#Free russian hare krishnas prison psychiatric australia traveling temple gaura gopala mikhail gorbachev

Australia Preaching 1980's 56:00

Australia Preaching 1980's

Every Town and Village was a cable television program produced by ITV (ISKCON Televison) in the mid 80's. This eposode is an intereview with the Australian devotee Yasomatinandana along with a lot of interesting footage of the favorable te

Srila Prabhupada Arrives at Pittsburg ISKCON Temple -- with Visnujana Swami 14:15

Srila Prabhupada Arrives at Pittsburg ISKCON Temple -- with Visnujana

A short but ecstatic video showing Srila Prabhupada arriving at Pittsburg temple and giving a welcome address to the assembled devotees. The devotees greet him with a beautiful Hare Krishna kirtan. And we see Visnujana Swami organizing the

New Zealand Hare Krishna News 1980s 04:50

New Zealand Hare Krishna News 1980s

News coverage of the Hare Krishna Movement in New Zealand including the New Varshan temple and farm community in the North Island near Auckland.

The Hare Krishna Cult - BBC London 1980 26:50

The Hare Krishna Cult - BBC London 1980

The English television show Credo produced an entire episode of their program in the mid 80's documenting the lives of the devotees who had joined the ISKCON Soho Street Hare Krishna temple. It is a wonderful documentary on the life of th

George Harrison Gopala Krishna 03:38

George Harrison Gopala Krishna

Gopala Krishna (Short Edited Mix). An unreleased song from the ATMP sessions. To download the full length mp3 of the song: http://krishnatube.com/audio/GopalaKrishna.mp3 Om Hare

Krishna on Television 1985 -- Australia 01:25

Krishna on Television 1985 -- Australia

And amazing collection of television coverage of the Hare Krishna movement in Australia in 1985. Includes news coverage of the Hare Krishna's being confused with the Orange People. Hare Krishna Food For Life feeding the homeless in Kings Cr

Mid Morning LA on Hare Krishna Brainwashing 22:19

Mid Morning LA on Hare Krishna Brainwashing

Mukunda Goswami appears on the television program Mid Morning LA to counter the claims that the Hare Krishnas were brainwashing people.

Srila Prabhupada builds 31:03

Srila Prabhupada builds "Hare Krishna Land" in Bombay -- 108

Documentary film showing how Srila Prabhupada purchased the land for and constructed Hare Krishna Land at Juhu Beach, near Bombay (now called Mumbai). The film is narrated by Giriraja Swami who was assisting Srila Prabhupada in developing

The Simple Temple -- Radhanatha Swami 1:01:36

The Simple Temple -- Radhanatha Swami

Disenchanted with the materialistic west, a young American filmmaker, Arjuna Parker, venture to India searching for the deeper truth about himself, the universe and God. He enters the Radha Gopinatha temple to witness the ancient practices

Prabhupada Hare Krishna Center Queens New York 33:24

Prabhupada Hare Krishna Center Queens New York

A documentary film about the Prabhupada Hare Krishna Center in Queens NY and Times Square Harinam at Times Square.

North American Hare Krishna Youth Festival 07:15

North American Hare Krishna Youth Festival

http://www.festivalofindia.org/ Every year in North America Festival of India engages hundreds of young Hare Krishna devotees to put on perhaps the largest regular traveling festival in North America. Festival of India runs all summer long

Lou Grant Show   Hare Krishna Cult Episode - 1978 48:21

Lou Grant Show Hare Krishna Cult Episode - 1978

The son of a newspaper editor joins the Hare Krishna movement in 1978. At the time there was huge propaganda against the Hare Krishna movement, claiming it was brainwashing, and parents of devotees had started hiring deprogrammers who wou

Hare Krishna in the Movies -- Krishna Devotees Appeared in Many 1980s Hollywood Movies -- 1080p HD 34:34

Hare Krishna in the Movies -- Krishna Devotees Appeared in Many 1980s

Hollywood's take on the Krishna's. During the 1970s and 1980s Hare Krishnas were a very integral part of society. Devotees were daily in public performing Sankirtana, the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra and distributing S

Aindra Dasa Live Gaura Purnima Abhishek 17:20

Aindra Dasa Live Gaura Purnima Abhishek

The late Aindra Prabhu leading Kirtan at the last Gaura Purnima he was present for at the ISKCON Krishna Balaram Temple in Vrindavana.

Hare Krishna Kirtan at Sri Vrindavan Dharma 20:00

Hare Krishna Kirtan at Sri Vrindavan Dharma

Aindra Prabhu chanting Hare Krishna at the ISKCON Krishna Balaram temple in Vrindavan, India. He is with the members of his 24 hour kirtan party

Radha Raman Temple Vrindavan Interview with Padmanaba Goswami 2:26:07

Radha Raman Temple Vrindavan Interview with Padmanaba Goswami

An interview with the head goswami at the famous historic Radha-Raman Temple in Vrindavan by Brahmananda Prabhu.

Hare Krishna Kirtan at Sri Vrndavan Dham 20:00

Hare Krishna Kirtan at Sri Vrndavan Dham

Aindra Prabhu and his 24 hour kirtan party perform Hare Krishna Kirtan at ISKCON's Krisna Balaram Mandir in Vrindavan with the pilgrams of Vrindavan for the pleasure of Sri Sri Krishna Balaram and Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar

The Radha Raman Temple Vrindavan 03:40

The Radha Raman Temple Vrindavan

Radha Ramana is a very captivating deity. He was original worshiped by Gopal Batta Gosvami. Gopal Batta was worshiping Salagrama Silas but he maintined a desire to worship a traditional deity form of Lord Krishna like his fellow gosvamis Ru

Hare Krishna Scenes from the Bee Season with Richard Gere 40:42

Hare Krishna Scenes from the Bee Season with Richard Gere

The Bee Season is a Hollywood Film from 2005. It is the story of a Jewish College Professor and his wife, son and daughter. The wife is secretly a thief and somewhat crazy, the daughter is a wiz-kid at spelling bees, and the son, Richard Ge

Australian Padayatra in Sydney Gaura Purnima 1992 20:51

Australian Padayatra in Sydney Gaura Purnima 1992

Lokanatha Swami and the ISKCON Sydney devotees and the Australian Padayatra devotees celebrate Gaura Purnima in 1992 on the streets of Sydney.

Hare Krishna Fast Food 08:11

Hare Krishna Fast Food

Good Morning Australia, a national breakfast television program, covers the opening of the Gopals takeaway burger shop in Melbourne in 1985.

Hare Krishna Street Collectors Attacked by National Australian Television 13:42

Hare Krishna Street Collectors Attacked by National Australian Televis

For many years Mike Willesee, the host of a national nightly Australian news show, was waging a war against the Hare Krishna's who were collecting for Food For Life in Sydney. On this show he interviews the Temple President, Chita Hari.

Wedding of Alfred Ford (Ambrisa dasa) Australia December 1984 13:57

Wedding of Alfred Ford (Ambrisa dasa) Australia December 1984

Good Morning Australia covers the wedding of Alfred Ford (Ambrisa dasa) near Sydney in December of 1984. This traditional Hare Krishna wedding was very fascinating for the Australian Television Audience.

Televison News Promotion with Kirtan Party -- Chanel Seven Australia 1985 01:25

Televison News Promotion with Kirtan Party -- Chanel Seven Australia 1

A 1985 Chanel Seven Sydney News Promo featuring a Hare Krishna Sankirtan party.

1983 Television Interview with Cita Hari and Wife on Mike Walsh Show Australia 08:44

1983 Television Interview with Cita Hari and Wife on Mike Walsh Show A

1983 television interview with Cita Hari, the Sydney Temple President, and his wife. Very interesting to see the mood in ISKCON at that time.

John Singleton Show Bhagavata Asraya Sydney Australia 1982 13:34

John Singleton Show Bhagavata Asraya Sydney Australia 1982

1982 Television Interview of Sydney Australia's ISKCON Temple President. Interesting to see the mood of devotees in those days.

Gopals Burgers on Good Morning Australia 08:17

Gopals Burgers on Good Morning Australia

In 1985 ISKCON Melbourne opened the first Hare Krishna Fast Food Restaurant. They were unfortunately only able to keep it open for a few months. But it was an idea that caught the attention of the Australian media. This is the coverage of t

Catch Them as the Go - 1983 Documentary on Alternative Religions in Australia 57:19

Catch Them as the Go - 1983 Documentary on Alternative Religions in Au

Australian television program 'Catch Them as they Go' on new religious movements. This episode documents the Hare Krishna movement in Australia in 1983

  • by
  • 7 years ago
Mike Willesse Show - Critical of Hare Krishna Street Collecting on National TV 13:42

Mike Willesse Show - Critical of Hare Krishna Street Collecting on Nat

Mike Willesse, an Australian daily television news program host, was very much against ISKCON in Sydney and he was constantly airing negative pieces on the devotees collecting for the Kings Cross Food for Life program. This is one of them.

Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s 05:26

Adelaide Chanting Ban -- Seven State Affair Australia 1980s

Television program 'State Affair' on Chanel 7 covers the Adelaide City Council's ban on chanting Hare Krishna in the city.

Opening of Kings Cross Temple Sydney 1983 Live on Channel Nine Morning Show 05:57

Opening of Kings Cross Temple Sydney 1983 Live on Channel Nine Morning

Australian national morning television show crosses live to the ISKCON temple to cover the morning program and Bhavananda's visit.

Brisbane Temple Opening - Bhavananda Visit - Chanel Seven News 01:04

Brisbane Temple Opening - Bhavananda Visit - Chanel Seven News

Channel Seven News covers Bhavananda visiting Brisbane to open the new temple.

Newcastle Hare Krishna Farm - Country Report 03:12

Newcastle Hare Krishna Farm - Country Report

In April 1991 Australian television's 'Country Report' produced a documentary on the ISKCON Newcastle / Cessnock Hare Krishna farm.

The Fight Hare Krishna Deprogramming Documentary 30:12

The Fight Hare Krishna Deprogramming Documentary

A documentary on the deprogramming of Hare Krishna devotees by people like Ted Patrick. It contains a lot of clips from the Lou Grant show on the subject and also clips from television news.

Swiss TV Program on Zurich Temple 1991.m4v 44:05

Swiss TV Program on Zurich Temple 1991.m4v

Swiss Television produce a documentary on the Zurich Hare Krishna temple in 1991. It is very well produced. While showing a comprehensive overview of the day to day temple life of the devotees it focuses on three specific devotees and studi

Hare Krishna in Holland 1987 08:26

Hare Krishna in Holland 1987

Documentary covering the activities of the ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple in Amsterdam, Holland in 1987. This is just after the devotees moved into a very large new temple building, which they were only able to keep for a year or two, but in th

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu Preaching in East Africa Hare Krishna Festival 15:28

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu Preaching in East Africa Hare Krishna Festival

ISKCON UK's famous preacher Tribhuvanatha Prabhu organizes the Message of Godhead traveling bus preaching program in East Africa in the 1980s. It is a spiritual revival festival tour. A traveling safari in Africa. Organized by Tribuvanath

Ukraine - Temple Activities 1990s 10:08

Ukraine - Temple Activities 1990s

Documentary covering the temple activities of Hare Krishna Devotees in the ISKCON Ukraine temple during the 1990s

Govinda Music Video -- Radha Krishna Temple -- Produced by George Harrison 24:37

Govinda Music Video -- Radha Krishna Temple -- Produced by George Harr

One of the hit singles from the Radha Krishna Temple album recorded by the ISKCON London devotees with George Harrison at Apple studios in 1969. This song, Govinda is the first few verses from the Brahma Samhita, a prayer by the principa

Hare Krishna Festival Moscow 1992 With Boy George 37:29

Hare Krishna Festival Moscow 1992 With Boy George

In 1992, when the Hare Krishna devotees in Russia were free to practice their religion they held a huge festival in Moscow and the singer Boy George appeared and performed his song 'Bow Down Mister Hare Krishna Hare Rama' to the live audien