#Illicit sex social work melbourne australia government preaching

North American Hare Krishna Youth Festival 07:15

North American Hare Krishna Youth Festival

http://www.festivalofindia.org/ Every year in North America Festival of India engages hundreds of young Hare Krishna devotees to put on perhaps the largest regular traveling festival in North America. Festival of India runs all summer long

Srila Prabhupada builds 31:03

Srila Prabhupada builds "Hare Krishna Land" in Bombay -- 108

Documentary film showing how Srila Prabhupada purchased the land for and constructed Hare Krishna Land at Juhu Beach, near Bombay (now called Mumbai). The film is narrated by Giriraja Swami who was assisting Srila Prabhupada in developing

Festival of India is Here 07:41

Festival of India is Here

http://www.festivalofindia.org/ A short introduction to the North American Hare Krishna Festival of India. Festival of India is a very exciting Hare Krishna preaching program that travels to all the major North American cities every summer.

Hidden History of the Human Race Authors Tour 1994 36:48

Hidden History of the Human Race Authors Tour 1994

In the fall of 1994 Michael Cremo (Drutakrama das), co-author with Richard Thompson (Sadaputa das) of the highly controversial book, The Hidden History of the Human Race embarked on a three month nationwide television and radio tour to pu

Srila Prabhuapda Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.25 class 31:42

Srila Prabhuapda Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.25 class

Srila Prabhuapda Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.25 class recorded in Los Angeles in 1973. It is a class on one of the prayers of Queen Kunti. Queen Kunti is is saying that calamities and dangers are very good if they help us remember Krishna. This m

Prabhupada World Tour 1972-1973 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 -- 1080p 1:18:35

Prabhupada World Tour 1972-1973 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 -

Following Srila Prabhupada Part 4 covers July 1972 till July 1973. In this twelve month period Srila Prabhupada visited Amsterdam, England, the United States, India, Jakarta, but overall spent a lot of time preaching in India. The film sta

Salted Bread -- Krishna Consciousness Comes to Russia 1:26:26

Salted Bread -- Krishna Consciousness Comes to Russia

The painful story of how the early Hare Krishna Devotees were treated because of their attempts to spread Krishna consciousness in the then communist Russia. This is a play performed by the disciples of Radhanatha Swami at ISKCON Chowpati.

Distribute Books Automatically with a Smart Box -- Vaisekha Prabhu 1:01:19

Distribute Books Automatically with a Smart Box -- Vaisekha Prabhu

The smart box can put put anywhere people pass by and will automatically distribute Srila Prabhupada's books

Krishna Italy Catania 83 by Priyavratadas 34:44

Krishna Italy Catania 83 by Priyavratadas

A snapshot of the Hare Krishna Movement in Italy in 1983. It is a documentary accompanied with beautiful kirtans and bhajans and shows the joyful and enthusiastic preaching of the blissful Hare Krishna devotees at this time. Even if you don

  • by mdhu
  • 14 years ago
ISKCON Poisoned by Mayavadis in USA 1970 - 1971 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 2 -- 1080p 1:11:41

ISKCON Poisoned by Mayavadis in USA 1970 - 1971 -- Following Srila Pra

Regarding the poisonous effect in our Society, it is a fact and I know where from this poison tree has sprung up and how it affected practically the whole Society in a very dangerous form. (Prabhupada letter to Hansadutta September 2, 1970

Warrior Prince -- Animated Ramayana --  The Legend of Prince Rama 2:11:34

Warrior Prince -- Animated Ramayana -- The Legend of Prince Rama

Animated Ramayana: Warrior Prince is a $12 million-dollar film based upon the Ramayana. It's a 170-minute action packed, feature film that explores the animation style called FUSION which consists of 3 different schools of animation: Mang

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon 1080p HD -- Bart Sibrel 2001 46:57

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon 1080p HD -- Bart Sibrel

A reel of film mistakenly released by NASA shows the Apollo astronauts faking a shot of the earth, making it appear they were half way to the moon when, in reality, they were only a couple of hundred miles up, in earth orbit. This is obvio

Travel with Srila Prabhupada -- 1975 -- Chicago,  Denver, Washington (Darshan 15) 48:36

Travel with Srila Prabhupada -- 1975 -- Chicago, Denver, Washington (

We begin with Srila Prabhupada in Denver, Colorado and see Srila Prabhupada on a morning walk with his disciples, riding in a car and his disciples offering him Guru-puja, part of the regular daily ISKCON temple worship program. Then, in t

A Fish is Just a Fish 15:55

A Fish is Just a Fish

This ISKCON preaching slide show from the 70s A Fish is Just A Fish is very famous. It is a powerful preaching message, maybe a little dated now. It is based on Srila Prabhupada's analogy of a fish out of water.

The Festival of the Chariots 14:56

The Festival of the Chariots

Short documentary on the history of Lord Jagannatha's Ratha-Yatra Festival which originated in Jagannatha Puri, Orissa, India but now due to the Preaching of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the Festival of the Chariots

Travel with Srila Prabhupada -- 1974 -- India, Rome (Darshan 10) 1:19:10

Travel with Srila Prabhupada -- 1974 -- India, Rome (Darshan 10)

Part ten of the chronological series Prabhupada Darshan following Srila Prabhupada in his travels around the world. This part covers Srila Prabhupada's travels in the months of March and April of 1974. Prabhupada is in India at Mayapur for

One Man, One Cow, One Planet -- Save the World with Peter Proctor 1:38:49

One Man, One Cow, One Planet -- Save the World with Peter Proctor

Biodynamics makes Oragnics Work. One Man, One Cow -- Save the World with Peter Proctor is a wonderful introduction to the science of biodynamic farming. Peter Proctor is from New Zealand but this documentary is set in India as that is wher

Installing Radha-Krishna in London and Paris --  1973 -- Following Srila Prabhupada Part 5 1:30:47

Installing Radha-Krishna in London and Paris -- 1973 -- Following Sri

In the fifth part of Following Srila Prabhupada covering August 1973 till Spring of 1974 we see Srila Prabhupada traveling the world , principally Paris, London and India, preaching, opening temples, installing deities and inspiring his d

no juicy steaks from these cows!!!! 04:32

no juicy steaks from these cows!!!!

Pamho. Agtsp! Video about cow protection. We are giving the protection to 10 cows and 4 oxen for their lifetime. If you would like to contribute to the maintenance of these cows and the costs associated with them, you can help us through a

Sriman Nitai dasa speaks on Srila Bhaktsiddhanta -- The Universal Teacher 04:47

Sriman Nitai dasa speaks on Srila Bhaktsiddhanta -- The Universal Teac

The Universal Teacher. Sriman Nitai dasa speaks about how Srila Bhaktsiddhanta started his preaching with only 2 or thee men.

Srila Prabhupada Tours the World & Preaches to Airline Pilot 1:05:44

Srila Prabhupada Tours the World & Preaches to Airline Pilot

This is from the final Prabhuapda Darshan DVD and includes some amazing footage shot on an airplane showing Srila Prabhupada preaching to the pilot. The whole program was filmed in October of 1975.

Prabhupada's World Tour -- 1975 -- Berkeley,San Diego,Detroit,South Africa,Nairobi (Darshan 16) 1:06:10

Prabhupada's World Tour -- 1975 -- Berkeley,San Diego,Detroit,South Af

This video starts with Srila Prabhupada inflight from Philadelphia to San Francisco in July on 1975. Srila Prabhupada starts up a lively conversation with the pilot, giving him some information about the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Then we see

Srila Prabhupada's Final Months - 1976-77 India, USA, UK (Darshan 18) 1:03:00

Srila Prabhupada's Final Months - 1976-77 India, USA, UK (Darshan 18)

The final part in Srila Prabhupada's world tour covering the period of July 1976 to his passing in November 1977. This section starts in July 1976 with Srila Prabhupada taking a ride on one of the many Radha-Damodar Traveling Sankirtan Par

Hare Krishna in the Movies -- Krishna Devotees Appeared in Many 1980s Hollywood Movies -- 1080p HD 34:34

Hare Krishna in the Movies -- Krishna Devotees Appeared in Many 1980s

Hollywood's take on the Krishna's. During the 1970s and 1980s Hare Krishnas were a very integral part of society. Devotees were daily in public performing Sankirtana, the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra and distributing S

African Safari 1998 with Tribhuvanatha Prabhu and ISKCON Festivals -- 1080p HD 15:28

African Safari 1998 with Tribhuvanatha Prabhu and ISKCON Festivals --

An African Safari preaching program organized by ISKCON Festivals in 1998. Tribhuvanatha Prabhu. Tribhuvananta was a Prabhupada disciple particularly instructed to spread Krishna consciousness by public festivals. He you see a 1998 Africa

The Hare Krishna's in 1970 -- CBS Word News interviews Rupanuga dasa 07:48

The Hare Krishna's in 1970 -- CBS Word News interviews Rupanuga dasa

The Hare Krishna chant. As you walk the streets of some of America's larger cities you will occasionally come upon a group of people garbed in apparel which makes you think of India. The heads of the men will be shaven with just one streame

Harinama on a Full Stomach 14:30

Harinama on a Full Stomach

Crossing the Ganges by boat, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness is blissfully engaged in relief work, in singing, and in distributing countless plates of hot kitchuri (India's staple food) to the area's impoverished village

Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross? 49:10

Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross?

Film explores the crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ. Interestingly from our point of view it explores the possibility that both before and after his preaching he traveled to Kashmir in India and studied there. They suggest he studied under B

My Experience Quitting My Job

Hare Krishna. I am Manjunath from Bangalore India. Well today I am very happy to tell about the importance of Krishna Consciousness. Particularly from a person who is working as a BPO. I mean to say a person working in a call center, a pers

Gurudeva -- Ecstatic B&W Film of Srila Prabhuapa from 1966 13:56

Gurudeva -- Ecstatic B&W Film of Srila Prabhuapa from 1966

Really beautiful film of Srila Prabhupada preaching the Hare Krishna movement in the United States in 1966. They were very blissful times in ISKCON...

Living - Seven Brisbane Interviews Prahlada and the Krishna Kids -- Free the Soviet Hare Krishnas 06:42

Living - Seven Brisbane Interviews Prahlada and the Krishna Kids -- Fr

Prahlada and Gaura Gopal interviewed on the Brisbane Australia Seven Network television program: Living about the plight of the Russian Hare Krishna devotees who had been put in prison and psychiatric hospitals simply for practicing their

Australian Padayatra in Sydney Gaura Purnima 1992 20:51

Australian Padayatra in Sydney Gaura Purnima 1992

Lokanatha Swami and the ISKCON Sydney devotees and the Australian Padayatra devotees celebrate Gaura Purnima in 1992 on the streets of Sydney.

Prahlada Television Interview -- Free the Russian Hare Krishnas 01:13

Prahlada Television Interview -- Free the Russian Hare Krishnas

Television interview of Prahlada presenting a letter to the Russian Embassy to be delivered to Mikhail Gorbachev asking the Russians to free the Hare Krishna devotees they had imprisoned and in psychiatric hospitals.

Prahlada -- Free the Russian Hare Krishnas 12:45

Prahlada -- Free the Russian Hare Krishnas

The Australian Traveling Temple Hare Krishna bus with Prahlada presenting a letter to the Russian Embassy to be delivered to Mikhail Gorbachev asking the Russians to free the Hare Krishna devotees they had imprisoned and in psychiatric hosp

The Hare Krishna Movement Begins in New York City October 1966 02:01

The Hare Krishna Movement Begins in New York City October 1966

Ecstatic footage of Srila Prabhupada and his disciples preaching Krishna consciousness in New York City during October and November of 1966. This is the beginning of the Hare Krishna Movement in the USA

Hare Krishna's Release 100 Pidgins in a Car Park 01:01

Hare Krishna's Release 100 Pidgins in a Car Park

As a publicity stunt to create media attention for freeing the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in Russia the Australian devotees released one hundred pidgins in a car park.

Leaders of the USSR -- Gaura Gopal and the Traveling Temple Band 04:43

Leaders of the USSR -- Gaura Gopal and the Traveling Temple Band

As a part of the Australian Traveling Temple drive to collect a million signatures on a petition to free the imprisoned Russian Hare Krishna devotees Gaura Gopala and the Traveling Temple Band recorded this song to urge Mikhail Gorbachev to

7:30 Report on Prahlada's Campaign to Free the Russian Hare Krishna Devotees 07:31

7:30 Report on Prahlada's Campaign to Free the Russian Hare Krishna De

Prahlada and the Krishna Kids appear on Australian National Television singing Please Mr. Gorbachev Let Our Friends be Free and explaining the plight of the Russian devotees imprisoned for practicing their religion.

Mayor of Adelaide on Lifting Ban on Chanting Hare Krishna 01:06

Mayor of Adelaide on Lifting Ban on Chanting Hare Krishna

Television coverage of Gaura Gopal meeting the Adelaide (South Australia) City Mayor in an attempt to convince him to allow the Hare Krishnas to chant on the streets of Adelaide again.

We All Want to see the Start of the 21st Century -- Prahlada and the Krishna Kids 05:35

We All Want to see the Start of the 21st Century -- Prahlada and the K

Video clip produced by the EMI record company in Australia to promote the release of the song We All Want to See the Start of the 21st Century by Prahlada and the Krishna Kids