When you think of Texas certain stereotypes come to mind: cowboys, the old kind or the new football kind. You think of oil and JR (from the 1980's TV series Dallas ). And probably the last thing you would ever think of would be the Hare Kr
An amazing hall preaching program by Srila Prabhupada in Melbourne, Australia in 1974. A very ecstatic class by Srila Prabhupada which he begins by quoting the Christian prayer, Hallowed be Thy Name... And then goes on to explain the name
Famous television documentary maker in South Africa has a sister who is a Hare Krishna devotee. With her husband she is doing some very good work opening a school and educating the village children. He makes this television documentary whic
The English television show Credo produced an entire episode of their program in the mid 80's documenting the lives of the devotees who had joined the ISKCON Soho Street Hare Krishna temple. It is a wonderful documentary on the life of th
New Zelander Vicky Overton who became a famous model in Europe then a Hare Krishna tells her story on the Credo television program. Also covers New Zealand's Hare Krishna farm community and the lifestyle the devotees lead there in the 90'
Mukunda Goswami appears on the television program Mid Morning LA to counter the claims that the Hare Krishnas were brainwashing people.
A television program produced in Atlanta, Georgia broadcast nationwide in the US in May 1979. Program deals with Americas New Religons and the deprogrammers. Hriydananda Maharaja debates with the most famous de-programmer Ted Patrick.
An edition of the Television show Horizon in Toronto, Canada. Discusses the Hare Krishna movement and its authentic roots in India. Very nice preaching by a devotee, Visvakarma das.
A cable television program produced by ISKCON Television in 1985 exploring the life and character of Srila Prabhuapda, the man that made Hare Krishna a household world all over the world.
The son of a newspaper editor joins the Hare Krishna movement in 1978. At the time there was huge propaganda against the Hare Krishna movement, claiming it was brainwashing, and parents of devotees had started hiring deprogrammers who wou
George Harrison lead a not-so-secret love affair with Krishna. From the first time he saw devotees chanting Hare Krishna in the streets of London, he wanted to meet them. This is the inside story of how George forged lifelong friendships wi
ITV (ISKCON Television) released Hare Krishna in the Movies in the 90's. Since then there have been many more movies featuring the Hare Krishna devotees. So ITV have now remade the Hare Krishna in the Movies DVD and updated it with all
This is one of the earliest complete and professionally-made full-length films made about life in ISKCON in the early '70s. The filmmaker, William Kerr, went on to make many more iconic films of Srila Prabhupada's visits to Australia that h
An Italian Channel 4 National Television documentary on Villaggio Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna Village, a Hare Krishna community near Berrigmo in Italy.
Hollywood's take on the Krishna's. During the 1970s and 1980s Hare Krishnas were a very integral part of society. Devotees were daily in public performing Sankirtana, the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra and distributing S
Aindra Prabhu chanting Hare Krishna at the ISKCON Krishna Balaram temple in Vrindavan, India. He is with the members of his 24 hour kirtan party
In the name of God is a television program produced by WTCC Chanel 17 in Atlanta, Georgia. It was broadcast nation-wide in the United States in May of 1979. It features ISKCON devotees Balavanta Prabhu and Hriydananda Goswami debating with
This BBC documentary on the life of the Hare Krishna devotees at ISKCON's Soho Street temple in London was produced as part of a series on cults in the UK in the 1980s. It is a very good historical documentation on the lifestyle of ISKCON d
A beautiful documentary produced by a South African television personality who happens to have a sister who is a Hare Krishna. The film documents his Hare Krishna sister's life with her husband and family and her service as a school teacher
Black and white footage of the Australian Traveling Temple Hare Krishna bus with Prahlada presenting a letter to the Russian Embassy to be delivered to Mikhail Gorbachev asking the Russians to free the Hare Krishna devotees they had impriso
The Bee Season is a Hollywood Film from 2005. It is the story of a Jewish College Professor and his wife, son and daughter. The wife is secretly a thief and somewhat crazy, the daughter is a wiz-kid at spelling bees, and the son, Richard Ge
As a publicity stunt to create media attention for freeing the Hare Krishna devotees imprisoned in Russia the Australian devotees released one hundred pidgins in a car park.
Various television news clips covering ISKCON's Rathayatra festival in Sydney Australia in mid 1980's. Includes interviews with Bhavananda.
1983 television interview with Cita Hari, the Sydney Temple President, and his wife. Very interesting to see the mood in ISKCON at that time.
During the 1980's the Russian government put many religious persons in prison including dozens of Hare Krishna devotees. This video shows a protest by the Australian devotees at the Russian Embassy requesting the president of Russia to free
George Harrison and the London Hare Krishna devotees recorded the Hare Krishna mantra in 1969 and released it as a single. A 45 RPM record. That record rocketed to the top of the music charts worldwide. In July of 1969 George invited th
German television decided to do a program on the Hare Krishna devotees in Berlin, Germany in 1973. At that time the Berlin ISKCON temple was a small storefront virtually in the red-light district of Berlin. Very good location in the sense
Watch Part 2 at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTAoV2WO_ZM During the 1990's Hare Krishna devotees were daily performing Sankirtan [the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra] on the Capital Mall in Washington DC outside
Part 2 of KrishnaFest On the DC Capital Mall. During the 1990's Hare Krishna devotees were daily performing Sankirtan [the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra] on the Capital Mall in Washington DC outside the Smithsonian
George Harrison had a long relationship with Srila Prabhupada and his Hare Krishna movement. Very early George became a devotee and used his money for Krisahna by, for example, paying the full cost of printing Srila Prabhupada's, Krsna, The
Hare Krishna band and bhajans
An amazing film on the Six Goswamis of Vrindavan. Sung by famous Brazilian singer Iva Rothe
Documentary about small Hare Krishna ritvk temple in Montreal
George Harrison performing his most famous hit song My Sweet Lord
Introduction to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)
Short program showcasing the North American Festival of India. A Hare Krishna festival that travels all over North America every summer.
By the grace of Lord Sri Krishna, His Divine Grace A.C. Swami Bhaktivedanta Prabhuapda was born a pure devotee of Krishna. In 1933 Prabhupada was accepted as a disciple by a bonafide spiritual master and ordered to spread Krishna consciousn
A world tour of the Temples, Farms, Restaurants and preaching activities of the Hare Krishna Movement (ISKCON) in 1981. This is a very interesting film, showing the worldwide preaching activities of ISKCON just a few years after the depar
An interview with Indradumna Swami and Sri Prahlad where they explain how the Polish Wodstook festival started and how the Hare Krishna Movement came to be involved in it.
This documentary was taped at the Polish Woodstock Festival, near the town of Zary in Southwest Poland in August, 1997. Featured are the devotees of the Hare Krishna Movement and their Village of Peace band. The devotees, headed by Indrad