In 1993 a Television station declared that the real winners from Australia's 1993 budget were the Hare Krishnas.
Australia's 60 Minutes 'Children of Krishna' from 1980. Classic television program documenting the Gurukul at ISKCON's Australian farm community, New Govardhan.
An Australian religious television program covers one of Bhavananda's visits to Australia.
Hare Krishnas Drum Up Support for Freedom Campaign. Australia's traveling temple Television coverage.
Gaura Gopal sings 'In Every Town and Village', the theme song of the Australian Traveling Temple. 1985.
The French ISKCON devotees present the drama of the appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva on stage. A nicely presented show, but not as good as the Australian devotees production of this play, in my opinion.
A video advertisement for the 1980s ISKCON traveling festival in Europe.
Nrsimhananda Prabhu presents the first ITV Film Festival in Mayapur. Very nice, well produced, entertaining program.
Documentary film of the 1986 Mayapur Festival that celebrated the 500th Anniversary of the birth of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Includes the addresses by all the big ISKCON gurus of the time.
1990's ISKCON Mayapur festival documentary by Guru Daksine Prabhu
This episode of the Little Krishna animated TV series is a depiction of Krishna saving the lives of Vrindavan residents by subduing Keshi, a gigantic horse demon.
A television series, Wild Travels visits ISKCON's New Vrindavan Farm community and produces a very interesting short documentary in 2018. They meet Vrindavan das in the temple who shows them around. Then they go on to Prabhupada's Palace
Part 10 of Following Srila Prabhupada covers the year July 1975 to July 1976. Prabhupada visits temples in the United States then goes to Maritius, South Africa, Africa then to Mayapur for the 1976 Gaura Purnima Festval then on to other cit
Very close to Vrindavan, Kamsa has his favourite wine orchard that is guarded by the deadly evil demon Dhenukasura. For any trespasser he is a face of death. Even demigod Indra was no match to his uncontrolled powers. Having lost their catt
In Following Srila Prabhupada Part 8 we see Prabhupada's at the Krishna Balarama temple opening and deity installation in Vrindavan. In a very short time, in less than two years, Srila Prabhupada was able to acquire the land for constructin
Enjoy the grand opening festival of ISKCON's Durban, South Africa temple. Now digitally remastered in 1080p HD video! Sri Sri Radhanatha Temple was opened in the 1980s. It was constructed by the South African ISKCON devotees on the desire
A collection of previously unreleased footage of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda, the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). A very interesting feature of this film is the sound
Part ten of the chronological series Prabhupada Darshan following Srila Prabhupada in his travels around the world. This part covers Srila Prabhupada's travels in the months of March and April of 1974. Prabhupada is in India at Mayapur for
Documentary following the lives of three new Hare Krishna devotees, two boys and a girl, for one year, from shaving up to initiation. A unique film capturing the mood and preaching methods of ISKCON in the years immediately following the di
This is the original 1991 edit of KrishnaFest's chanting at the National Mall, Washington DC. The original tape is somewhat damaged but we managed to play it. It is very ecstatic. Mostly all new footage compared to what we have released bef
Part 2 of a documentary series on the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This program includes an interview with Srila Prabhupada in a telev
Part 1 of a documentary series on the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This program begins with Srila Prabhupada chanting japa on his tuls
This is a documentary on the activities of the Laxmi Nrsimha Travelling Sankirtan Party taken over a four day period in June, 1995 on the coast of the Baltic Sea in northern Poland. Organized and inspired by Indradyumna Swami, 200 devotees
Part 3 of a documentary series on the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This program includes a lively discussion with a high-ranking frenc
Part 4 of a documentary series on the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This program focuses on Srila Prabhupada's daily devotional practic
Part 5 of a documentary series on the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This program includes many short segments, starting Srila Prabhupad
In 1966 Srila Prabhuapda, the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) rented a storefront at 26 2nd. Ave, New York City, NY. Within weeks the news of this new Hare Krishna Temple and the Swami in the L
The original authorized biography of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Your Ever Well-Wisher is a biographical film produced by Yadu
The Golden Avatar gives a synopsis of the life and teachings of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the incarnation of Krishna who popularized the public chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra (sankirtana) five hundred years ago in West Bengal
Jagannath Puri, a city in Orissa, India, is a great holy city in India which was, before His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami came to the United States in 1965, practically unknown outside India. However, Srila Prabhuapda brought the L
A wonderful film showing the Australian Hare Krishna devotees in Melbourne building the Jagannatha Rathayatra carts for the 1975 Rathayatra festival. It is a very beautiful film and shows the carts come from nothing to the glorious finished
This film documents the ecstatic conclusion to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's visit to Melbourne in 1975. We see Srila Prabhupada in his room preparing to leave and sharing his final moments with his Australian disc
A truly wonderful film showing Srila Prabhupada installing very large and very beautiful Gaura-Nitai Deities in Melbourne, Australia. The installation festival is full of ecstatic kirtans, some lead by Kurma Prabhu who went on to become the
Mukunda Goswami introduces Padyatra India. This is a video made in the very beginning of the Padayatra festival in 1984. This is when Pradayatra was just in India. It was planned to trace the footsteps of Lord Caitanya who also travelled al
Every Town and Village was a cable television program produced by ITV (ISKCON Televison) in the mid 80's. This eposode is an intereview with the Australian devotee Yasomatinandana along with a lot of interesting footage of the favorable te
Enjoy the ecstasy of Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa-Puja festival in New Vrindavan in 1973. Includes the best ever recorded kirtans lead by Visnujana Swami. First time in HD video with color footage. Truly an amazing festival. Don't miss it! Th
Make sure you watch to the end! Srila Prabhupada chants Jaya Radha-Madhava, then speaks on Bhagavad-gita 2.13, then there is a VERY ECSTATIC Hare Krishna kirtan. Don't miss it! As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from b
Vani devi dasi (age ~13) sings a beautiful Hare Krishna Mantra tune at New Raman Reti's Sunday Love Feast. ISKCON has a free vegetarian love feast every Sunday. These were the instructions of Founder/Acharya A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Pr
Television documentary showing the conflict between the villiagers at Lechmore Heath, a small vilage where the UK Hare Krishna Temple, Bhaktivedanta Manor is situated. The vilagers were upset that 20,000 Indians would regularly come and d
Documentary on Prabhupada's Palace built by the Hare Krishna devotees of New Vrindavan. This is a documentary produced by ITV (ISKCON Television). Includes interviews with Kirtanananda Swami.