerity in Krishna consciousness, how he became a devotee and a descript

Sri Guru Vandana by Indradumnya Swami 05:46

Sri Guru Vandana by Indradumnya Swami

A beautiful rendition of Sri Guru Vandana by Indradumnya Swami accompanied by piano and wonderful relevant images of Srila Prabhupada.

Krishna The All-Attractive -- ISKCON Deities Worldwide -- Part 2 -- ORIGINAL SLIDE SHOW! 16:31

Krishna The All-Attractive -- ISKCON Deities Worldwide -- Part 2 -- OR

Enjoy part 2 of the original multi-projector slide show by Krishna Vision EXACTLY as it was showing in ISKCON temples worldwide in the 1980's. We made a super high definition version at: https://youtu.be/dhs-4s67Ytk However that is not e

Hare Krishnas Vs. Orange People (Rajneesh) Mike Willesee Show 04:40

Hare Krishnas Vs. Orange People (Rajneesh) Mike Willesee Show

In the 80s followers of sex-guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh stood out in Australia with their bright orange clothes and unusual names. Combining eastern mysticism and western capitalism, the Bhagwan urged devotees to explore sex as a path to en

Guru Istaghosti after Bhavananda Falldown New Govardhan - TKG and Bhagavan 1:21:54

Guru Istaghosti after Bhavananda Falldown New Govardhan - TKG and Bhag

In September of 1986 it was announced to the Australian devotees that their guru, Bhavananda, had fallen down and was no longer a bona fide spiritual master. This is the announcement made by Tamal Krishna Goswami and Bhagavan Goswami at the

Russia -- The Peace Formula -- How Krishna Consciousness Came to Russia (USSR at the time) 1:46:17

Russia -- The Peace Formula -- How Krishna Consciousness Came to Russi

In 1971, under the pretext of meeting with Professor Kotovisk, an Indologist from Moscow’s U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Srila Prabhupada accompanied by two of his disciples, Syamasundara and Aravinda, embarked into a dangerous mission to s

Oxford Street Revealed -- The Hare Krishnas on Oxford Street 22:18

Oxford Street Revealed -- The Hare Krishnas on Oxford Street

BBC documentary series that explores Oxford Street in London. In this episode they cover the activities of the Hare Krishna devotees in the Soho Street Radha Krishna Temple, which is only a block off Oxford Street.

History of Krishna Consciousness in the UK -- ISKCON -- Bhaktivedanta Manor -- Hinduism in Britain 33:08

History of Krishna Consciousness in the UK -- ISKCON -- Bhaktivedanta

BBC documentary tracing the history of Krishna Consciousness in the United Kingdom. With amazing film of George Harrison recording his hit single My Sweet Lord. It is a fantastic summary of how Srila Prabhupada brought Krishna consciousne

  • by mdhu
  • 3 years ago
Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? 25:08

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers?

An Australian television documentary on Bhaktin Kim, now Sri Kesava d.d., showing her spiritual journey. Includes her pilgrimage to India to be with her prospective spiritual master, Tamal Krishna Goswami.

Prahlada and the Krishna Kids 13:34

Prahlada and the Krishna Kids

Prahlada and his young Hare Krishna friends decide to do something about the persecution of Hare Krishna devotees in communist Russia under president Mikhail Gorbachev. They wrote and performed a song, Please Mr. Gorbachev, Let Our Friends

Krishna Consciousness comes to the Communist Ukraine 32:33

Krishna Consciousness comes to the Communist Ukraine

Niranjana Swami and other devotees on the development of the Hare Krishna movement in the communist countries. Ukraine.

Soho St Prabhupada Book Marathon 2003 22:18

Soho St Prabhupada Book Marathon 2003

A video of the Srila Prabhupada Christmas book distribution marathon at ISKCON Soho St, London in 2003.

New Krishna Band--People of Faith 35:00

New Krishna Band--People of Faith

At Radhastama, New Ramanreti, Alachua, Florida a group of young Hare Krishna devotees form a new band, People of Faith. This is their first performance.

Prabhupada Arrives in Melbourne 1974 08:24

Prabhupada Arrives in Melbourne 1974

Srila Prabhupada arriving in Melbourne in 1974. Includes kirtan at airport plus press conference at airport.

Prabhupada Town Hall Program -- Melbourne 1974 13:58

Prabhupada Town Hall Program -- Melbourne 1974

Srila Prabhupada gives an inspirational talk to the general public assembled in the Melbourne Town Hall in Australia in 1974.

CBS News on Prabhupada's Palace of Gold 05:50

CBS News on Prabhupada's Palace of Gold

A news special produced by CBS on the opening of Srila Prabhupada's Palace of Gold at ISKCON New Vrindavan, Moundsville, West Virgina.

TV News Piece on Prabhupada's Palace of Gold 06:51

TV News Piece on Prabhupada's Palace of Gold

A short TV news piece on Srila Prabhupada's Palace of Gold.

Prabhupada's Palace of Gold TV News 08:18

Prabhupada's Palace of Gold TV News

Another news spot on the opening of Srila Prabhupada's Palace of Gold.

krishna bhajan kanhiya tumhe ek nazar dekhna hai on t series deepender deepak 07:05

krishna bhajan kanhiya tumhe ek nazar dekhna hai on t series deepender

kanhiya tumhe ek nazar lyric bindu ji maharajby t series singer deependerdeepak sagun bhakti dhara radha dhara radha

Children of Krishna - NBC 19:08

Children of Krishna - NBC

Very interesting television news report by a Los Angeles Television station in 1982 on the children of New Dwarka, the Los Angeles Hare Krishna Temple. It focuses on the students of the Gurukula (Hare Krishna Primary School) that had been e

After Rathayatra Festival with Prabhupada -- Melbourne 1975 08:26

After Rathayatra Festival with Prabhupada -- Melbourne 1975

This video shows the festival after the Rathayatra in Melbourne, Australia in 1974. Srila Prabhuapda is present and gives a very nice address to the guests. There is nice kirtan, sumptuous prasadam and chanting and dancing.

Rathayatra 1975 with Prabhupada, Melbourne, Australia 17:24

Rathayatra 1975 with Prabhupada, Melbourne, Australia

Perhaps the best ever film of a Rathayatra festival. This film features Srila Prabhuapda chanting and dancing in ecstasy in front of Lord Jagannatha. It is a huge scale Rathayatra festival with three big carts that have an arrangement so th

Children of Krishna -- Australian Gurukul 14:29

Children of Krishna -- Australian Gurukul

Children of Krishna is a Sixty Minutes national television special from the early 80's on the gurukul at New Goverdhan, the Australian Hare Krishna farm community. A very favourable documentary covering some controversial points like women'

Prabhupada's Early Life -- Family and Friends Remember Him -- Very Rare Interviews 30:26

Prabhupada's Early Life -- Family and Friends Remember Him -- Very Rar

I asked Srila Prabhupada, 'Why are you leaving your family,' and he said, 'My wife, she is drinking too much tea.' So Prabhupada told her: Do you want me or tea? At that time she said, Tea. Then Prabhupada said, So you do with your te

Vicky Overton Top European Model on Krishna Consciousness 30:37

Vicky Overton Top European Model on Krishna Consciousness

Vicky Overton, originally from New Zealand, became a very famous model in Europe. She discovered the Hare Krishna movement and became a devotee. Vicky says: By starting to chant Hare Krishna, I feel tremendous happiness.

George Harrison Gopala Krishna 03:38

George Harrison Gopala Krishna

Gopala Krishna (Short Edited Mix). An unreleased song from the ATMP sessions. To download the full length mp3 of the song: http://krishnatube.com/audio/GopalaKrishna.mp3 Om Hare

Kiwi Krishna's 04:50

Kiwi Krishna's

New Zealand TV's portrayal of Auckland devotees.

Krishna on Television 1985 -- Australia 01:25

Krishna on Television 1985 -- Australia

And amazing collection of television coverage of the Hare Krishna movement in Australia in 1985. Includes news coverage of the Hare Krishna's being confused with the Orange People. Hare Krishna Food For Life feeding the homeless in Kings Cr

Krishna Consciousness in Ireland 1990's 25:23

Krishna Consciousness in Ireland 1990's

Shows life at the Hare Krishna temple in Belfast, Ireland. It is a television documentary very nicely produced.

Hare Krishnas In Lima 10:21

Hare Krishnas In Lima

Television news coverage of the Hare Krishnas in Lima, 1990's

Prabhupada Speaks to Devotee's Parents 07:10

Prabhupada Speaks to Devotee's Parents

A beautiful color film showing Srila Prabhuapda sitting on the grass at New Vrindavana preaching to a group of devotees including Vaikuntahnatha Prabhu and his parents.

Prabhupada on Tour -- Venezuela 14:12

Prabhupada on Tour -- Venezuela

Srila Prabhupada on tour in Venezuela

Krishna Youth Summer Tour USA 15:54

Krishna Youth Summer Tour USA

Eighty Young Hare Krishna devotees on two busses traveling all over North America for three months during the summer of 2007. The youth participate in many Hare Krishna Festivals including Ratha Yatra Festivals as well as putting on cultura




Krishna is for Everyone

I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him. (Bg. 9.29)