#Kartik vrindavan dham part 1 kirtan krishna balaram temple 24 hour

Australia's Newsworld Covers Bhavananda's Visit in 1983 04:52

Australia's Newsworld Covers Bhavananda's Visit in 1983

An interview with the new world leader of the Hare Krishna movement, Bhavanananda. The world leader of the Hare Krishna movement is touring Australia. This afternoon David Allen visited the Krishna Temple at Kings Cross to speak with the le

Hare Krishnas Drum Up Support for Freedom Campaign WIN TV 01:47

Hare Krishnas Drum Up Support for Freedom Campaign WIN TV

Hare Krishnas Drum Up Support for Freedom Campaign. Australia's traveling temple Television coverage.

Prabhupada Family Reunion Melbourne June 1992 -- Produced by Kurma das 40:35

Prabhupada Family Reunion Melbourne June 1992 -- Produced by Kurma das

Devotees from all over Australia and the world come together to relive Prabhupada's ecstatic pastimes in Melbourne. This is one of the first Prabhupada disciple reunions held by ISKCON temples in the 1990s. It was an attempt to bring old de

Food For Life in Holland 1987.m4v 11:27

Food For Life in Holland 1987.m4v

Documentary covering the food distribution program, Hare Krishna Food for Life, organized by the ISKCON devotees in the Amsterdam, Holland temple in 1987.

Uncovering Srila Prabhupadas Pastimes in Calcutta 1996 56:08

Uncovering Srila Prabhupadas Pastimes in Calcutta 1996

Guru Daksine attempts to uncover the pastimes of Srila Prabhupada in Calcutta in 1996. He goes to all the places of Prabhupada's pastimes like the Radha-Krishna temple Srila Prabhupada worshiped in as a child and the Scottish Churches Colle

Russians at the Beach -- Yuga Dharma Sri Harinama Yatra 2007 21:22

Russians at the Beach -- Yuga Dharma Sri Harinama Yatra 2007

Russian devotees chanting Hare Krishna in the streets of a summer beach resort town. This film was produced by the late Russian Krsnadas who drowned in the Ganges at Mayapur at a very young age, not very long after he made this film in 2007

ISKCON Bangalore Dedication Ceremony -  - May 31, 1997 1:00:06

ISKCON Bangalore Dedication Ceremony - - May 31, 1997

Documentation of the Dedication Ceremony of ISKCON Bangalore Center For Advancement of Culture when it was still an ISKCON temple. Features the President of India, Dr Shanker Dayal Sharma to the cause of promotion of Vedic culture and spi

Harmonium Lessons Visnujana Melodies with Sunanda das 25:55

Harmonium Lessons Visnujana Melodies with Sunanda das

Learn the famous ISKCON harmonium melodies popularized by Visnujana Swami. This harmonium lesson is presented by Sunanda das and he is presenting original, genuine Visnujana Swami Harmonium melodies.

Larry King Live interviews Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada on Murder and Kidnapping 43:38

Larry King Live interviews Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada on Murder and

Kirtananda Swami, a messenger of God or ruthless religious godfather? The outlaw swami pleads innocent in a gruesome murder. Is he an unconventional religious leader or a ruthless cult dictator? Swami Bhaktipada is in the eye of the storm i

Oxford Street Revealed -- The Hare Krishnas on Oxford Street 22:18

Oxford Street Revealed -- The Hare Krishnas on Oxford Street

BBC documentary series that explores Oxford Street in London. In this episode they cover the activities of the Hare Krishna devotees in the Soho Street Radha Krishna Temple, which is only a block off Oxford Street.

New York City HardCore / KrishnaCore in 1999 -- The Cro Mags, Shelter and 108 47:13

New York City HardCore / KrishnaCore in 1999 -- The Cro Mags, Shelter

The whole idea of hardcore is to reject the society, this culture that forces us into a lifestyle that we don't want to be a part of and Krishna consciousness is about rejecting that lifestyle and coming to the real... A hardcore band app

  • by
  • 3 years ago
Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers? 25:08

Hare Krishnas -- Hiders or Seekers?

An Australian television documentary on Bhaktin Kim, now Sri Kesava d.d., showing her spiritual journey. Includes her pilgrimage to India to be with her prospective spiritual master, Tamal Krishna Goswami.

Bullock Man with Oliva Newton-John 09:03

Bullock Man with Oliva Newton-John

Documentary on the cow protection and bullock training program at New Goverdhan, the Hare Krishna farm community in Australia. Features Lagudi das.

Bhajans with Vaishasheka Prabhu 44:17

Bhajans with Vaishasheka Prabhu

A beautiful collection of bhajans by Vaishasheka Prabhu at one of his Book Distribution seminars at Sri Sri Radha Kalachandaji's in Dallas, Texas.

Ramayana Play: Adventures of the Great King Rama 35:00

Ramayana Play: Adventures of the Great King Rama

A Ramayana play put on by the kulis called The Adventures of the Great King Rama. It was performed at New Dwarka ISKCON temple [Los Angeles].

Prabhupada Arrives in Melbourne 1974 08:24

Prabhupada Arrives in Melbourne 1974

Srila Prabhupada arriving in Melbourne in 1974. Includes kirtan at airport plus press conference at airport.

CBS News on Prabhupada's Palace of Gold 05:50

CBS News on Prabhupada's Palace of Gold

A news special produced by CBS on the opening of Srila Prabhupada's Palace of Gold at ISKCON New Vrindavan, Moundsville, West Virgina.

Tu Banka Teri Banki Nazaria T-series by Deepender Deepak 07:00

Tu Banka Teri Banki Nazaria T-series by Deepender Deepak

krishna bhajan by t-series singer - Deepender Deepak

Poland Summer Festivals 1995 19:21

Poland Summer Festivals 1995

This is a documentary on the activities of the Laxmi Nrsimha Travelling Sankirtan Party taken over a four day period in June, 1995 on the coast of the Baltic Sea in northern Poland. Organized and inspired by Indradyumna Swami, 200 devotees

A Sunday at ISKCON Bangalore 14:33

A Sunday at ISKCON Bangalore

Shows a typical Sunday at the ISKCON Bangalore Temple. ISKCON Bangalore is contraversal because they have realized that Srila Prabhupada is still living and still able to guide devotees even though from the material point of view he is no l

The Philosophy of ISKCON Bangalore 26:10

The Philosophy of ISKCON Bangalore

This is a confidential video made for ISKCON Bangalore devotees some years ago where the leaders of including the Temple President, Madhupandit Prabhu, discuss the history of Bangalore and how that temple came to accept the ritvik orders th

Swamiji -- Ecstatic B&W Footage 08:44

Swamiji -- Ecstatic B&W Footage

Amazing historical film footage of Srila Prabhupada from 1967 and 1968. Showing how he created the Hare Krishna movement in America from nothing in a very short time.

Paramahamsa -- Ecstatic B&W Footage 10:08

Paramahamsa -- Ecstatic B&W Footage

Amazing black and white silent films of Srila Prabhupada from 1967-1968 in USA. This is some of the earliest film footage of Srila Prabhuapda in the United States available. Watch as he preaches and very quickly establishes ISKCON, the Inte

Vaisnavas Preaching in USA 1968 10:59

Vaisnavas Preaching in USA 1968

Amazing film of Srila Prabhuapda's disciples preaching Krishna consciousness in the early years. Mostly on the East Coast of the USA. Boston, New York, and other cities.

The Golden Avatar -- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Life and Teachings -- 1080p HD 29:30

The Golden Avatar -- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Life and Teachings --

The Golden Avatar gives a synopsis of the life and teachings of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the incarnation of Krishna who popularized the public chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra (sankirtana) five hundred years ago in West Bengal

ISKCON Mayapur Food For Life 07:15

ISKCON Mayapur Food For Life

An on film (1980's) of the ISKCON free food distribution program at Sridham Mayapur in West Bengal, India, the world headquarters of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

Bhakti Tirtha Swami on Common Ground -- 1080p HD 15:47

Bhakti Tirtha Swami on Common Ground -- 1080p HD

The American television program Common Ground interviews Bhakti Tirtha Swami was one of the ISKCON initiating gurus. The Swami has an amazing story to tell. From a most unlikely background his search for meaning in life leads him to the H

After Rathayatra Festival with Prabhupada -- Melbourne 1975 08:26

After Rathayatra Festival with Prabhupada -- Melbourne 1975

This video shows the festival after the Rathayatra in Melbourne, Australia in 1974. Srila Prabhuapda is present and gives a very nice address to the guests. There is nice kirtan, sumptuous prasadam and chanting and dancing.

Prabhupada Attacked by Communists and Christians at Latrobe University -- Melbourne 1974 -- 1080p HD 14:00

Prabhupada Attacked by Communists and Christians at Latrobe University

Srila Prabhupada had many very successful preaching engagements during his visits to Australia, however this was not the case at Melbourne's Latrobe University. The Australian ISKCON devotees organized a speaking engagement for Prabhupada

Building Ratha Yatra Carts - Melbourne, Australia 17:16

Building Ratha Yatra Carts - Melbourne, Australia

A wonderful film showing the Australian Hare Krishna devotees in Melbourne building the Jagannatha Rathayatra carts for the 1975 Rathayatra festival. It is a very beautiful film and shows the carts come from nothing to the glorious finished

Srila Prabhupada Leaves Melbourne 1975 -- 1080p HD 04:57

Srila Prabhupada Leaves Melbourne 1975 -- 1080p HD

This film documents the ecstatic conclusion to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's visit to Melbourne in 1975. We see Srila Prabhupada in his room preparing to leave and sharing his final moments with his Australian disc

Srila Prabhupada Morning Walk in Melbourne Botanical Gardens 1974 -- 1080p HD 10:46

Srila Prabhupada Morning Walk in Melbourne Botanical Gardens 1974 -- 1

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness [ISKCON] went on daily early morning walks with his disciples and guests. Here we see Srila Prabhuapda in Melb

Deity Installation by Srila Prabhupada - Melbourne, Australia 21:56

Deity Installation by Srila Prabhupada - Melbourne, Australia

A truly wonderful film showing Srila Prabhupada installing very large and very beautiful Gaura-Nitai Deities in Melbourne, Australia. The installation festival is full of ecstatic kirtans, some lead by Kurma Prabhu who went on to become the

ISKCON Padayatra Worldwide 59:16

ISKCON Padayatra Worldwide

As a part of the Prabhuapda Centennial celebrations in 1996 the ISKCON GBC decided in 1994 to start the World Padayatra program. Padayatra is a Sanskrit word meaning Walking Festival. All the great acharyas of the past went on Padayatra

Australia Preaching 1980's 56:00

Australia Preaching 1980's

Every Town and Village was a cable television program produced by ITV (ISKCON Televison) in the mid 80's. This eposode is an intereview with the Australian devotee Yasomatinandana along with a lot of interesting footage of the favorable te

Philadelphia Ratha Yatra 1975 with Srila Prabhupada 1080p HD 58:34

Philadelphia Ratha Yatra 1975 with Srila Prabhupada 1080p HD

The entire 1975 Philadelphia Ratha-Yatra festival from beginning to end. A unique combination of color film and videotape now for the first time in HD 1080p. Stunningly restored with state of the art AI technology. Philadelphia Ratha Yatra

Akshaya Patra 08:05

Akshaya Patra

The worlds largest food distribution program is also an endeavour towards satisfying Srila Prabhupada's desire to distribute Krishna Prasadam to as many people as possible. Iskcon Bangalore has initiated the Akshaya Patra mid-day meal Progr

Aloha Day Parade Hawaii (1980's) 03:05

Aloha Day Parade Hawaii (1980's)

Hare Krishna devotees in Hawaii enter Srila Prabhuapda in the Aloha Day Parade and win the main prize.

Book Distribution at O'Hare Airport 26:51

Book Distribution at O'Hare Airport

O'Hare Airport in Chicago was one of the biggest locations for distributing Srila Prabhuapda's books in the 70's. This documentary film was made in the 80's about the Hare Krishna book distribution that was going on at this airport then.

American Religious Town Hall TV Program (1980's) 31:27

American Religious Town Hall TV Program (1980's)

An edition of the US television program American Religious Town Hall where a group of Christian priests debate with a Hare Krishna devotee.